Beware of cheap underperforming clones

As of 2023 there are many badly performing clones on the market. V2/3GHz NanoVNA uses parts like ADF4350 and AD8342 which are costly and clones have been cutting costs by using salvaged or reject parts.

See official store and look for V2 Plus4/V2 Plus4 Pro versions only to avoid getting a bad clone. We have stopped selling V2.2 versions since October 2020, so all V2 hardware that are not Plus or Plus4 are not made by us and we can not guarantee performance.

NanoVNA V2 Forum

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Subject Started by Replies Last post
T-Check with LabView NanoVNA John Galbreath 17 Replies 2021/09/21 10:43
by Joe Smith
nanaVNA TDR distance resolution Dave Brown 7 Replies 2021/09/14 20:59
by John Galbreath
problem with firmware update for nanovna v2 Scott KF7GGN 2 Replies 2021/09/12 04:05
by Vladimir Lebedev
File /Impedance Matching EBook - July 2021.pdf uploaded #file-notice NanoVNAV2 1 Replies 2021/09/08 17:02
by W0LEV
Too much noise in nanovna V2 faheem wani 6 Replies 2021/09/07 10:38
by Raj vu2zap
New V2Plus4 2 of 3 buttons don't work nanovna2rfe 18 Replies 2021/09/05 21:14
by David Bradley
Display shows vertical line D Solt 1 Replies 2021/09/02 19:42
by OwO
V2 Plus Firmware Joe Smith 16 Replies 2021/08/30 09:02
by Jim Lux
LabView NanoVNAm METRA FLORENT 1 Replies 2021/08/25 14:51
LabView NanoVNA John Galbreath 5 Replies 2021/08/25 05:06
by Lou W7HV
NanoVNA V2 - lower frequency limit Dirk 0 Replies 2021/08/24 02:26
by Dirk
Calibration with VNA-QT and with NanoVNA-saver Dirk 6 Replies 2021/08/24 02:11
by Dirk
DOA? la6gh 7 Replies 2021/08/23 10:06
by la6gh
Lab View Nano VNA system - transfer relay and negative resistance John Galbreath 5 Replies 2021/08/22 09:06
by Joe Smith
Totally Confused!!! but I finally got a driver to work! Ray 0 Replies 2021/08/22 09:52
by Ray
Spaghetti display fixed stevenmclark1 0 Replies 2021/08/21 21:56
by stevenmclark1
Driver issues Ray 0 Replies 2021/08/20 05:11
by Ray
nanoVNA-QT extrememly slow to respond to clicks Lou W7HV 4 Replies 2021/08/15 06:21
by Lou W7HV
capturing real and imaginary values of s11 and s21 jnv jc 4 Replies 2021/08/14 18:39
by David Eckhardt
Lab View Nano VNA system John Galbreath 6 Replies 2021/08/12 10:40
by Joe Smith
Clone or not? NanoVNA-F V2 n3cga 2 Replies 2021/08/11 09:14
by Alex
NanoVNA V2Plus4 requires extra sleep nanovna-saver on Linux #nanovna-saver sumpster 2 Replies 2021/08/11 07:24
by Jim Lux
NanoVNA V2.2 does not work Cal shows scribbled graph all over jaco.dutoit 5 Replies 2021/08/03 21:03
by N8AUM
Compared the nanoVNA 2 Plus4 to a FieldFox John AE5X 6 Replies 2021/08/03 03:46
by mce66
Relationship between step resolution and sweep range? TomS 5 Replies 2021/08/01 21:08
by DiSlord
PROCEDURES for MEASURING DM LOSS and CM ATTENUATION of CMCs Siegfried Jackstien 7 Replies 2021/08/01 12:04
by David Eckhardt
The Amplitude jumping issue Kurt Poulsen 7 Replies 2021/07/29 03:26
by Brian Flynn GM8BJF
Nano VNA Saver 3.9 canale 4 Replies 2021/07/28 00:37
by canale
Decided to buy the old v2 S-A-A-2. What are some good sources? The new V4 is awesome, but just too expensive for a college student heh. bling 2 Replies 2021/07/27 20:05
by OwO
Trouble with NANO VNA Saver TGundo 2003 9 Replies 2021/07/23 18:48
by John Zhong
vary output level John Galbreath 2 Replies 2021/07/21 17:47
by N8AUM
Odd readings--hardware issue? Charlie Lofgren 8 Replies 2021/07/21 05:56
by Lou W7HV
Set intermediate frequency and FIFO marc.jofre 1 Replies 2021/07/18 13:17
by Jim Allyn - N7JA
Raw data of the measurement marc.jofre 0 Replies 2021/07/17 23:24
by marc.jofre
Power output and P2 to P1 Cross Talk Weinreb, Sander 2 Replies 2021/07/13 14:44
by mce66
PDN measurement software Joe Smith 19 Replies 2021/07/11 13:11
by Joe Smith
V2 Plus4 firmware for measuring crystals ( OwO 5 Replies 2021/07/10 22:39
by Bobinuta Bobinel
NEED HELP!! How to log raw data from nanoVNA V2 real time! #nanovna-saver zhenghuanpeng 1 Replies 2021/07/09 15:36
by Joe Smith
automating NanoVNA saverRe: [nanovnav2] Python or Matlab file for nanoVNA SAA2 Jim Lux 2 Replies 2021/07/06 09:47
by Jim Lux
Python or Matlab file for nanoVNA SAA2 Khalid Ibne Masood K 2 Replies 2021/07/06 14:26
by Albert Kleyn
Crystal measurement limitations OwO 9 Replies 2021/07/06 04:36
by Tenko46T
NanoVNA V2 Plus4 - Pointing UHF Antenna DavidC KD4E 8 Replies 2021/07/05 21:49
by DavidC KD4E
Plus4 button and touch major issue, can only be used from a PC Andrea Massucco IZ1I 15 Replies 2021/07/05 07:14
by Jim Lux
VNA shootout John AE5X 38 Replies 2021/07/04 18:29
by Joe Smith
RTL SDR Input Impedance Esteban H 12 Replies 2021/07/05 00:32
by Jos Stevens
NanoVNA V2: What means "coherent bandwidth" ? Bobinuta Bobinel 1 Replies 2021/07/04 00:38
by OwO
powering without a battery installed Andrew 18 Replies 2021/07/04 07:30
by David J Taylor
V2plus4 Problems in Low-Frequency Narrowband Measurement Tenko46T 62 Replies 2021/07/02 08:39
by OwO
NanoVNAV2-firmware python issues skasdorf 0 Replies 2021/07/01 15:47
by skasdorf
Nanosaver lock_up Ambro_IW2FVO 16 Replies 2021/06/30 13:52
by Siegfried Jackstien
"You just lost the game." shows on the device listing for Win 10 Robert Mueller 20 Replies 2021/06/27 15:44
by Bobinuta Bobinel
How to input a file of Standards Calibrations to the LINUX version of NanoVNASaver? #nanovna-saver Hector Pascal 13 Replies 2021/06/26 04:54
by Kwacka
4" NanoVNA V2 Plus4 Received Teton Amateur Radio 2 Replies 2021/06/26 08:27
by David J Taylor
Plus4 out of stock Esteban H 35 Replies 2021/06/25 23:05
by andrew_salinas_
can I repair this V2 plus 4? barnc4br 15 Replies 2021/06/25 19:44
by barnc4br
Case or enclosure available for Plus4 paul.layt 1 Replies 2021/06/24 07:26
by Lou W7HV
RF / power specifications Thomas Abbott 1 Replies 2021/06/23 12:45
by Siegfried Jackstien
bandpass filter help Ambro_IW2FVO 6 Replies 2021/06/20 23:12
by Erich Kaltenbrunner
Teraterm is not responding kimu206 5 Replies 2021/06/17 10:03
by Khalid Ibne Masood K
NanoVNA V2 Linux no tty device #clones #nanovna-saver ol2tmx 2 Replies 2021/06/16 08:06
by ol2tmx
Help needed. Strange behavior of SSA V2.2 SA5NTK 3 Replies 2021/06/11 03:06
Information Julio Cesar Maunás 4 Replies 2021/06/09 06:39
by Esteban H
Power output sweinreb 6 Replies 2021/06/06 17:34
by Weinreb, Sander
MIFA wifi antenna tuning asharma 3 Replies 2021/06/04 11:43
by Siegfried Jackstien
can't start nanovna-qt tracecom 2 Replies 2021/06/02 17:15
by tracecom
Carrying case for V2 Plus4 Chris 29 Replies 2021/05/31 12:07
by Michał Frątczak
firmware for V2, it contain most features from H/H4 DiSlord 36 Replies 2021/05/31 10:02
by OwO
new revised document Kurt Poulsen 11 Replies 2021/05/30 10:41
by canale
NanoVNA V2 Plus 4 and Labview TomS 15 Replies 2021/05/29 11:28
by TomS
When will the device be in stock again? sumpster 2 Replies 2021/05/29 11:10
by OwO
Is NanoVNA v2 S-A-A-2 from original? Cartagena Alex 1 Replies 2021/05/29 11:08
by OwO
Alt Battery consideration endevite 0 Replies 2021/05/27 07:02
by endevite
Nano VNA App.V1.1.205 by OneOf Eleven canale 0 Replies 2021/05/26 01:48
by canale
Saved Marker Settings issue Lou W7HV 6 Replies 2021/05/22 17:32
by Lou W7HV
FPU OwO 4 Replies 2021/05/20 10:23
by DiSlord
Older Firmware hughie p 3 Replies 2021/05/19 21:42
by Vladimir Lebedev
New member hughie p 0 Replies 2021/05/19 12:03
by hughie p
NanoVNA Saver on Raspberry Pi Dieter Horst 1 Replies 2021/05/18 13:58
by Dieter Horst
NanoVNA-V2 --- trying to open metal #case DG7RBN 5 Replies 2021/05/16 13:55
S-A-A-2 N with 4-inch screen John Galbreath 5 Replies 2021/05/16 12:26
by Siegfried Jackstien
NanoVNA V2Plus4 connects to NanovnaQT but not Nanovna-saver PT 4 Replies 2021/05/13 00:27
by fedorov.robert
Using Matlab for the nano vna v2 ? FuLiiX 3 Replies 2021/05/07 22:59
by Scott
Enhnanced Response for S21 measurements mce66 39 Replies 2021/05/07 10:27
by martin.thornber
Plugged in it just jumps all over the place. Tried different plugs, no luck.. Absolutely over this rubbish. My unit is obviously faulty and I'll just get it replaced. Ashley French 4 Replies 2021/05/06 23:03
by Simon
2 'Giants' of the home RF world! martin.thornber 1 Replies 2021/05/06 13:44
by Dave Cole
What a cool device... Dave Cole 22 Replies 2021/05/06 09:05
by Lou W7HV
nanoVNA V2 Plus4 availability Giampaolo Bellini 0 Replies 2021/05/06 14:09
by Giampaolo Bellini
Put a measured trace in memory radio-bar 2 Replies 2021/05/06 04:25
by Lou W7HV
Firmware for V2 2_2 n4mf 3 Replies 2021/05/04 19:59
by Vladimir Lebedev
Question about V2 PLUS4 I can't find answers to barnc4br 30 Replies 2021/05/04 14:21
by ok1vaw
Where to buy (April 2021) Patricio Cohen 64 Replies 2021/05/04 18:00
by Toad Laurence
3.2" display VNA firmware update simone 3 Replies 2021/05/03 15:19
by simone
No device under Win10 Roger 18 Replies 2021/05/02 22:25
by Robert Mueller
n style load standard Galaxyhunter 9 Replies 2021/05/01 10:02
by Teton Amateur Radio
Indication of a no-contact antenna mount? K5ZN 4 Replies 2021/04/30 14:07
by Terry Nixon
Plus4 came today, works, but was deformed Markus Schrodt 4 Replies 2021/05/01 00:25
by OwO
Nano VNA V2 2_2 Touch screen rotated 180 degrees on startup after 20201013 firmware update? n4mf 6 Replies 2021/04/30 07:25
by n4mf
Command description for custom software??? tomseidel 0 Replies 2021/04/28 14:57
by tomseidel