switchabl 2020/09/17 15:57
if the left button doesn't work (NOTE: there is no indication on the screen, it stays white, but normally after power on with left button pressed you should be able to reflash with NanoVNA-QT), there is definitely something wrong. Reprogramming the boot loader MIGHT help. I don't know the particular device you linked, but it should do the job. I tried with the ST-Link on a Discovery board and I think that is more or less the same.
Yes, you connect GND, SWDIO, SWCLK and optionally NRST. I'd probably prefer soldering a pin header, but of course soldering the wires is fine.
This is the software you want: https://github.com/stlink-org/stlink/releases/tag/v1.6.1
(on Windows you may need the STM drivers as well: https://www.st.com/en/development-tools/stsw-link009.html )
The bootloader is here: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nanovna/NanoVNA-V2-firmware/master/bootloader/binary.hex
Check if the programmer and the chip is recognized with
> st-info.exe --probe
Flash with
> st-flash.exe --reset --format ihex write binary.hex
After that hopefully the left button works and you can flash the firmware normally. HOWEVER, the USB firmware update shouldn't touch the boot loader at all, so even if the update fails it shouldn't brick the device. So something else may be wrong.
On Wed, Sep 16, 2020 at 11:16 PM, mce66 wrote:
> Hello @switchabl,
> left button does not work. For SWD reprogramming, do you mean an object
> like THIS (
> https://www.amazon.it/ICQUANZX-Programmazione-ST-Link-Emulator-Downloader/dp/B07YX83NSL/ref=pd_sbs_107_1/257-0262107-5050819?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B07YX83NSL&pd_rd_r=bf5eac56-66cc-45ba-b76e-b8ec2dc0fa2b&pd_rd_w=SsgQr&pd_rd_wg=bBsQ1&pf_rd_p=85d7fa16-9140-48a8-92c7-6a88c9b2bb49&pf_rd_r=F1SWE4C5GAGT60T0VYXV&psc=1&refRID=F1SWE4C5GAGT60T0VYXV
> ) ? Is it a compex process? I guess I'll have to solder 3/4 wires (GND,
> SWDIO, SWCLK, NRST(?)), then install some SW (which?) on my PC to
> reprogram the Nano, and then ... ???
> Best regards, Marco.