Beware of cheap underperforming clones

As of 2023 there are many badly performing clones on the market. V2/3GHz NanoVNA uses parts like ADF4350 and AD8342 which are costly and clones have been cutting costs by using salvaged or reject parts.

See official store and look for V2 Plus4/V2 Plus4 Pro versions only to avoid getting a bad clone. We have stopped selling V2.2 versions since October 2020, so all V2 hardware that are not Plus or Plus4 are not made by us and we can not guarantee performance.

NanoVNA V2 Forum

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Subject Started by Replies Last post
Which Nanovna buy? 39 Replies 2021/06/15 10:52
by DiSlord
NanoVNA H4 vs V2.2 OneOfEleven 29 Replies 2020/11/08 21:14
by John Gord
Feature Request: is there Firmware for battery status on LCD? Neal AB6G 1 Replies 2024/11/13 01:38
by O-B-1
Question about NanoVNA software - save sweep configuration? nanov2support 0 Replies 2024/10/30 05:03
by nanov2support
Specs verified? Rick Giovanini 3 Replies 2024/10/26 07:49
by Jim Lux
NanoVNA v2 frequency resolution Kevin Zheng 5 Replies 2024/10/25 22:08
by nanov2support
NanoVNA V2 Plus4 -NOT PRO- FIRMWARE WITH CRYSTAL QUARZ MESUREMENTS Loris Bollina 4 Replies 2024/10/12 11:51
by Loris Bollina
Is the NanoVNA V2 Plus4 PRO available to buy? bernard.harris 9 Replies 2024/10/08 14:15
by Christopher AI6KG
Logarithmic freq sweep anywhere? Leif M 3 Replies 2024/09/27 14:25
by John Gord
Windows 11 - No COM Port Created Ralph Gable 4 Replies 2024/09/15 10:51
by Chris Spacone
Help Needed: Measuring Complex Permittivity and Permeability Using Anritsu 37369C VNA Aldhafyans 5 Replies 2024/09/15 16:22
by Brian Morrison
Smith 4.1 cocopuppy 0 Replies 2024/09/13 16:36
by cocopuppy
Nano VNA for Antenna Measurements Dave 10 Replies 2024/08/27 11:12
by Jim Lux
Win11 not loading driver, VNA6000 white screen Howard Hoyt 5 Replies 2024/08/22 18:45
by Howard Hoyt
What is the output power of V2.2 or V2.4 at 3MHz? Leif M 1 Replies 2024/08/14 22:02
NanoVNA Measurement Issue #v2 melih.akalin 3 Replies 2024/08/13 15:32
by Noel
by W4JDY1953_G
Battery does not hold charge - brand new unit! nanov2support 3 Replies 2024/08/06 15:09
by Mike C.
USB Device Connection Failure Chris Spacone 3 Replies 2024/07/28 09:16
by nanov2support
HP and NARDA ATTENUATORS W0LEV 9 Replies 2024/07/25 12:23
by Brian Morrison
Firmware for NanoVNA V2plus4 David J Taylor 23 Replies 2024/07/15 17:44
by Dragan Milivojevic
unable to update firmware on new VNA6000 A Galli Valeria 9 Replies 2024/07/08 05:45
by Galli Valeria
How to get data about the phase about S11 and S21 parameter ndashishyadav 2 Replies 2024/07/06 09:07
by Jim Lux
replacement of the nanovna v2 display netcovali 1 Replies 2024/07/05 01:31
by fhassanwasi
S11 issue with NanoVNA V2_2 Laps 6 Replies 2024/07/04 17:26
by Laps
V2 Plus4 Pro and NanoVNASaver Leo Baumann 0 Replies 2024/07/04 13:22
by Leo Baumann
NanoVNA QT Updates? darius 0 Replies 2024/07/04 01:34
by darius
(NanoVNA V2) noisy results using VNASaver but not VNA _QT Karam 0 Replies 2024/07/01 08:04
by Karam
firmware 20201013 hangs on 2.2 Wojtek SP9WPN 4 Replies 2024/06/30 00:56
by sp5iou
Missing resistor or capacitor after solded out port 1 connector WaMa 6 Replies 2024/06/29 07:35
by Lou W7HV
Please add me to your distribution rahoelz 0 Replies 2024/06/27 11:08
by rahoelz
Thank you for admitting Alberto Bocus 0 Replies 2024/06/26 16:03
by Alberto Bocus
New S-A-A-2 variant seen on taobao OwO 13 Replies 2024/06/26 06:43
by Alberto Bocus
I think I blew port 1 on my V2 Plus4 Lou W7HV 18 Replies 2024/06/26 02:33
by WaMa
Membership Tim (KO6BNL) 0 Replies 2024/06/25 16:40
by Tim (KO6BNL)
Nanovna v2 plus 4 main board Arturo LU6ETB 1 Replies 2024/06/15 08:40
by zeljko adzic
factory calibartion? hb9 iiu 1 Replies 2024/05/23 23:00
by nanov2support
nanoVNA v2plus5 : RBW register Yohan Le Diraison 3 Replies 2024/05/12 09:18
by lodge_shiatsu0h
IFBW change on NanoVNA V2 plus4 (+4) lodge_shiatsu0h 0 Replies 2024/05/08 02:41
by lodge_shiatsu0h
log sweep on nanoVna saver biastee 0 Replies 2024/04/28 22:11
by biastee
Fw: Spectrum of CW output on NanoVNA V2 Plus4 W0FAA - JJ 3 Replies 2024/04/02 14:01
by Rob Rowlands NZ6J
Original Firware on NanoRFE VNA6000A rmerrouchi 0 Replies 2024/04/02 13:11
by rmerrouchi
Firmware question Lou W7HV 2 Replies 2024/04/02 12:45
by Lou W7HV
No output power control on NanoVNA V2 Plus5 j.a.e.rosenberg 2 Replies 2024/04/02 06:42
by Jim Lux
Tuning 440 duplexers with V2 Plus4 Pro Rob Rowlands NZ6J 66 Replies 2024/03/29 21:04
by Rob Rowlands NZ6J
Where is the vna_qt.exe Windows Installer? Mark Lund 4 Replies 2024/03/26 17:38
by Dave (G1OGY)
More calibration files? In SD card? Leif M 0 Replies 2024/03/25 15:09
by Leif M
Nanovna2 sma broken iw4ehj 7 Replies 2024/03/22 08:08
by stevenmclark1
NanoVNAV2 Plus4 broken below 140MHz Maciej 8 Replies 2024/03/18 01:35
by Maciej
N Connectors for V4 plus pro? Rob Rowlands NZ6J 6 Replies 2024/03/14 06:56
by n4ua
Nanovna v2 plus 4 spare parts Arturo LU6ETB 3 Replies 2024/03/10 23:59
by Siegfried Jackstien
Nanovna v2 plus 4 main board schematic Arturo LU6ETB 12 Replies 2024/03/07 22:59
by Arturo LU6ETB
Any new HW version coming? Leif M 20 Replies 2024/03/01 18:10
by Siegfried Jackstien
Battery not changing ? Anne Ranch 8 Replies 2024/02/25 04:36
by Frédéric Germain
NanoVNA Saver 32 Bit W5ZN 1 Replies 2024/02/19 23:13
by Vladimir Lebedev
Error Msg connecting NanoVNA V2 plus4 to VNA QT HB 6 Replies 2024/02/09 09:50
The manual could have some more info about ELECTRICAL DELAY Leif M 0 Replies 2024/02/08 15:19
by Leif M
Anymore Firmware Updates? Anthony - N2KI 2 Replies 2024/02/08 00:19
Nano VNA-H and Nano VNA-H4 Bill Endres 0 Replies 2024/01/23 18:03
by Bill Endres
Which FW for V2 plus4? Charles Luther, N8DD 3 Replies 2024/01/22 23:52
Software for generating a full 2 Port (S11 S21 S12 S22) S-Parameter Touchstone.s2p file from 2 separate single path VNA data sets. KX4PQ 0 Replies 2024/01/21 19:57
by KX4PQ
White screen of death android 16 Replies 2024/01/20 21:56
by android
New V4 owner question KevinH 1 Replies 2024/01/12 23:03
by nanov2support
Hello from new user, and a question sulaiman000001 5 Replies 2024/01/05 18:29
by Jim Lux
Measuring WIFI/ Antenas that are Over 1500mhz ? Zkiitszo 1 Replies 2024/01/05 07:52
by nanov2support
QT Software Dan Swanson 0 Replies 2024/01/01 08:15
by Dan Swanson
Trouble with QT software Dan Swanson 0 Replies 2024/01/01 07:02
by Dan Swanson
Alternative Official Store PChemGuy 0 Replies 2024/01/01 05:21
by PChemGuy
Help - NanoVNA Saver Eric Bjornsen 1 Replies 2023/12/29 10:01
by nanov2support
Issue with calibration and S11 parameter shlomi.bouscher 4 Replies 2023/12/28 13:59
by Bob W0EG
new to nanovna William Glendinning 3 Replies 2023/12/27 18:09
by William Glendinning
How to save S21 with continuous export feature of the NanoVNA-QT? ysfplt3834 0 Replies 2023/12/26 05:52
by ysfplt3834
NanoVNA for antena tuning Gox 6 Replies 2023/12/24 23:12
by Siegfried Jackstien
Request for source of the SOLT calibration method equations nanov2support 4 Replies 2023/12/19 23:23
by nanov2support
Is AURSINC selling authentic V2 Plus4 hardware? #clones Jeremy Elson 11 Replies 2023/12/19 08:45
by Butchie_T - KAØWWT
Question about writing to FIFO in Matlab shlomi.bouscher 4 Replies 2023/12/17 08:56
by shlomi.bouscher
Repairable? John KN4TYK 7 Replies 2023/12/10 21:12
by nanov2support
Display problem Tom W8JI 4 Replies 2023/12/09 08:21
by Wolfgang DJ4QV
Input Impedance of Port 2 frederick.brown 13 Replies 2023/12/07 00:20
by frederick.brown
SWR display on nano H4 Joe in Missouri 17 Replies 2023/12/05 12:10
by Joe in Missouri
Nano VNA V2 Plus4 Pro Questions Dan Judd - N7QXB 1 Replies 2023/12/01 07:45
by nanov2support
Nano VNA V2 Plus4 pro inotech 7 Replies 2023/11/27 12:53
by inotech
Lower output from S11 or CH0 port? Leif M 12 Replies 2023/11/26 12:19
by Siegfried Jackstien
New To Group and the NanoVNA Tim 1 Replies 2023/11/18 22:38
by John Gord
NanoVNA V2 Plus (V2.3) display upgrade Michael (R1BLH) 3 Replies 2023/11/16 10:03
by W4JDY1953_G
Where to buy a new display to my 4" NanoVNA V2 Plus4 ake 14 Replies 2023/11/07 06:21
by Vladimir Lebedev
calibration problem Ray 2 Replies 2023/11/02 00:49
by Vladimir Lebedev
Firmware update for v2 plus4? Zik 21 Replies 2023/10/24 23:50
Any way to backup the currently installed firmware of the NanoVNA V2? Sam Reaves 19 Replies 2023/10/21 13:37
V4Plus vs. Pro: Bandwidth grusont 2 Replies 2023/10/18 18:39
by grusont
Tool for saving the current version of firmware? Sam Reaves 2 Replies 2023/10/16 02:13
by nanov2support
measuring Output Z of VNA Re: [nanovnav2] SAA2-N Damaged By Static On Antenna? Jim Lux 0 Replies 2023/10/12 17:38
by Jim Lux
SAA2-N Damaged By Static On Antenna? Ken 6 Replies 2023/10/11 13:05
by Ken
Source code for any version of NanoVNA V2 Plus4 Pro firmware? Yves 0 Replies 2023/10/09 07:31
by Yves
Saving calibration to a file - NanoVNA V2 Plus 4 Michał Frątczak 1 Replies 2023/10/09 07:00
by nanov2support
Default settings other than 50 ohms? jf08056 1 Replies 2023/10/02 19:35
by nanov2support
V2 Plus4 Failure Emir Memic 1 Replies 2023/09/27 07:32
by nanov2support
Measuring chokes.../alligator test leads SOL Richard Hill 16 Replies 2023/09/26 16:45
by W0LEV
Using same Cal-files in vna_qt_windows and NanoVNASaver.x64 Leif M 0 Replies 2023/09/22 14:38
by Leif M