Marc RIVIERE 2025/01/12 10:59
Difficult to say...
I think the nanovna should work when the charger is connected, even if the
battery is dead (except short-circuit ! ).
I have a SAA V2 nanovna for a very long time. There is no problem with the
It would be necessary to measure the voltage of the battery.
> **envoy e :** 11 janvier 2025 a 17:05
> **de :** "Anne Ranch via" <>
> **a :**
> **objet :** [nanovnav2] Changing dead battery - how long to life ?
> I have " resurrected" \- long unused , nano vna and upon connecting to my PC
USB I get ONE steady green LED and no response from "lsusb"...
> No LCD display at all...
> I have connected to "regular" USB charger with same effect - no life...
> Assuming dead battery - how long should it take to vna to show any life ?
> The USB cable I am using used to work just peachy...
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