nanov2support 2024/11/24 06:12
Hi, these symptoms could still be a touch calibration issue, since touch calibration corrects both offset and scaling. Can you try performing the touch calibration again and saving the calibration through CONFIG / SAVE?
On Sat, Nov 23, 2024 at 4:51 PM Neal AB6G via ( ) <nealix= > wrote:
> I am a new user, and flashed Dislord FW V1.3.25 onto my new V2 Plus4 so
> that I could
> use Dislord's NanoVNA-App, and the windows app is working great.
> However, if trying to use the NanoVNA V2Plus4 as a standalone unit with
> it's touch
> screen, none of the menu buttons line up properly. It's not just a screen
> calibration
> shift, since you try to touch one button, and it highlights a higher up
> button, and then
> try to touch another button, and it highlights a lower down button on the
> screen.
> My V2 Plus4 is from the official Tindie store, and works fine with factory
> firmware.
> Has anyone seen this behavior? Is there a solution? I want to be able
> to use the
> V2Plus4 standalone, but also use Dislord's NanoVNA-App on windows 10.
> Thanks for any mentoring or guidance,
> Neal