I have a NanoVNA V2 PLUS4 v2.4.
The vna_qt app can export a csv file with content similar to the example below.
Can I make use of the four columns after frequency to calculate a complex impedance as a real and imaginary capacitance or inductance.
I’m looking for results in the format of 26.7 Ohms, 32.13 pF.
I feel like I should know this, but I have run out of time at the moment, so I’m hoping someone can make it easy for me! Lol!
Freq (MHz) re(S11) im(S11) re(Z) im(Z)
1 -0.35867 0.87787 1.924 33.549
1.05 -0.28729 0.90268 2.076 36.517
1.1 -0.21466 0.92313 2.186 39.661
1.15 -0.14315 0.93639 2.351 42.882
1.2 -0.06984 0.94436 2.537 46.375
1.25 0.00211 0.94771 2.689 50.039