Beware of cheap underperforming clones

As of 2023 there are many badly performing clones on the market. V2/3GHz NanoVNA uses parts like ADF4350 and AD8342 which are costly and clones have been cutting costs by using salvaged or reject parts.

See official store and look for V2 Plus4/V2 Plus4 Pro versions only to avoid getting a bad clone. We have stopped selling V2.2 versions since October 2020, so all V2 hardware that are not Plus or Plus4 are not made by us and we can not guarantee performance.

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Vna_qt app exports

Scot Mcclellan, AE0Z 2025/02/08 21:17

I have a NanoVNA V2 PLUS4 v2.4.
The vna_qt app can export a csv file with content similar to the example below.
Can I make use of the four columns after frequency to calculate a complex impedance as a real and imaginary capacitance or inductance.
I’m looking for results in the format of 26.7 Ohms, 32.13 pF.
I feel like I should know this, but I have run out of time at the moment, so I’m hoping someone can make it easy for me! Lol!
Freq (MHz) re(S11) im(S11) re(Z) im(Z)
1 -0.35867 0.87787 1.924 33.549
1.05 -0.28729 0.90268 2.076 36.517
1.1 -0.21466 0.92313 2.186 39.661
1.15 -0.14315 0.93639 2.351 42.882
1.2 -0.06984 0.94436 2.537 46.375
1.25 0.00211 0.94771 2.689 50.039

Marc RIVIERE 2025/02/09 22:22


I am not sure if I understand well.

The resistance is equal to re(Z).

The im(Z) is a reactance.

If im(Z) > 0, im(Z) = L * omega = L * 2 * pi * f ==> L = im(Z) / (2 * pi *f)

If im(Z) < 0, im(Z) = 1 / (C * 2 *pi * f) ==> C = 1 / ( im(Z) * 2 * pi * f) )

For instance, for the first line, R = 1.924 ohm et L = 5.33957 µH

I hope this answers to your question.

> envoye : 9 fevrier 2025 a 06:17
> de : "Scot Mcclellan, AE0ZF via" <>
> a :
> objet : [nanovnav2] Vna_qt app exports
> I have a NanoVNA V2 PLUS4 v2.4.
> The vna_qt app can export a csv file with content similar to the example
> Can I make use of the four columns after frequency to calculate a complex
impedance as a real and imaginary capacitance or inductance.
> I'm looking for results in the format of 26.7 Ohms, 32.13 pF.
> I feel like I should know this, but I have run out of time at the moment, so
I'm hoping someone can make it easy for me! Lol!
> Freq (MHz) re(S11) im(S11) re(Z) im(Z)
> 1 -0.35867 0.87787 1.924 33.549
> 1.05 -0.28729 0.90268 2.076 36.517
> 1.1 -0.21466 0.92313 2.186 39.661
> 1.15 -0.14315 0.93639 2.351 42.882
> 1.2 -0.06984 0.94436 2.537 46.375
> 1.25 0.00211 0.94771 2.689 50.039


* * *

rahoelz 2025/02/09 22:39

What you have is an impedance expressed as a resistance in series with a reactance, Z= R + jX. The re(Z) is the resistance and the im(Z) is the jX. For example, the value at 1 MHz is 1.924 +J33.549 ohms. This is a resistance of 1.924 ohms in series with an inductance of 33.549 ohms. If you want to know the value of the inductor, use the equation Xl= 2*3.14159*F*L. You know Xl=33.549, and at 1 MHz, 2 times 3.14159 (pi) time 1 MHz is 6.28318 million. Do the calculation and L= 5.34 micro-Henries.

If im(Z) is a negative number, it means it is a capacitor Z=R-jX. Remember Xc=1/(2*3.14159*F*C). So, to find the value of C, solve the equation. C=1/(2*3.14159*F*Xc).

I don't know if this is something you measured, but it looks like an inductor. The Q of the inductor is Xl/R. In this case the Q=17.44. Not a very high Q inductor.

You can convert a series resistance Rs and Xs to a parallel resistance and parallel Xp using the following equations.

Rp=Rs*(Qs*Qs+1) and Xp=Xs*(Qs*Qs+1)/(Qs*Qs) where Qs=Xs/Rs.

Hope this helps.



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