I have a NanoVNA V2 Plus 4 with serial number 35552083-00063333-35343234.
It worked fine for several years and I normally use NanoVNASaver.
I upgraded the firmware from 20220814 to 20250121.
After that I noticed strange behavior of the traces in NanoVNASaver while
the traces on the built-in screen are normal and show reliable measurement
results. The results in NanoVNASAver did not correspond anymore with the
results on the in-built screen.
I downgraded the firmware to 20220814 but the strange behavior remained.
To find out what was going on I checked the data from the USB serial port
and found that the s11 data are strange. Many data points showed something
like 0j or -2.-2.j
Is there anything I can do to restore the normal behavior of the USB data
stream. As far as I can conclude from what I see on the built-in screen the
RF circuits and the calculation of the results is OK. It seems to be just
the USB datastream that acts strangely.
Of course I already tried to use another USB cable and another PC, but that
did not make any difference. I also disconnected the battery in the device,
but also no difference.
Any ideas what to do?
Regards, Jos