Beware of cheap underperforming clones

As of 2023 there are many badly performing clones on the market. V2/3GHz NanoVNA uses parts like ADF4350 and AD8342 which are costly and clones have been cutting costs by using salvaged or reject parts.

See official store and look for V2 Plus4/V2 Plus4 Pro versions only to avoid getting a bad clone. We have stopped selling V2.2 versions since October 2020, so all V2 hardware that are not Plus or Plus4 are not made by us and we can not guarantee performance.

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how to measure cable losses ?

boka814 2025/03/11 04:02

Hello !  How to measure cable losses ?
The NanoVNA is calibrated in the range 500 - 700 MHz.
When the 20 cm long cable from the kit is connected, it shows a line rising smoothly up from left to right.
In this case at 500 MHz it shows an attenuation of about 17 dB, at 700 MHz it shows about 13 dB.
How to Determine the real attenuation in this cable ?

Bob W0EG 2025/03/11 12:11

Not sure that is a valid measurement configuration. You need a thru path as
well as open and short. Try calibrating with one of the short cables
attached to port 2. then add the test cable from port 1 to the end of the
cable attached to port 2.

On Tue, Mar 11, 2025 at 11:59 AM boka814 via <boka814=> wrote:

W0LEV 2025/03/11 16:54

To measure other cable losses, you MUST complete a OSLT - Open, Short,
50-ohm Load, AND a Through (Port 1 to Port 2) calibration. You standard
for the Through cal. IS the PROVIDED CABLE. Once the OSLAT cal. is
completed and stored properly, you can make good measurements of other
cable losses by connecting them in place of the cal. standard.

Dave - WØLEV

On Tue, Mar 11, 2025 at 3:59 PM boka814 via <boka814=> wrote:

> Hello ! How to measure cable losses ?
> The NanoVNA is calibrated in the range 500 - 700 MHz.
> When the 20 cm long cable from the kit is connected, it shows a line
> rising smoothly up from left to right.
> In this case at 500 MHz it shows an attenuation of about 17 dB, at 700 MHz
> it shows about 13 dB.
> How to Determine the real attenuation in this cable ?


*Dave - WØLEV*

Brian Morrison 2025/03/11 17:35

On Tue, 11 Mar 2025 04:02:32 -0700
"boka814 via" <> wrote:

> Hello !  How to measure cable losses ?
> The NanoVNA is calibrated in the range 500 - 700 MHz.
> When the 20 cm long cable from the kit is connected, it shows a line
> rising smoothly up from left to right. In this case at 500 MHz it
> shows an attenuation of about 17 dB, at 700 MHz it shows about 13 dB.
> How to Determine the real attenuation in this cable ?

You are looking at S11, not S21, so you are seeing the return loss of
the cable not its insertion loss.


Brian Morrison

Robin Midgett 2025/03/11 12:52

In the case you've presented, you're measuring the S11 (return loss) or Log
Mag of channel 1 of your nanoVNA...not what you say you want.
If you want to measure cable loss, you need to measure the S21 parameter.
This message in the is helpful:, as is this video:
W2AEW has excellent videos on using the nanoVNA, and other test
instruments; highly recommended.

Robin Midgett K4IDC

On Tue, Mar 11, 2025 at 10:59 AM boka814 via <boka814=> wrote:

Kevin Zheng 2025/03/11 09:15

Hi boka814:

I can't tell very clearly from your picture because your resolution is
too low for me to make out the text.

Are you measuring S11/S22 or S21?


Kevin Zheng
Ph.D. Candidate, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
University of California, Berkeley

Tom W8JI 2025/03/11 19:33

You can't have a cable loss of ~17dB in that short of a cable that
smoothly decreases to 13dB at a higher frequency. You are using the
wrong parameter, probably  return loss (which is really another way of
expressing SWR or deviation from a target impedance at the source
terminals. You must be reading S11.

The correct parameter would be either transmission loss of S12 or S21
(depending on transmission direction). I think in these you are limited
to S21.

On 3/11/2025 7:02 AM, boka814 via wrote:
> Hello !  How to measure cable losses ?
> The NanoVNA is calibrated in the range 500 - 700 MHz.
> When the 20 cm long cable from the kit is connected, it shows a line
> rising smoothly up from left to right.
> In this case at 500 MHz it shows an attenuation of about 17 dB, at 700
> MHz it shows about 13 dB.
> How to Determine the real attenuation in this cable ?

This email has been checked for viruses by AVG antivirus software.

cocopuppy 2025/03/11 19:40

Calibrate using another cable both ports (thru) then add you cable and measure it. If you calibrate the thru path, that should show “zero” then the loss will be “your” cable



Bob W0EG 2025/03/12 04:37

Just to clarify one point. After the OSLT calibration, the cable used must
remain in place. The screen should the show a flat line at zero dB. The
cable to be measured is then placed inline between the called out cable and
the VNA port. You will need an adapter. My preferred method is to keep
the two provided cables connected to the VNA at all times, the calibrate
OSLT to remove the cables from the measurements. This also saves where on
the VNA’s connectors.

For most use cases for this VNA, the provided cal set is sufficient. For
lab grade measurements, particularly at microwave frequencies, precision
cal standards are used and there parameters are entered into the VNA as
part of the calibration process. For example, the THRU cal standard will
have some non zero length and that must be backed out for a precise cal.
Not too important at typical amateur radio frequencies.

On Tue, Mar 11, 2025 at 11:29 PM W0LEV via <davearea51a=> wrote:

Alex Pister 2025/03/12 15:48

Hello Robin,

thank you for the links.

From the video I realized what the problem was : my version of the device does
not have the S21 label in the upper left corner, which misled me.

And my version of device has many significant differences compared to the
device in the video.

But now I was able to measure cable losses - thank you very much !


**Gesendet:** Dienstag, 11. März 2025 um 18:52

**Von:** "Robin Midgett via" <>


**Betreff:** Re: [nanovnav2] how to measure cable losses ?

In the case you've presented, you're measuring the S11 (return loss) or Log
Mag of channel 1 of your nanoVNA...not what you say you want.

If you want to measure cable loss, you need to measure the S21 parameter. This
message in the []( is helpful:
<>, as is this video:

W2AEW has excellent videos on using the nanoVNA, and other test instruments;
highly recommended.


Robin Midgett K4IDC

On Tue, Mar 11, 2025 at 10:59 AM boka814 via [](
<boka814=[](> wrote:

> Hello ! How to measure cable losses ?
> The NanoVNA is calibrated in the range 500 - 700 MHz.
> When the 20 cm long cable from the kit is connected, it shows a line rising
smoothly up from left to right.
> In this case at 500 MHz it shows an attenuation of about 17 dB, at 700 MHz
it shows about 13 dB.


> How to Determine the real attenuation in this cable ?





* * *

Jim Lux 2025/03/12 18:43

I'd point out that you can make a one port measurement of the loss, if the far end is an open or short (perfect reflection). The one way loss is half the two way loss.

Robin Midgett 2025/03/12 15:49

You're welcome, sir.

On Wed, Mar 12, 2025, 10:59 AM Alex Pister via <boka814=> wrote:

Tom W8JI 2025/03/13 07:27

We should point out using return loss (which is really derived from an
SWR or impedance error measurement) is only a "better than nothing" way
to determine transmission line loss. The accuracy is not even remotely
as good as a two port transmission loss. There is a pile of things that
can cause errors.

I did it in the MFJ analyzers only because it was a single port device.
There was no better option at that time.

73 Tom

On 3/12/2025 2:43 PM, Jim Lux via wrote:

Alex Pister 2025/03/13 06:44

I have 2 versions of the NanoVNA right now : one closed case and one semi-open case. I have watched some videos on the internet and the interface of many NanoVNAs is different from mine.
The one that is semi-open has version 0.2.3-2-e8ac9166 and the release date is 2019. Perhaps there is a much newer firmware for this device, but I haven't finde it.
They write that the market is full of VNA knockoffs and when you try to upgrade, they get bricked. How do I check my devices for legitimacy ?

Basically, this model does not quite suit me, as I also need the 2.4 GHz band. Some models are sold on the Internet have operating frequencies up to 6 GHz, but they cost a couple of 250-300 euros, but such devices are excessive for my purposes. I found a VNA up to 3 GHz for 104 euros. Maybe someone has seen more cheaper ? Thanks

Alex Pister 2025/03/13 06:49

They say that the VNA can be connected to PC. I downloaded and installed one application on Windows 10, but for some reason it does not recognize the connected VNA.
Does anyone know a reliable application for PC ?  Thank you

Alex Pister 2025/03/13 06:56

Unfortunately, VNAs cannot measure power over 10 dBm and it is written that its inputs are very sensitive to static.
Perhaps someone has found a solution for these problems ?

Jim Lux 2025/03/13 17:12

Attenuators and transient suppressors.
Install them, and cal with them inside the cal plane.
People have been measuring high power amplifiers with VNAs that tolerate only milliwatts for decades. It's all a matter of fixtures.

Jim Lux 2025/03/13 17:28

How so "not remotely as good" for cables with not too much loss (say, <10-15 dB)

If the S11 measurement has some uncertainty, then the two way loss measurement has that uncertainty. Dividing the loss by 2 doesn't change the percentage uncertainty. These VNAs don't have markedly different uncertainty between the reflected and thru paths - they're all using the same receiver, and in a reflection measurement from an unterminated cable, the SNR of the reflection measurement is pretty good. The same is true of the Thru measurement - high SNR.

(Unless the cable is truly horrible - if it has 30 dB of loss, yeah, the reflection measurement will be -60 dB, and that is getting down in the noise, vs still good SNR for the thru measurement at -30)

Most of the VNAs have reasonably good (few percent-ish) uncertainties even with a reflective load (after all, you're close to a cal value).

I would think the real question would be whether the far end is really a perfect short or open. I would think that for an HF measurement, the error is "small", for microwave "not small". e.g. what's the S11 of an open SMA plug vs an actual calibration open? I'd expect a bit more C than a "cut the transmission line off square to the end" because you have a 1/2 cm long "air dielectric" transmission line between the center and the coupling nut (which moves).

The other thing you can do with a swept S11 is do an inverse FFT and look at the timedomain response, which can reveal oddities in the cable.

Marc RIVIERE 2025/03/13 18:39


What VNA do you have ?

I have a somewhat older SAA2 VNA but it works fine on a PC (vna_qt software).
This software allows, among other things, to modify the output power. That is
what it says but this function doesn't work.

> **envoy e :** 13 mars 2025 a 14:49
> **de :** "Alex Pister via" <>
> **a :**
> **objet :** Re: [nanovnav2] how to measure cable losses ?




> They say that the VNA can be connected to PC. I downloaded and installed one
application on Windows 10, but for some reason it does not recognize the
connected VNA.
> Does anyone know a reliable application for PC ? Thank you


* * *

Tom ai4th 2025/03/13 10:43

I've used VNA saver for years.
73, Tom ai4th

Tom W8JI 2025/03/14 12:58

S11 is really just derived from a measurement of the impedance deviation
from the calibrated or normalized port impedance. It is NOT a direct
measurement of loss, it is simply a measurement derived from operating
impedance error at the port.

It is a horrible way to determine loss, especially when cable loss is
low or the cable system under test is imperfect or non-constant impedance.

The most accurate way to measure loss is to directly measure loss. A
calibrated S12 or S21 transmission loss would directly measure cable
loss instead of relying on a measurement of impedance at one point in
the system (the port). We know the power going into the line, we know
the power out the other end of the line. The S12 or S21  is far more
direct than extracting loss from  S11.

73 Tom

On 3/13/2025 1:28 PM, Jim Lux via wrote:

Ken 2025/03/14 17:41

Re: how to measure cable losses ?
From: Tom W8JI
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2025 08:58:55 PDT

We should point out using return loss (which is really derived from an
SWR or impedance error measurement) is only a "better than nothing" way
to determine transmission line loss. The accuracy is not even remotely
as good as a two port transmission loss. There is a pile of things that
can cause errors.

If the cable is several hundred feet long and already installed, you
can't easily make a two-port measurement. An alternative might be to
measure the incident power at the load end for a known incident power at
the generator end. The one port VNA Return Loss might be just as

I need to do that tomorrow.


Sent From My Desktop Via EMClient.

Tom W8JI 2025/03/15 09:10

"If the cable is several hundred feet long and already installed, you
can't easily make a two-port measurement. An alternative might be to
measure the incident power at the load end for a known incident power at
the generator end. The one port VNA Return Loss might be just as accurate."

There is not any way it can be just as accurate or reliable in general
use. It is a better than nothing way of determining loss because it is
not a direct measurement of what we want to know.

A one port S11 measurement is just an impedance measurement at one point
in the system. Many things can be indirectly derived from that impedance
measurement, but the starting point is always operating impedance. The
most comfortable area in that measurement is around 50 ohms or whatever
the idealized impedance would be. That would be with high loss cable,
and the cable would have to be exactly 50 ohms or whatever the
normalized impedance.

Lower cable loss results in an increasing impedance (zero loss would be
infinite impedance). With frequency changes the impedance moves around
the outer edge of a Smith Chart circle. That isn't an accurate place to be.

With a direct loss measurement (S21 or S12) we still have loss errors
with a 50-ohm source driving a cable that might not be exactly 50-ohms
(because it includes source mismatch errors as a part of cable loss) but
it is a smaller error and the basic measurement is at least it is a
direct measurement of what we want to know.

The measurement convenience of being at one end of the cable does not
mean some indirect measurement at extreme of detector range is suddenly
"accurate". It might be the only easy way to "measure" the cable loss,
but S11 is an indirect method based on normalized impedance error at one
point in the system.

73 Tom

On 3/14/2025 1:41 PM, Ken via wrote:
> 1a.
> *Re: how to measure cable losses ?*
> From: Tom W8JI
> <>
> Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2025 08:58:55 PDT
> We should point out using return loss (which is really derived from an
> SWR or impedance error measurement) is only a "better than nothing"
> way to determine transmission line loss. The accuracy is not even
> remotely as good as a two port transmission loss. There is a pile of
> things that can cause errors.
> If the cable is several hundred feet long and already installed, you
> can't easily make a two-port measurement. An alternative might be to
> measure the incident power at the load end for a known incident power
> at the generator end. The one port VNA Return Loss might be just as
> accurate.
> I need to do that tomorrow.
> -ken-
> Sent From My Desktop Via EMClient.

This email has been checked for viruses by AVG antivirus software.

Bob W0EG 2025/03/15 12:50

Agreed, however, a one-port measurement on a long cable run can still be
useful. The scaler form of S11 is often represented as Return Loss in dB.
To me that is a more intuitive representation of performance than VSWR.
Return Loss is the difference between forward power and reflected power
(power returning back to the source). If you place a good short on the far
end of the line, ideally all power would be reflected back and the return
loss would be zero dB. If the return loss is 6 dB, then half of the total
power is lost in the system, so the line loss would be 3 dB. It doesn’t
matter where in the line or how the losses occur. You just want to have an
idea of how much of your transmitter’s power will reach the antenna.

To keep your transmitter safe and happy, a return loss of 20dB is
considered good (1.2:1 VSWR). If the return loss is less than 10 dB
(1.92:1 VSWR) maybe time to do something to improve it.

On Fri, Mar 14, 2025 at 11:59 PM Tom W8JI via <w8ji=> wrote:

Dave VE3TLY 2025/03/15 14:08

This discussion on the measurement of matched loss encouraged me to re-read an article by John Stanley K4ERO ("Precautions When Using the Return Loss Method of Measuring Coax Loss", QEX, January/February 2022, pp. 21-22). John comments that the S21 direct method is preferred but that the S11 method might be more convenient especially with long cables.

John demonstrates that an accurate measurement of matched loss using S11 requires two measurements: one with the cable shorted, the other with an open circuit termination. If the two measurements are averaged at each frequency, then the calculated matched loss will be very close to that measured directly using S21.


cocopuppy 2025/03/15 20:33

Here is a good video on cable loss with a Nano VNA

Tom W8JI 2025/03/15 23:48

"John demonstrates that an accurate measurement of matched loss using
S11 requires two measurements: one with the cable shorted, the other
with an open circuit termination. If the two measurements are averaged
at each frequency, then the calculated matched loss will be very close
to that measured directly using S21."

Absolutely. That helps weed out the errors, but there is one other
problem not mentioned. That problem is the error between cable impedance
and the normalized impedance of the impedance measuring system used to
produce an S11 impedance error and from that impedance error an
expression of return loss (which is just another way of describing SWR).

For a period of time I characterized cables, including impedance and
loss, for a coaxial cable manufacturer. An S11 is better than no
measurement at all, but it is full of variables that cause errors. There
is only one error in an S21 for cable loss as long as the cable is the
same impedance as the instrument calibration. If not that shows up as
attenuation ripple.

A direct measurement of loss is always better than using the operating
impedance error to calculate loss, especially when cable loss is low.

73 Tom

On 3/15/2025 5:08 PM, Dave VE3TLY via wrote:
> This discussion on the measurement of matched loss encouraged me to
> re-read an article by John Stanley K4ERO ("Precautions When Using the
> Return Loss Method of Measuring Coax Loss", QEX, January/February
> 2022, pp. 21-22). John comments that the S21 direct method is
> preferred but that the S11 method might be more convenient especially
> with long cables.
> John demonstrates that an accurate measurement of matched loss using
> S11 requires two measurements: one with the cable shorted, the other
> with an open circuit termination. If the two measurements are averaged
> at each frequency, then the calculated matched loss will be very close
> to that measured directly using S21.
> 73
> Dave VE3TLY

This email has been checked for viruses by AVG antivirus software.

Dave VE3TLY 2025/03/16 09:32

Thanks, that's in interesting comment Tom. It's correct that in his paper, John didn't raise the question of an impedance mismatch at the VNA end the cable. Do you think there is a point where this mismatch becomes important for amateur radio purposes? I'll take a look with SimNEC to see if it can help shed any light on this question ...


W0LEV 2025/03/16 22:08

And, if using the NANOVNA to make the S11 measurements, remember the source
port is better matched to 50 ± J 0 ohms than the sink (receive) port.

Dave - WØLEV

On Sun, Mar 16, 2025 at 3:58 PM Tom W8JI via <w8ji=> wrote:

> "John demonstrates that an accurate measurement of matched loss using S11
> requires two measurements: one with the cable shorted, the other with an
> open circuit termination. If the two measurements are averaged at each
> frequency, then the calculated matched loss will be very close to that
> measured directly using S21."
> Absolutely. That helps weed out the errors, but there is one other problem
> not mentioned. That problem is the error between cable impedance and the
> normalized impedance of the impedance measuring system used to produce an
> S11 impedance error and from that impedance error an expression of return
> loss (which is just another way of describing SWR).
> For a period of time I characterized cables, including impedance and loss,
> for a coaxial cable manufacturer. An S11 is better than no measurement at
> all, but it is full of variables that cause errors. There is only one error
> in an S21 for cable loss as long as the cable is the same impedance as the
> instrument calibration. If not that shows up as attenuation ripple.
> A direct measurement of loss is always better than using the operating
> impedance error to calculate loss, especially when cable loss is low.
> 73 Tom
> On 3/15/2025 5:08 PM, Dave VE3TLY via wrote:
> This discussion on the measurement of matched loss encouraged me to
> re-read an article by John Stanley K4ERO ("Precautions When Using the
> Return Loss Method of Measuring Coax Loss", QEX, January/February 2022, pp.
> 21-22). John comments that the S21 direct method is preferred but that the
> S11 method might be more convenient especially with long cables.
> John demonstrates that an accurate measurement of matched loss using S11
> requires two measurements: one with the cable shorted, the other with an
> open circuit termination. If the two measurements are averaged at each
> frequency, then the calculated matched loss will be very close to that
> measured directly using S21.
> 73
> Dave VE3TLY
> <>
> <>
> <#m_2290547369741769838_DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>


*Dave - WØLEV*

W0LEV 2025/03/17 20:11

For amateur radio purposes, averaging 0.5 of the short and open of the S11
measurement is plenty good enough! However, the transmission method is
just as easy.

Dave - WØLEV


On Mon, Mar 17, 2025 at 3:30 AM Dave VE3TLY via <> wrote:

> Thanks, that's in interesting comment Tom. It's correct that in his paper,
> John didn't raise the question of an impedance mismatch at the VNA end the
> cable. Do you think there is a point where this mismatch becomes important
> for amateur radio purposes? I'll take a look with SimNEC to see if it can
> help shed any light on this question ...
> 73
> Dave VE3TLY


*Dave - WØLEV*

Tom W8JI 2025/03/18 13:32

Hi Dave,

Even though it might get complicated, it is always nice to understand
what the things on our benches and desks actually measure as opposed to
assuming they directly measure the thing they display.

The bridge really just measures impedance at the bridge. If the bridge
includes phase it can be used to determine the sign of reactance.

Many things can be derived from the impedance and knowing the impedance
error from some calibrated point. But it is always better to measure
what we want to know as close to a direct measurement in normal
operation as we reasonably can and to keep the impedances near the
center of the bridge range.

As an example, I have a difficult time measuring high impedance RF
chokes because they are out at the outer edge of the Smith Chart. They
are an extreme impedance. My Keysight ENA and even an HP impedance
measurement test set, because they have 50-ohm based bridges, get pretty
squirrelly with impedances of several thousand ohms  or resistances near
zero ohms. This is the neighborhood where an open or shorted modest loss
transmission line would be as it is converted to something like "return

A transmission line is commonly operated very close to a matched
condition. The port and line impedances are reasonable, phase shift
between voltage and current is normally so near zero it can be ignored.
Also, loss is not symmetrically divided between voltage losses
(dielectric) and current losses ("copper losses"). Knowing the
mismatched loss gets complicated, in some cases lines can have less loss
with a mismatch. The same mismatch amount in a different direction can
increase loss more than expected.

We almost always just want to know the matched loss. It just seems odd
to think S11 and the conversion from what amounts to SWR into reflection
loss would be anywhere as reliable or accurate as S12. Neither the
transmission line under test nor the instrument are happy at the
impedances caused by an open or short at the end of the transmission line.

73 Tom

On 3/16/2025 12:32 PM, Dave VE3TLY via wrote:
> Thanks, that's in interesting comment Tom. It's correct that in his
> paper, John didn't raise the question of an impedance mismatch at the
> VNA end the cable. Do you think there is a point where this mismatch
> becomes important for amateur radio purposes? I'll take a look with
> SimNEC to see if it can help shed any light on this question ...
> 73
> Dave VE3TLY

This email has been checked for viruses by AVG antivirus software.

Stephen Tompsett 2025/03/18 17:48

The VNA calibration process purpose is to remove the errors caused by the
VNA/cables/fixture so that the results you see are just for the
device/cable under test..

Stephen Tompsett

On Mon, 17 Mar 2025, 03:31 Dave VE3TLY via, <> wrote:

O-B-1 KJ7WUZ/WRHW845 2025/03/19 04:30

When I turned my FX Commander Classic antenna, I can't it by putting the S/O/L at the antenna end of the feed line. That way I was seeing just the antenna after correcting for all the feed system's effects.
Dave, KJ7WUZ 

On Tue, Mar 18, 2025 at 21:01, Stephen Tompsett<> wrote: The VNA calibration process purpose is to remove the errors caused by the VNA/cables/fixture so that the results you see are just for the device/cable under test..
Stephen Tompsett
On Mon, 17 Mar 2025, 03:31 Dave VE3TLY via, <> wrote:

Thanks, that's in interesting comment Tom. It's correct that in his paper, John didn't raise the question of an impedance mismatch at the VNA end the cable. Do you think there is a point where this mismatch becomes important for amateur radio purposes? I'll take a look with SimNEC to see if it can help shed any light on this question ... 73Dave VE3TLY

W0LEV 2025/03/19 14:43

This is really addresses Dave, VE3TLY, but applicable to those who
absolutely must install and use the infamous EFHW. How does one accurately
measure the "feed" impedance at the end of a 0.5-wavelength hunk of wire?
Even if our modern instruments could, biases from the surrounding local
environment massively contribute to the measurement error bar.

Dave - WØLEV

On Wed, Mar 19, 2025 at 4:01 AM Tom W8JI via <w8ji=> wrote:

> Hi Dave,
> Even though it might get complicated, it is always nice to understand what
> the things on our benches and desks actually measure as opposed to assuming
> they directly measure the thing they display.
> The bridge really just measures impedance at the bridge. If the bridge
> includes phase it can be used to determine the sign of reactance.
> Many things can be derived from the impedance and knowing the impedance
> error from some calibrated point. But it is always better to measure what
> we want to know as close to a direct measurement in normal operation as we
> reasonably can and to keep the impedances near the center of the bridge
> range.
> As an example, I have a difficult time measuring high impedance RF chokes
> because they are out at the outer edge of the Smith Chart. They are an
> extreme impedance. My Keysight ENA and even an HP impedance measurement
> test set, because they have 50-ohm based bridges, get pretty squirrelly
> with impedances of several thousand ohms or resistances near zero ohms.
> This is the neighborhood where an open or shorted modest loss transmission
> line would be as it is converted to something like "return loss".
> A transmission line is commonly operated very close to a matched
> condition. The port and line impedances are reasonable, phase shift between
> voltage and current is normally so near zero it can be ignored. Also, loss
> is not symmetrically divided between voltage losses (dielectric) and
> current losses ("copper losses"). Knowing the mismatched loss gets
> complicated, in some cases lines can have less loss with a mismatch. The
> same mismatch amount in a different direction can increase loss more than
> expected.
> We almost always just want to know the matched loss. It just seems odd to
> think S11 and the conversion from what amounts to SWR into reflection loss
> would be anywhere as reliable or accurate as S12. Neither the transmission
> line under test nor the instrument are happy at the impedances caused by an
> open or short at the end of the transmission line.
> 73 Tom
> On 3/16/2025 12:32 PM, Dave VE3TLY via wrote:
> Thanks, that's in interesting comment Tom. It's correct that in his paper,
> John didn't raise the question of an impedance mismatch at the VNA end the
> cable. Do you think there is a point where this mismatch becomes important
> for amateur radio purposes? I'll take a look with SimNEC to see if it can
> help shed any light on this question ...
> 73
> Dave VE3TLY
> <>
> <>
> <#m_-4805825274601200956_DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>


*Dave - WØLEV*

W0LEV 2025/03/19 17:16

Can we just get beyond the "How to Measure Cable Losses" and now, High
Impedances? Either method is good enough for amateur purposes!! It's dirt
easy. Can we end this thread!!

Ya don't even need a NANOVNA. If you have an SWR / Power Meter, it's a

Dave - WØLEV

On Wed, Mar 19, 2025 at 3:59 PM W0LEV via <davearea51a=> wrote:

> This is really addresses Dave, VE3TLY, but applicable to those who
> absolutely must install and use the infamous EFHW. How does one accurately
> measure the "feed" impedance at the end of a 0.5-wavelength hunk of wire?
> Even if our modern instruments could, biases from the surrounding local
> environment massively contribute to the measurement error bar.
> Dave - WØLEV
> On Wed, Mar 19, 2025 at 4:01 AM Tom W8JI via <w8ji=
>> wrote:
>> Hi Dave,
>> Even though it might get complicated, it is always nice to understand
>> what the things on our benches and desks actually measure as opposed to
>> assuming they directly measure the thing they display.
>> The bridge really just measures impedance at the bridge. If the bridge
>> includes phase it can be used to determine the sign of reactance.
>> Many things can be derived from the impedance and knowing the impedance
>> error from some calibrated point. But it is always better to measure what
>> we want to know as close to a direct measurement in normal operation as we
>> reasonably can and to keep the impedances near the center of the bridge
>> range.
>> As an example, I have a difficult time measuring high impedance RF chokes
>> because they are out at the outer edge of the Smith Chart. They are an
>> extreme impedance. My Keysight ENA and even an HP impedance measurement
>> test set, because they have 50-ohm based bridges, get pretty squirrelly
>> with impedances of several thousand ohms or resistances near zero ohms.
>> This is the neighborhood where an open or shorted modest loss transmission
>> line would be as it is converted to something like "return loss".
>> A transmission line is commonly operated very close to a matched
>> condition. The port and line impedances are reasonable, phase shift between
>> voltage and current is normally so near zero it can be ignored. Also, loss
>> is not symmetrically divided between voltage losses (dielectric) and
>> current losses ("copper losses"). Knowing the mismatched loss gets
>> complicated, in some cases lines can have less loss with a mismatch. The
>> same mismatch amount in a different direction can increase loss more than
>> expected.
>> We almost always just want to know the matched loss. It just seems odd to
>> think S11 and the conversion from what amounts to SWR into reflection loss
>> would be anywhere as reliable or accurate as S12. Neither the transmission
>> line under test nor the instrument are happy at the impedances caused by an
>> open or short at the end of the transmission line.
>> 73 Tom
>> On 3/16/2025 12:32 PM, Dave VE3TLY via wrote:
>> Thanks, that's in interesting comment Tom. It's correct that in his
>> paper, John didn't raise the question of an impedance mismatch at the VNA
>> end the cable. Do you think there is a point where this mismatch becomes
>> important for amateur radio purposes? I'll take a look with SimNEC to see
>> if it can help shed any light on this question ...
>> 73
>> Dave VE3TLY
>> <>
>> <>
>> <#m_3956849163408080203_m_-4805825274601200956_DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
> --
> *Dave - WØLEV*


*Dave - WØLEV*

W4JDY1953_G 2025/03/19 18:08

Great insight – thanks !!!

Joseph D. Yuna
Joseph D. Yuna (LCDR USN/ret.)
W4JDY / EM79xr / ITU 8 / CQ 5
United States of America

W4JDY1953_G 2025/03/19 18:09

So what are the pitfalls of using the transmission method, if at all, Dave?

W4JDY / EM79xr / ITU 8 / CQ 5

Tom W8JI 2025/03/20 07:58

The major problem with an S11 measurement is the core measurement
itself. The measurement S11 is the impedance at one point (the port) in
the system. Everything displayed using one port comes from that
impedance measurement. Return loss is absolutely not from a direct
measurement of return loss, but rather the impedance seen by the port.

To determine cable loss we depend on a perfect reflection or mismatch at
the load end of the cable. This causes an impedance change at the
measurement port.

From the impedance change at the cable source end return loss is
calculated. This is really an SWR or impedance error measurement that is
converted to return loss. That is just how the device works.

Say we have a 1/2 dB of cable loss. The "return loss" of 1 dB was
derived from an impedance someplace around the 17.39 VSWR circle of a
Smith Chart. Depending on cable length in electrical degrees the
impedance at the root of the measurement will be someplace on that
circle. The two most accurate points of the device would be where
reactance crosses zero. At those points the measurement is not dependent
on phase errors.

With a 1/2 dB line loss and a perfect line impedance, the SWR at the
root of that 1dB return loss would be 17.39*Z0 or Z0/17.39. With a 50
ohm system that would be 869.5 ohms or 2.875 ohms.

If I wanted to determine how close a VNA using S11 I would have to see
how accurate it was on SWR over the impedance range that the cable under
test would provide in the loss range, and include the cable impedance

I wouldn't just guess.

I can say one thing for certain. A termination impedance error at the
receive port means a whole lot less to the loss measurement than an SWR
measurement error would when measuring lower loss cables.

73 Tom

With lower the cable loss, the greater the impedance extremes

On 3/16/2025 6:08 PM, W0LEV via wrote:
> And, if using the NANOVNA to make the S11 measurements, remember the
> source port is better matched to 50 ± J 0 ohms than the sink (receive)
> port.
> Dave - WØLEV
> On Sun, Mar 16, 2025 at 3:58 PM Tom W8JI via
> <> <> wrote:
> "John demonstrates that an accurate measurement of matched loss
> using S11 requires two measurements: one with the cable shorted,
> the other with an open circuit termination. If the two
> measurements are averaged at each frequency, then the calculated
> matched loss will be very close to that measured directly using S21."
> Absolutely. That helps weed out the errors, but there is one other
> problem not mentioned. That problem is the error between cable
> impedance and the normalized impedance of the impedance measuring
> system used to produce an S11 impedance error and from that
> impedance error an expression of return loss (which is just
> another way of describing SWR).
> For a period of time I characterized cables, including impedance
> and loss, for a coaxial cable manufacturer. An S11 is better than
> no measurement at all, but it is full of variables that cause
> errors. There is only one error in an S21 for cable loss as long
> as the cable is the same impedance as the instrument calibration.
> If not that shows up as attenuation ripple.
> A direct measurement of loss is always better than using the
> operating impedance error to calculate loss, especially when cable
> loss is low.
> 73 Tom
> On 3/15/2025 5:08 PM, Dave VE3TLY via <>
> wrote:
>> This discussion on the measurement of matched loss encouraged me
>> to re-read an article by John Stanley K4ERO ("Precautions When
>> Using the Return Loss Method of Measuring Coax Loss", QEX,
>> January/February 2022, pp. 21-22). John comments that the S21
>> direct method is preferred but that the S11 method might be more
>> convenient especially with long cables.
>> John demonstrates that an accurate measurement of matched loss
>> using S11 requires two measurements: one with the cable shorted,
>> the other with an open circuit termination. If the two
>> measurements are averaged at each frequency, then the calculated
>> matched loss will be very close to that measured directly using S21.
>> 73
>> Dave VE3TLY
> <>
> <>
> <#m_2290547369741769838_DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
> --
> *Dave - WØLEV
> *

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W4JDY1953_G 2025/03/20 08:51

Concur most heartedly, Dave !!!

Joseph D. Yuna
Joseph D. Yuna (LCDR USN/ret.)
W4JDY / EM79xr / ITU 8 / CQ 5
United States of America

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