nanov2support 2024/10/30 05:03
Hi, the VNA View (NanoVNA-QT) software saves your view settings (sweep parameters) in the calibration file, which is restored when you load a calibration. You can find the software here:
On Tue, Oct 29, 2024 at 4:38 PM Neal AB6G via <> wrote:
> I have tried Nano VNA Saver, and while I can save and reload CAL files,
> I can't see a way to save the current configuration of the software.
> Each time I restart NanoVNA Saver, the START, STOP, # of points,
> and markers are all gone.
> Do any of the PC software apps for the NanoVNA let you save the state
> of the app, so that next time you start the program, your favorite markers,
> and settings for point and sweep details are still there?
> Thanks,
> Neal