Jim Lux 2024/09/14 11:15
When I’ve done this kind of measurement, I use a WG that covers the frequency
band of interest (so for S-band, it’s a big thing about 6” across, for X-band
more like WR-90)
You go through the process of calibrating the WG with a short and load
(usually a sliding short).
Then you put your material you’re testing (assuming a thin layer) on the
short, and measure.
The other approach is to use a horn antenna (which tends to have very wide
bandwidth) and go through the open/short calibration, then cover a big metal
plate with the material under test, big enough to cover the end of the horn,
and then measure it. Remember that the open (assuming the horn is outdoors
and facing up) is really looking into something with Z=377 ohms.
However, this won’t get you the “off axis” values (e.g. if you’re measuring
something for an anechoic chamber).
For more rigorous material property measurements there are test cells
specifically designed for this - for instance, you fill the cell with the
material under test, measure the properties, and then from the mechanical
dimensions of the cell, you can calculate the material properties. The cell
is usually a shorted waveguide of some sort, typically round. I’ve also seen
a coaxial test cell.
There are plenty of application notes from Keysight/HP on this.
> On Sep 14, 2024, at 9:04 AM, Aldhafyans@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I’m working with an Anritsu 37369C Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) and need
some guidance on measuring complex permittivity and permeability of absorbing
materials to calculate reflection loss.
> I plan to use a waveguide for these measurements, but I’m unsure about the
required waveguide dimensions and the software tools needed to obtain accurate
data for complex permittivity and permeability.
> Could anyone provide advice on:
> 1. **Waveguide Dimensions** : What dimensions should the waveguide have
for accurate measurements with this VNA?
> 2. **Software Recommendations** : What software tools are best suited for
calculating complex permittivity and permeability from VNA measurements?
> Any tips or resources you can share would be greatly appreciated!
> Thanks in advance for your help.
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