I received a new V2Plus4 VNA a week ago. Purchased an actual unit from the Tindie store.
It is working fine with NanoVNA-QT and NanoVNA Saver.
I wanted to try firmware by Dislord so that I could try running Dislord's NanoVNA-App on Windows.
Is there any difference in procedure for flashing Dislord's firmware? Or do I just use the
VNA-QT windows app that is used for flashing factory firmware, the same way?
Also, what recent version of Dislord's firmware for the NanoVNA V2 Plus4 is considered
stable, or what version do you recommend and why? I see that V2Plus4 version 1.3.25
was released in June 2024. Is anyone using that, is it working well?
I searched google for half an hour, and could not find any docs or readme about Displord's
firmware features, or his NanoVNA-App software. Where do people generally find information
to learn about his firmware and software? (I know, someone is going to say go to GIT and read
the source code :-) )
Sincere Thanks for any pointers.