simone 2021/05/03 15:19
Dear Vladimir,
Thank you very much for helping me, I appreciate it a lot.
I asked the same question in the V2 forum in the hope somebody adds the new
releases also for 3.2 inch display. Otherwise the people with a device like
mine will miss all the great firmware upgrades.
I am sorry if you thought I do not believe you, I trust you and I thank you
for your very appreciated support.
Have a nice day,
Il 3 mag 2021 13:48, Vladimir Lebedev <> ha scritto:
> Dear Simone,
> i tried to help you, but you don't believe me and you ask the same question
in the other forum.
> 1\. I told you how to check if your V2 has FPU or not. Please see attached
screenshot ( CONFIG--->VERSION)
> 2\. I have sent you the current and the best firmware with the accompanying
text from the programmer DiSlord.
> I have tested ALL FW since the first release 20200328. 20201122 is not good,
> 3\. I explained that the FW for V2 with 3.2 inch display is the same as for
2.8 inch - these displays have the same chipset and resolution 320x240 pixels.
> It's OK?
> With best wishes
> Vladimir Lebedev
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