F1RVC 2021/05/03 14:35
Hi, sorry, but it is also on Tindie:
[image: image.png]
But I agree with you, I already requested it to the author group, but
unfortunately they did not have the time this is what they replied to
I know the hardware is protected , but the software is directly from the
free software, it should be free of access and not with a hidden locked
bootloader code....
I discovered it after the purchase....
On another hand the firmware was near perfect until the last one 2020
year, with the update on february, my display was flickered , requested
again, and a new up^graded version cam few days after with still but lower
flickering display, the last april 2021 firmware did not correct the still
flickering display problem, it look that some firmware lcd display
mangement must have been done due to bad display quality from the
provider, but this created a new display issue for those that did not
have problem before like , me. Unfortunately, it is a non official
firmware provided by Dislord
Le dim. 2 mai 2021 à 22:23, ok1vaw <ok1vaw@volny.cz> a écrit :
> Unfortunately on Tindie, where I bought it there is nothing about CW
> mentioned:
> https://www.tindie.com/products/hcxqsgroup/4-nanovna-v2-plus4/
> I did not expect, that there would be only functional improvements from
> first V2s to V2+4, not any limitations. I have no problem to pay few bucks
> for this "unlocked" function to authors. I suppose that there are more
> users, which are missing this secondary functionality on the V2+4.
> I remember maybe similar politics by professional equipment, when there
> were all hardware pre-built in the instrument (tracking generator etc), but
> the basic instrument could not use it. When buying some sort of license or
> key or similar the hw built in functionality was thereafter opened to the
> user.
> Let us hope that the CW improvement will be added in some way to the top
> Nanovna model V2+4, which is a great instrument.