Siegfried Jackstien 2021/04/14 17:42
ok ... serial number is for the factory settings .. thanks for making it
a bit clear now
aehm ... i did not backup the internal when upgrading from the v2 to
v2plus (saa2nplus) ... how did you get the settings for my unit?? (i
asked for that bl in dicord as you sure remember) ... was i just lucky
that all went right?!?
or is there are base setting that is flashed on all units (cause when
measure you need to calibrate it anyway)??
can one do a calibration and save that as new factory setting?? (to
include parts spreading and in case of the saa2n include the sma to n
adaptor) ??
greetz sigi dg9bfc
Am 14.04.2021 um 17:06 schrieb OwO:
> There is no serial number in the bootloader (try searching for it in a
> hex editor, you won't find it), but there is a factory calibration
> that all plus/plus4 versions rely on. If uploading firmware using
> NanoVNA-QT you don't need to worry about it as there's no way to
> overwrite the bootloader or factory calibration this way, but if using
> ST-LINK you should back up the flash memory first, and if you do lose
> your factory calibration you can ask me to look up the flash image
> data given a serial number.