I've just received a shiny new V4, amazing gadget at the price.
Does anyone know where I can find some RF specifications, particularly:
Typical output power, in each ADF4350 setting.
One website says it's 0, -3, -6, -9 dB, the DMESG screen says 0, -6, -15, -27.
Datasheet says -4 to +5 dBm, programmable in 3 dB steps, so that makes sense.
I don't mind that it's not flat but some approximate values would be useful to know when driving an amplifier.
I found some figures in post #1867 from mce66, are these applicable to the V2.4?
Maximum input power for linear operation.
When measuring S21, how much power above a short cable can the receiver tolerate before it overloads the ADC
Can I measure a 20 dB amplifier barefoot, or must I attenuate down to the port 1 output level?
No-damage input power in dBm
Can port 2 tolerate 0 dBm input? 10 dBm? I see an attenuator on port 2 in the schematic.
Thanks, Thomas