DiSlord 2021/05/20 10:23
FPU does not significantly affect the operating speed.
V2 still displays a picture in parallel with measurements, and the speed limits the waiting time for data to be ready.
Because of what I needed to use FPU:
To measure 371 points, you need a lot of memory, by default there it was only enough for 201 points.
We managed to free up the necessary memory, among other things, using the FFT buffer (for Transform Domain). For this function, I now use the usual one with measurements.
But the problem was that the measurement process was going on, and I needed to have time to carry out the FFT calculations (and this is quite time-consuming floating point calculations) and sometimes if the picture was also displayed in the background, the measured data was overwritten by the not yet finished calculation and there was garbage on the screen.
By using FPU, I solved this problem.
Then, of course, there were optimizations of mathematics, FFT, and this is no longer so relevant.
So once again I will summarize for the default firmware, the presence of FPU does not play any role at all. For my version now, too, although it allows you to reduce the size of the code, since there is not so much space there, the addition of new functions may require its use to reduce the size of the firmware.