NanoVNA V2Plus4, Windows 7 Home Premium SP1
I have installed the Cypress USB-Serial Drivers and rebooted my computer.
NanovnaQT (newest version 20200507 installed) sees the USB Serial Port (in my case Com5) and connects to the device no problem. All is working fine.
I prefer to use nanovna-saver however (newest version 0.3.8 installed).
nanovna-saver does not see any Serial Ports - the selection dropdown is blank and hitting Rescan does nothing. USB Serial Port Com5 is still showing in Device Manager
So - why does 'QT' see the Com Port and connect but 'saver' does not?
I know nanovna-saver is working because if I plug in my old NanoVNA-H, nanovna-saver sees the Serial Port (driver for that unit is STMicroelectronics and is using Com8 in my case) and connects no issues.