Hi all,
Looking at the specifications from the FAQ ( https://nanorfe.com/nanovna-v2-faq.html ) and at the OwO posts that is quoting them ( https://groups.io/g/NanoVNAV2/message/2062 ) , I see a term that I cannot understand : " *coherent bandwidth* ".
" Additionally, the V2 is not suited to very narrowband measurements ( *coherent bandwidth <1kHz* ) "
So I make a call to OwO (as an official maintainer) or to anyone else - please explain a little bit to me that term - "coherent bandwidth".
Of course, while we are talking about a filter!
I mention that I read what Wikipedia says about "coherence bandwidth" - but there is about a channel / cellular communication path and my knowledge doesn't allow me to translate that explanation to a filter.
Thanks a lot and have a nice week-end,