Jim Lux 2021/06/25 07:29
On 6/25/21 6:53 AM, Lou W7HV via groups.io wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 24, 2021 at 09:25 PM, Erich Kaltenbrunner wrote:
> I am using my VNAs to measure and not to masturbate with SW and FW.
> 73 de OE6CCP
> Yep. I'm pretty much the same, interested in RF, not software and
> computers. It's inevitable with the way technology has evolved that
> issues with latter two are going to dominate. The way the nanoVNA
> products arose and the technology evolved makes it especially rife
> with complexities and a playground for software/computer aficionados.
> I haven't checked, but I assume it's much different on the Rohde &
> Schwarz VNA group.
> _._,_._,_
Probably - but after all, this group (and the other similar ones for
other NanoVNAs) are the "mutual support channel", - and things like
hardware, firmware, and software mods are going to be the dominant
topic. The R+S, Anritsu, and Keysight units have their own support
channels - and since the hardware and software are more "locked down"
you won't see as much modification and firmware stuff.
There is *plenty* of discussion on other forums about trying to get the
"big iron" VNAs to work with Labview, Python, etc. With a lot of the
same "program X doesn't recognize my model Y on my computer running Z"
as you see here. I fought the libusb and GPIB interface driver battles
a few years ago and it was a whole litany of searching on various
forums, finding point solutions, and finally getting it to work, and
then saying "nobody install anything new on that computer in the lab, it
finally works with Python and Ruby, we don't want to break it"