Could I use my just-acquired NanoVNA V2 Plus4 to aim a small UHF antenna?
Can it measure the received signal on 856MHz and indicate signal strength?
David KD4E
As of 2022 there are many badly performing clones on the market. V2/3GHz NanoVNA uses parts like ADF4350 and AD8342 which are costly and clones have been cutting costs by using salvaged or reject parts.
See official store and look for V2 Plus4/V2 Plus4 Pro versions only to avoid getting a bad clone. We have stopped selling V2.2 versions since October 2020, so all V2 hardware that are not Plus or Plus4 are not made by us and we can not guarantee performance.
Could I use my just-acquired NanoVNA V2 Plus4 to aim a small UHF antenna?
Can it measure the received signal on 856MHz and indicate signal strength?
David KD4E
You really want to use a spectrum analyzer, not the VNA. Check out the
Tiny SA at:
ttps://tinysa.org/ <https://tinysa.org/>
The VNA is designed to measure complex impedances, pass and/or reject
properties, and many other parameters of various networks. It is not
suited for aiming antennas and measuring signal strengths. That is the job
of a spectrum analyzer or calibrated receiver.
Dave - WØLEV
On Mon, Jul 5, 2021 at 3:18 PM DavidC KD4E <qrv@kd4e.com> wrote:
> Could I use my just-acquired NanoVNA V2 Plus4 to aim a small UHF antenna?
> Can it measure the received signal on 856MHz and indicate signal strength?
> Thanks,
> David KD4E
*Dave - WØLEV*
*Just Let Darwin Work*
I wonder if there's an app that will let me use my RTL-SDR for this purpose?
I love new toys but keeping them organized, batteries removed when not
in use,
or charged for when I need them, gets complicated as they multiply ...
If not then I'll go this way. Sure sounds like a cool little tool ...
On 7/5/21 5:23 PM, David Eckhardt wrote:
The AirSpy receivers, the R2, (a bit less than $200) offers quite a capable
spectrum analyzer application; SpectrumSpy. It is included free with the
download of SDR#. Min sweep is 10 MHz, max is 1.8 GHz. Coverage is from
roughly 25 MHz through 1.8 GHz. The SDRPlay line of receivers also offers
a rudimentary SA, but nowhere near as capable as the AirSpy products.
Dave - WØLEV
On Mon, Jul 5, 2021 at 5:25 PM DavidC KD4E <qrv@kd4e.com> wrote:
> I wonder if there's an app that will let me use my RTL-SDR for this
> purpose?
> I love new toys but keeping them organized, batteries removed when not in
> use,
> or charged for when I need them, gets complicated as they multiply ...
> If not then I'll go this way. Sure sounds like a cool little tool ...
> Thanks!
> On 7/5/21 5:23 PM, David Eckhardt wrote:
> You really want to use a spectrum analyzer, not the VNA. Check out the
> Tiny SA at:
> h
> <https://us-browse.startpage.com/av/proxy?ep=546c63454a31304f65774958425455584f52514d645663454e5138534e554a4b4933784d44466b59526834464c7749524a306b574544356265446f4d6451344e4e5270664a314566426a7361653051654f467349494239574a51464f4132684f666867644d46774e64526c5564774e66466970444279687a6553513446414976416959444c793562655467504d79354b4d67746664564642566d68494b5234614e7739646542395864465161566a3149656b6b614d6c4a6263454e5164565a66466a45624a786b58546755434a4630534e52524555773d3d&ek=4p57707351587469526q6435596p6p2o536r7771&ekdata=697e0351d53189f91f9643bd7e2bba1d>
> ttps://tinysa.org/ <https://tinysa.org/>
> The VNA is designed to measure complex impedances, pass and/or reject
> properties, and many other parameters of various networks. It is not
> suited for aiming antennas and measuring signal strengths. That is the job
> of a spectrum analyzer or calibrated receiver.
> Dave - WØLEV
> On Mon, Jul 5, 2021 at 3:18 PM DavidC KD4E <qrv@kd4e.com> wrote:
>> Could I use my just-acquired NanoVNA V2 Plus4 to aim a small UHF antenna?
>> Can it measure the received signal on 856MHz and indicate signal strength?
>> Thanks,
>> David KD4E
*Dave - WØLEV*
*Just Let Darwin Work*
touchstone software from nuts about nets ... works also with an rtl dongle
it is manly built for the rf explorer(s) ... but works superb with an
rtl dongle too :-)
or ... use a pluto with satsagen software
Am 06.07.2021 um 01:41 schrieb David Eckhardt:
no ... but any rtl dongle or similar with several different soft can do
it :-)
dg9bfc sigi
Am 05.07.2021 um 23:18 schrieb DavidC KD4E:
On 7/5/21 4:24 PM, DavidC KD4E wrote:
> I wonder if there's an app that will let me use my RTL-SDR for this
> purpose?
RTL-SDR will do just fine.
look for "spectrum analyzer rtl-sdr" to find an app with graphics.
The test software (rtl_power) that comes with it will do it with text
into a .csv, but it's a bit tedious for what you want to do.
Is this really worth 2x the price or is it just Internet sales hype of a
rebranded device?
On 7/5/21 5:23 PM, David Eckhardt wrote:
This looks awesome but only runs natively in a MS version of windows:
I don't fuss with the WINE interpreter in Linux.
Hopefully, someone will fully port it to native Linux.
Still looking, but may save hassle and grab a tinySA.
Wouldn't hurt to have both ...
On 7/5/21 8:52 PM, Jim Lux wrote:
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