John Zhong 2021/04/10 13:22
I got mine from their official taboo store, haven’t had a chance to test it yet.
> On Apr 10, 2021, at 03:02, Dave Cole <> wrote:
> I just asked R&L about their stock of Nono H4, and they said in about two weeks...
> 73, and thanks,
> Dave (NK7Z)
> ARRL Volunteer Examiner
> ARRL Technical Specialist, RFI
> ARRL Asst. Director, NW Division, Technical Resources
>> On 4/9/21 10:10 AM, Teton Amateur Radio Repeater Association (TARRA) wrote:
>> Hello Group,
>> I am finally getting time to look at making the purchase and some extra money to do it with. AliExpress kept bouncing between not sending and sending to the United States. Never figured out if they would or not. Now they are showing they are out of stock. So I'm still interested, just not sure where to go now. Or have to wait for AliExpress to get more but still not sure if they will ship to the United States.
>> Mick - W7CAT
>> --
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