I recently purchased nanoVNA v2 (S-A-A-S), HW version v2_2 from Zeenko. The information sheet included listed a github site for the latest firmware release ( https://github.com/nanovna/NanoVNA-V2-firmware/releases ). Sorry to say I didn’t write down the version of the original F/W, but there was a new release on the website (20201013) which directed me to https://nanorfe.com/nanovna-versions.html. I download the new version, then load to the nanoVNA v2 using vna-qt.exe on my Windows 7 PC. I have 2 issues: 1) when I ouch the screen the menu pops up, but immediately disappears when I try to select a function and 2) the unit is a 50KHz to 3GHz, but only displays to 900MHz. I can only find uncompiled versions of older versions of the FW. Thanks for any assistance.