I am looking for a carrying case for my new V2 Plus4.
I like the case which came with my SAA-2N.
Has anyone found a soure for them?
As of 2022 there are many badly performing clones on the market. V2/3GHz NanoVNA uses parts like ADF4350 and AD8342 which are costly and clones have been cutting costs by using salvaged or reject parts.
See official store and look for V2 Plus4/V2 Plus4 Pro versions only to avoid getting a bad clone. We have stopped selling V2.2 versions since October 2020, so all V2 hardware that are not Plus or Plus4 are not made by us and we can not guarantee performance.
I am looking for a carrying case for my new V2 Plus4.
I like the case which came with my SAA-2N.
Has anyone found a soure for them?
Me too. I was just looking on-line at portable hard drive cases, which looked perfect, except all seemed a tad too small the fit the V2P4, particularly in the dimension that includes the SMAs, and I'd rather keep the male-female adapters on them, which makes it worse. There may be some bigger HD cases I haven't found yet. Hmmmm, maybe an old portable CD player case or something along those lines. What other consumer electronics devices have the right form factor?
I use one of these and just modified the foam. Make sure you always have the ports terminated in a cheap 50 ohm load or short when carrying it around in a case to avoid damage through static.
You can spray the inside of your box and your foam with an antistatic paint, this is an expensive spray paint but it lasts for a lot of surface area.
Look for Plano hand gun cases. Those come in a fairly large variety of sizes.
Spell checked by the NSA.
Check for Pellican and Nanuk case.
any of the common point an shoot camera bags fit this nicely
Also check-out Harbor Freight if you have a store near you, or
www.harborfreighttool.com online.
They have molded cases as well.
On Wed, Apr 28, 2021 at 8:36 AM gibsonmb <mike@bromsash.com> wrote:
That URL appears to NOT be Harbor Freight...
73, and thanks,
Dave (NK7Z)
ARRL Volunteer Examiner
ARRL Technical Specialist, RFI
ARRL Asst. Director, NW Division, Technical Resources
On 4/28/21 8:01 AM, Terry Nixon wrote:
Oops. Sorry about that!
Here is the real link:
On Wed, Apr 28, 2021 at 10:27 AM Dave Cole <dave@nk7z.net> wrote:
I got a large Harbor Freight Apache cases for my o-scope on sale for $30. It's quite nice and almost the equal of a $125 Pelican. A small is 8-1/8 x 5-5/8 x 3-3/4" ID and only $14. That's a good amount of room for a V2P4 and accessories. They're strong and secure but do add quite a bit of bulk and weight. I'm looking for something sleeker.
I use a hard plastic pistol case. Inexpensive, protective, and not overly large.
I used this:
SatSignal Software - Quality software for you
Web: https://www.satsignal.eu
Email: david-taylor@blueyonder.co.uk
Twitter: @gm8arv
get a saa-2n and sell it on ebay.
keep the case.
thats what i did. :-)
lost of goods suggestions, thank you yery much.
The case with the amazon link loogs good to me.
I am located in germany, so the harbourfreight stuff is not an option.
The pelicases and clones are a bit too bulky for my demands, but I see their utility for rough outdoor use.
Oh, and I dont plan to sell my SAA2N (yet). :-)
I'm a little surprised that whoever made the high quality cases for Hugen's V2N, hasn't popped up on Aliex or eB offering just the cases alone for sale. Adding them probably clinched the sale for a lot of people. (hint to HCXQS: optional added value item?)
It seems like for just a little more money, which most of us would have
paid, if they would include a case, would probably have prevented a lot
of the shipping damage. It would have made for a win-win for both sides
- the shipper/seller and buyer.
Mick - W7CAT
----- Original Message -----
From: Hector Pascal
To: NanoVNAV2@groups.io
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2021 09:14:56 AM
Subject: Re: [nanovnav2] Carrying case for V2 Plus4
> I'm a little surprised that whoever made the high quality cases for
Hugen's V2N, hasn't popped up on Aliex or eB offering just the cases
alone for sale. Adding them probably clinched the sale for a lot of
people. (hint to HCXQS: optional added value item?)
> H-P
Untitled Document
Found this at Home Depot while there getting some yard supplies. Cheap and good size for the VNAV2P4 and some accessories. Needs anti-static lining/padding of some sort.
Probably should point out that all the partitions slip right out.
Just received this one from AliExpress. It's just perfect!
Forgot to specify: it's M size.
Nanuk 903 works very well
Nice cases you guys! Here's a pic of my $4.25 case from Home Depot. It's lined with some anti-static foam.
Well you can't beat that price!
Antistatic foam - I never considered that, hmmm. Hoping the standard pluck foam in typical cases doesn't generate any...
On Tue, May 25, 2021 at 10:23 PM, PT wrote:
> Antistatic foam - I never considered that, hmmm. Hoping the standard
> pluck foam in typical cases doesn't generate any...
Get 2 very cheap 50 ohm loads or 2 shorts and make it a point to never store your Nano or if you also have a TinySA without them attached to the inputs.I never store them into any of the cases without that, better safe than sorry.
Unless it is specifically anti-static foam, it can generate pretty high voltages!
Lynn, WA4FKX
Yeah. I don't know how susceptible these are to ESD. I have heard of them being damaged connecting them to an antenna that had an accumulated charge. I prefer to exercise care in handling than keep something on the SMAs besides the sacrificial M/F adapters on keep on it and the Open I usually have on #1. I have made a small improvement in my case in the respect. I've added a strip of anti static foam connecting the cover foam piece to the bottom section.
I printed one for myself. Maybe I should make it a bit bigger. Also I never printed in PETG before so parts are ugly, but it works.
The hinge is for M4x100 bolt, but shorter can be glued at one end.
Now I need to put some foam inside.
If anybody wants I can send STL or SolidWorks files.
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