Where could I find a replacement "N style load standard" ? I googled it but got no hits, Only new vna units.
Thanks, Carl
As of 2022 there are many badly performing clones on the market. V2/3GHz NanoVNA uses parts like ADF4350 and AD8342 which are costly and clones have been cutting costs by using salvaged or reject parts.
See official store and look for V2 Plus4/V2 Plus4 Pro versions only to avoid getting a bad clone. We have stopped selling V2.2 versions since October 2020, so all V2 hardware that are not Plus or Plus4 are not made by us and we can not guarantee performance.
Where could I find a replacement "N style load standard" ? I googled it but got no hits, Only new vna units.
Thanks, Carl
On Sat, May 1, 2021 at 03:46 AM, Galaxyhunter wrote:
Have you tried changing your terminology? Just a quick search on ebay
for "50 ohm dummy load" shows over 900 choices. You can refine that down
to N type. Here is an example:
Mick - W7CAT
----- Original Message -----
From: Galaxyhunter
To: NanoVNAV2@groups.io
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2021 04:22:37 PM
Subject: [nanovnav2] n style load standard
> Where could I find a replacement "N style load standard" ? I googled
it but got no hits, Only new vna units.
> Thanks, Carl
Untitled Document
I have bought a few dummy loads to use as calibration standards
BUT a termination load only has to absorb “most” of the incident signal, with a worst swr of say 1.3 at the highest “rated” frequency. The performance as a calibration standard at the maximum rated frequency will be awful.
I have bought from Ebay a Radiall N terminator rated to 12ghz for £10 and three Minicircuits (Anne-50+) ones rated to 18ghz for £7 each. They should be good as cal standards to 3-4ghz of my vnas. Some time ago I got a batch of Radiall terminators for £4 each. Kurt Poulson had used these and said they were as good as the cal load packaged with the v2N.
I have bought some sma to N converters (male and female) rated to 12ghz for use on the vna for around £7-£10 each. They are much better than the cheapo ones from China.
What I need is someone with a good pro vna to test them all. The trouble with calibration standards is that they all “calibrate”, but you do not know if the calibration is actually correct.
Keep looking on Ebay. Some prices are ridiculous
Steve L.
I have a friend that has a certified EMV laboratory, is that cheating?
Thank You Sir.
*Have you tried changing your terminology:*
No Mick, I didn't. I'm what you would call Technology challenged, And I lost.
*is that cheating?* , Not if you can get away with it.
Thanks to all. I got a couple ordered.
It wouldn't be cheating if ALL of us get to use the lab, then no one
would be cheated : )
Mick - W7CAT
----- Original Message -----
From: Erich Kaltenbrunner
To: NanoVNAV2@groups.io
Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2021 03:03:50 AM
Subject: Re: [nanovnav2] n style load standard
> I have a friend that has a certified EMV laboratory, is that cheating?
> Erich
> > Am 2021/05/01 um 10:47 schrieb Stephen Laurence :
> >
> > ?I have bought a few dummy loads to use as calibration standards
> >
> > BUT a termination load only has to absorb “most” of the incident
signal, with a worst swr of say 1.3 at the highest “rated” frequency.
The performance as a calibration standard at the maximum rated frequency
will be awful.
> >
> > I have bought from Ebay a Radiall N terminator rated to 12ghz for
£10 and three Minicircuits (Anne-50+) ones rated to 18ghz for £7 each.
They should be good as cal standards to 3-4ghz of my vnas. Some time ago
I got a batch of Radiall terminators for £4 each. Kurt Poulson had used
these and said they were as good as the cal load packaged with the v2N.
> >
> > I have bought some sma to N converters (male and female) rated to
12ghz for use on the vna for around £7-£10 each. They are much better
than the cheapo ones from China.
> >
> > What I need is someone with a good pro vna to test them all. The
trouble with calibration standards is that they all “calibrate”, but you
do not know if the calibration is actually correct.
> >
> > Keep looking on Ebay. Some prices are ridiculous
> >
> > Steve L.
> >
Untitled Document
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