Beware of cheap underperforming clones

As of 2023 there are many badly performing clones on the market. V2/3GHz NanoVNA uses parts like ADF4350 and AD8342 which are costly and clones have been cutting costs by using salvaged or reject parts.

See official store and look for V2 Plus4/V2 Plus4 Pro versions only to avoid getting a bad clone. We have stopped selling V2.2 versions since October 2020, so all V2 hardware that are not Plus or Plus4 are not made by us and we can not guarantee performance.

NanoVNA V2 Forum

Note: this page is a mirror of
Click here to join and see most recent posts.

Subject Started by Replies Last post
Wish for added feature: Saving data using the NanoVNA-QT Software Andreas Winkler 3 Replies 2022/06/08 06:45
by Andreas Winkler
What the heck does Config/Save do? siriusphilg 0 Replies 2022/06/05 11:20
by siriusphilg
Does NanoVnaSaver work with NanoVNA V2 plus4 with W7/32 Leif M 1 Replies 2022/06/03 09:53
by iz1fks
how to programmatically read data points from VNA-QT (VNA-view) a8421 5 Replies 2022/06/02 20:39
by a8421
Is this a clone or genuine? Russ G4SAQ 7 Replies 2022/05/29 23:13
by Siegfried Jackstien
multiport nanoVNA thomas.haehner 1 Replies 2022/05/25 15:10
by Jim Lux
Question lutz.goehler 2 Replies 2022/05/18 19:20
by Lutz Göhler
NanoVNA V2 Plus4 fails to connect to USB Dave Green VE3TLY 0 Replies 2022/05/15 07:24
by Dave Green VE3TLY
Ripple on S21 gouzou82 19 Replies 2022/05/15 08:50
by Siegfried Jackstien
NanoVNA-QT - Crashes upon applying calibration moto.g11223344 22 Replies 2022/05/10 02:31
by John Armstrong
Does the Firmware Assume Any Calibration Standard Coefficients? biergaizi2009 4 Replies 2022/05/10 01:18
by DiSlord
Dual calibration? Leif M 4 Replies 2022/05/01 11:34
by Rich NE1EE
Strange phase reading from calibrated load with a new Nano VNA V2 Plus 4 Leif M 8 Replies 2022/05/01 07:24
by DiSlord
Bits for Nano VNA H4 Andy Elford 4 Replies 2022/05/01 12:43
by zeljko adzic
Larger screen for my V2.2 (and other upgrades) John VA7JBE 0 Replies 2022/04/27 08:46
by John VA7JBE
NanoVNA Software by Joe Smith Anthony 31 Replies 2022/04/25 08:01
by Bob W0EG
nano bits Andy Elford 0 Replies 2022/04/24 21:53
by Andy Elford
New Nano VNA V2 Plus 4 do not draw graph. Sohail Anjum 18 Replies 2022/04/24 09:53
by Sohail Anjum
QST April2022 Review -Two Port Question N2MS 6 Replies 2022/04/23 09:24
by N2MS
Exact battery to order Mike Fry 16 Replies 2022/04/21 05:26
by Lou W7HV
Where can I find Joe Smith's S/W ? #documentation Albert Kleyn 20 Replies 2022/04/18 14:08
by Bob W0EG
nanovna solver64 won't "LINK" to nanovna-H Brian Machesney 13 Replies 2022/04/17 15:00
by Brian Machesney
Did I brick my NanoVNAv2Plus4? (and how do I fix it) Anish Mangal 10 Replies 2022/04/08 09:20
by Anish Mangal
Stable FW version 20211227 does not work at all with NanoVNA V2 Plus4 Pro hardware! attilio.panniello 3 Replies 2022/04/01 11:59
by Shadow
NanoVNA-QT on Raspberry Pi Corneliu 19 Replies 2022/03/28 18:49
by Alan Bowker
I sell my nanovna v2 / plus 4 Francesco 0 Replies 2022/03/28 08:24
by Francesco
Open, Short, Load - Red Cap Anthony 4 Replies 2022/03/27 08:18
by Anthony
VNA V2Plus 4 flashing screen Lynn Mears 10 Replies 2022/03/26 14:59
by Kk6qms
Scale/Div Anthony 5 Replies 2022/03/26 08:31
by Sohail Anjum
COM port is hidden in Device Manager Kk6qms 0 Replies 2022/03/25 17:46
by Kk6qms
NanoVNA V2 plus 4 connetion with the PC-SW Albrecht Debelak 10 Replies 2022/03/25 16:33
by Kk6qms
Nano QT software for Nano VNA John Galbreath 1 Replies 2022/03/23 20:30
by a8421
Adapters Chuck Kelsey 3 Replies 2022/03/22 16:56
by W0LEV
NanoVNA V2Plus4 Real or Clone? no8j 0 Replies 2022/03/21 13:50
by no8j
Pro Version? Dennis Fernandez 6 Replies 2022/03/14 15:40
by Jerry Shirar
Firmware Update Uestion Anthony 7 Replies 2022/03/13 22:55
by Siegfried Jackstien
Help to update V2Plus4 sledgehammer5456 10 Replies 2022/03/12 16:09
by Lou W7HV
New owner. Love it. Richard Clafton W4/G 2 Replies 2022/03/12 07:25
by Richard Clafton W4/G
Happy New Owner of V2 Plus4 Richard Clafton W4/G 0 Replies 2022/03/11 12:26
by Richard Clafton W4/G
MEANING in the VALUE Phil, WF3W 0 Replies 2022/03/09 10:01
by Phil, WF3W
TO TRASNFORM or not TO TRANSFORM Phil, WF3W 0 Replies 2022/03/07 00:32
by Phil, WF3W
Increase output power on S11 port Anandghan W 0 Replies 2022/03/06 12:29
by Anandghan W
Add ESD diodes to new versions? Leif M 0 Replies 2022/03/04 16:03
by Leif M
Broken input Leif M 5 Replies 2022/03/03 23:20
by Leif M
Firmware changelog? Brian Morrison 0 Replies 2022/03/04 00:13
by Brian Morrison
NANO VNA V2 Plus4 - Electrical Delay - Bug e.moldovan 10 Replies 2022/03/03 06:33
by Jim Lux
Phase line for RHCP antenna Ismo 18 Replies 2022/03/02 16:02
by Dave (G1OGY)
Unknown USB Device (device Descriptor Request Failed) Mike, AA9VI 9 Replies 2022/03/02 07:17
by Johnnyjokl
Measuring S21 of RF upconverters Dirk 32 Replies 2022/02/25 09:19
by Joe Gold
Plotting S-parameters vs time #nanovna-saver Dylan 4 Replies 2022/02/16 08:47
by Jim Lux
Nanovna V2 plus5 glpragma 11 Replies 2022/02/15 10:57
by WA2TP
by Phil, WF3W
PHANTOM SFTWR? Phil, WF3W 1 Replies 2022/02/09 00:52
by Vladimir Lebedev
Preview of my latest software updates Joe Smith 108 Replies 2022/02/07 15:57
by Jim Lux
Problem trying to update firmware Francesco 5 Replies 2022/02/08 00:56
by Siegfried Jackstien
Best way to measure self resonance frequency of a coil with NanoVNA Dirk 5 Replies 2022/01/27 13:20
by Clifford Heath
Cellular antennas? spock9999 2 Replies 2022/01/21 17:13
by W0LEV
Power slider broken William W6WDS 9 Replies 2022/01/20 08:46
by William W6WDS
If I calibrate 3.5 MHz-7.4MHz and then want to narrow down the start and stop freqs, do I have to calibrate again if I change w/in the freqs calibrated Walter Egenmaier 5 Replies 2022/01/13 11:58
by Walter Egenmaier
Should I upgrade my firmware? Just received NanoVNA V2Plus4 version : git-20210530-412578c Walter Egenmaier 23 Replies 2022/01/11 20:20
by Albrecht Debelak
FW: Re: Re: [nanovnav2] Should I upgrade my firmware? Just received NanoVNA V2Plus4 version : git-20210530-412578c Gary Cobb 1 Replies 2022/01/11 03:44
by Walter Egenmaier
I tried to see what my SWR and Smith Chart on my rubber duck antenna for FT-70D and got VERY high SWR it because it is a dual antenna for 70cm as well as 2m? Walter Egenmaier 13 Replies 2022/01/11 02:20
by W0LEV
Trusted Known Resellers to buy for... Shadow 1 Replies 2022/01/09 15:31
by Shadow
Trying to update firmware Jean-Francois Somerv 3 Replies 2022/01/09 10:42
by Jean-Francois Somerv
Calibration jig S Johnson 6 Replies 2022/01/09 09:21
by Jim Lux
When calibrating THRU, is that the double female SMA connector or something else? Walter Egenmaier 17 Replies 2022/01/09 09:12
by Jim Lux
NanovnaSaver crash after 1port calibration with NanoVNA V2s #nanovna-saver #nanovna-saver OK1VAW 1 Replies 2022/01/09 04:12
Input protection J. chang 4 Replies 2022/01/06 07:50
by Galvin Franks
How do you jog left of right or left while using the VNA Q-T software and the V2P4 is connected to the USB port on a laptop? Walter Egenmaier 1 Replies 2022/01/06 10:27
by F1RVC
Just got my V2Plus4 today and checking out all my SWRs of all my antennas and having a blast...question Walter Egenmaier 13 Replies 2022/01/05 19:37
by Walter Egenmaier
NanoVNA-QT funcion Francesco 0 Replies 2022/01/05 00:57
by Francesco
About calibration ese54 0 Replies 2022/01/04 04:32
by ese54
Calculating L and C values for Matching PI filter using NanoVNA dave 9 Replies 2022/01/03 15:15
by dave
UK based and Want to buy a Nanovna V2 Plus 4, is Aliexpress or eBay safe? Dale Robins - 2W0ODS 7 Replies 2022/01/02 07:35
by gc 1000fix
"Error reading version registers" from NanoVNA-Saver #nanovna-saver Dave Johnson 2 Replies 2022/01/01 08:59
by Dave Johnson
#clones vittel 7 Replies 2022/01/01 04:14
by vittel
Ordered V2 Plus4 today...can anyone tell me where I can find a carrying case made for this? No luck online finding one Walter Egenmaier 8 Replies 2021/12/30 18:08
by W0LEV
Update firmware on NaniVNA V2 Plus4 Rob Derlagen 4 Replies 2021/12/30 04:06
by Rob Derlagen
Last FW of Git only LCD does not work normally softhyunji 5 Replies 2021/12/28 20:44
by DiSlord
No ship to Guatemala from looking for reseller of products #clones? Shadow 7 Replies 2021/12/28 06:41
by OwO
Shipping from Tindie to USA questions Andrew Beyer 2 Replies 2021/12/25 04:51
by Michael Brun
New software for NanoVNA V2 UR5FFR 10 Replies 2021/12/23 23:36
by aleks07111971
Db range johnjgormley 5 Replies 2021/12/23 04:49
by OwO
Swap ports on VNA View software Francesco 6 Replies 2021/12/22 16:41
by Francesco
2 quick questions Tim K4SHF 5 Replies 2021/12/19 15:35
by Tim K4SHF
Hard reset for NanoVna H v 1.0 Ed Oxer, W8EO 0 Replies 2021/12/19 10:30
by Ed Oxer, W8EO
How to measure the real GPS signal on NanoVNA? Kevil 14 Replies 2021/12/18 03:17
by Kevil
Greetings - new NanoVNA V2 Plus4 Owner Ben Hall 8 Replies 2021/12/14 05:25
by aleks07111971
Lower LNA Gain measured on NanoVNA Saver (ADF4350 TX POWER setting not available) Kevil 3 Replies 2021/12/10 14:32
by Kevil
NanoVNA-F V2 error FR_NO_FILESYSTEM SAGILIGA 0 Replies 2021/12/03 06:58
File Notifications #file-notice NanoVNAV2 0 Replies 2021/12/03 05:00
by NanoVNAV2
Please some idea abaut Francesco 0 Replies 2021/11/29 09:43
by Francesco
Test Msg Mike C. 0 Replies 2021/11/28 14:19
by Mike C.
LC resonance "sonde" Wojtek SP9WPN 2 Replies 2021/11/26 02:50
by Wojtek SP9WPN
Trasfer relay erros solved Francesco 1 Replies 2021/11/23 06:57
by John Galbreath
Quick question about device. Daniel Fox 4 Replies 2021/11/19 20:36
by stevenmclark1
TDR range and resolution John Galbreath 38 Replies 2021/11/12 04:52
by Joe Smith
Please some help to integrate trasfere relay Francesco 20 Replies 2021/11/11 13:39
by Guido ON7CH
EXT:Re: [nanovnav2] Preview of my latest software updates Dorgau, Marcus 2 Replies 2021/11/08 04:46
by Joe Smith