Is it possible to run NanoVNA-QT on Raspberry Pi ?
As of 2022 there are many badly performing clones on the market. V2/3GHz NanoVNA uses parts like ADF4350 and AD8342 which are costly and clones have been cutting costs by using salvaged or reject parts.
See official store and look for V2 Plus4/V2 Plus4 Pro versions only to avoid getting a bad clone. We have stopped selling V2.2 versions since October 2020, so all V2 hardware that are not Plus or Plus4 are not made by us and we can not guarantee performance.
Is it possible to run NanoVNA-QT on Raspberry Pi ?
hmm i can not say of vna-qt works on raspi (i guess it should) ... but i
do know that nanovna saver is also available precompiled for linux so
you can try it also on your raspi ... that is not directly answering
your question ... i know ... but its another software to try out :-)
greetz sigi dg9bfc
Am 07.11.2020 um 13:53 schrieb Corneliu via groups.io:
On 11/7/20 6:01 AM, Siegfried Jackstien wrote:
> hmm i can not say of vna-qt works on raspi (i guess it should) ... but i
> do know that nanovna saver is also available precompiled for linux so
> you can try it also on your raspi ... that is not directly answering
> your question ... i know ... but its another software to try out :-)
> greetz sigi dg9bfc
> Am 07.11.2020 um 13:53 schrieb Corneliu via groups.io:
>> Is it possible to run NanoVNA-QT on Raspberry Pi ?
nanoVNA-server is python, so no reason why it wouldn't work on rPi, if
you've got all the dependencies.
I am running it on Raspbian
Hello Michiel, may I ask how you did it? There does not seem to be a way for lazy people like myself... ;-)
Dieter DL5RDO
I spent about 3 days trying recently, but was not successful. Missing libraries. I even tried to build from scratch but every method I knew didn't work.
Take a look here: https://github.com/nanovna-v2/NanoVNA-QT/issues/25
73, Thorsten
I get server error:
Invalid File Type (NanoVNA_QT_GUI-15dfc12-armhf.AppImage)!
-- K5ZN
On Sun, May 2, 2021 at 11:53 AM Thorsten DL9SEC <thorsten.godau@gmail.com>
Thanks Thorsten!
Somehow the download doesn't work for me. It reports "Invalid File Type..."
73, Dieter
Hmmm, intetesting. I downloaded it in mid of March. Worked like a charm and out of the box on my RasPi 3B+...
Maybe something has been broken with a Raspbian update?
Regards, Thorsten
Ah, I see. Seems the file was removed from the website...
Maybe you can try https://qsl.net/g0ftd/other/nano-vna-original/software/NanoVNA_QT_GUI-15dfc12-armhf-RASPBERRY-PI-works-with-May-2020-Buster.AppImage
I didn't check if it is running, but it seems to be the AppImage...
73, Thorsten
Thanks again Thorsten! Will report back once I tried it.
On Tue, Nov 17, 2020 at 05:39 AM, michiel wrote:
> I am running it on Raspbian
Could yo be more specific as to how you did it? Any other libraries? Any other ???
Thanks you, larry
> > Maybe you can try https://qsl.net/g0ftd/other/nano-vna-original/software/NanoVNA_QT_GUI-15dfc12-armhf-RASPBERRY-PI-works-with-May-2020-Buster.AppImage
That works!
Well, not really. I get error dialog:
xavna_read_autosweep failed: Resource deadlock avoided
Does this mean I need a powered USB hub? I'm using the blue port on Pi4, which I think is a higher power USB.
-- K5ZN
On Mon, May 3, 2021 at 05:02 PM, K5ZN wrote:
> Does this mean I need a powered USB hub? I'm using the blue port on Pi4,
> which I think is a higher power USB.
Don't think so. Does not sound like a power issue.
In the meantime, I tried it on my Raspi running Raspbian Stretch. Does not work. But this goes in line with what I found in the same folder from G0FTD:
He also reports that in his case it worked with Raspbian Buster but not with Stretch.
@K5ZN, which version have you been using?
73, Dieter
Update from my side:
I upgraded my Raspi from "Stretch" to "Buster". And ... IT WORKS!
It comfirms what G0FTD had already observed.
Thanks everyone who led me into the right direction, especially Thorsten!
Revisiting this topic ... I installed Ubuntu MATE on my Raspberry Pi4 and all the software (nanoVNASaver and nanoVNA-QT) seems to run just fine. The problem I run into is that the vast majority of the time the nanoVNAV2 fails to go into the USB mode when connected to the Pi. Sometimes I am able to get it connected on a Linux laptop and then move the nanaVNA to the Pi and plug it in. But it's flaky and fails to connect more often than not.
Thinking it might be the Pi4 USB "strength" I added a powered USB port splitter. That didn't help; same issues regarding initial connectivity. Doesn't matter if I am connected into the Pi4 directly or into the powered USB hub.
But, the odd time that is does connect, it works just fine. So, it doesn't seem that the actual USB communication is being corrupted. Rather, it seems more like the NanoVNAV2 is unable to reliably detect that it is connected to USB. Maybe a timing issue rather than a powering issue???
For reference, one of the generic nanoVNA devices that uses the USB type C interconnect connects 100%.
Wonder if anyone has a workaround for this? Or, an updated firmware for the NanoVNAV2 that might improve the USB connectivity to a Pi?
Thanks a lot!
Darrell -- AF5FX
Hi, I have a doubt. did you download and run the binaries? or did you compile it and then run it? I would also like to know the version of raspbian that you used and in which raspberry pi you managed it. Thanks!
I have not received the NanoVNA yet.
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