As of 2022 there are many badly performing clones on the market. V2/3GHz NanoVNA uses parts like ADF4350 and AD8342 which are costly and clones have been cutting costs by using salvaged or reject parts.
See official store and look for V2 Plus4/V2 Plus4 Pro versions only to avoid getting a bad clone. We have stopped selling V2.2 versions since October 2020, so all V2 hardware that are not Plus or Plus4 are not made by us and we can not guarantee performance.
Hi Joe
Congratulations for your developments. I installed the first version, but I don’t know how to include the updates you have done. In Github there is only the 24 zips of the first version.
Where I can download the latest version?
Hello, Joe!
Thank You for the new SW features review,
Along with the amplifier stability K-factor, it might be interesting to implement additional amplifier stability measure, B1 (> 0)? The maths for B1 is similar to that of the stability K-factor equation.
Also, it might be interesting (but not so easy ) to implement the amplifier stability circles plots (so-called Source & Load impedance stability circles on the Smith charts, which are calculated via Geometrical stability coefficients, mu1 & mu2).
B1 is used? It would be easy enough to add along with Edwards & Sinsky's u-factor and maybe others. Stability circles could also be included. I would most likely make a whole new menu for stability.
Considering the popularity of the software, the need for a transfer relay, and how many people would actually be interested in the topic, it would be a pretty low priority. Maybe if OWO's company goes ahead with the V3, it would make more sense to add it. Let me know what you think.
Hello, Is one great software from the video I watch but tray to download and install I tell me some file is missing, *I hope to find someone to guide me step by step for the installation* , the manual assuming that you no everythink (for a specialist on the subject not definitive for educational purpose), I got the NanoVNA 2plus4, the native software *Nano QT* is too bright on the background no possibility to change the colours (problem with my sight).
Please Joe make this great software more accessible installation for people how to want learn more.
Thank you.
Hi Joe, great software so to see!
Is this multi-platform or Windows only?
Freddy, ON7VQ
Op di 19 okt. 2021 om 01:31 schreef Joe Smith via groups.io <joeqsmith49=
Hello, Francesco,
The basics for this SW installation is the LabVIEW runtime engine, which is included within the first huge archive version 1. It should be installed first.
All other SW versions are just small exe files which could be started only after the first version archive is installed under Windows system.
That's all
On Thu, Oct 21, 2021 at 03:09 AM, Joe Smith wrote:
> Considering the popularity of the software, the need for a transfer relay,
> and how many people would actually be interested in the topic, it would be
> a pretty low priority. Maybe if OWO's company goes ahead with the V3, it
> would make more sense to add it. Let me know what you think.
Thanks for comments, Joe,
I should agree with You.
It would require a full 2-port VNA HW for efficient work...
On Thu, Oct 21, 2021 at 12:16 PM, Francesco wrote:
> I got the NanoVNA 2plus4, the native software *Nano QT* is too bright on
> the background no possibility to change the colours (problem with my
> sight).
You'd better try other free software tools, f.e. NanoVNA-App v.1.1.207 by OneOfEleven.
It has a black-theme graphs by default. Though I don't know whether it supports a 4plus2 VNA device.
On Fri, Oct 22, 2021 at 02:30 AM, AlexSpb wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 21, 2021 at 03:09 AM, Joe Smith wrote:
>> Considering the popularity of the software, the need for a transfer relay,
>> and how many people would actually be interested in the topic, it would be
>> a pretty low priority. Maybe if OWO's company goes ahead with the V3, it
>> would make more sense to add it. Let me know what you think.
> Thanks for comments, Joe,
> I should agree with You.
> It would require a full 2-port VNA HW for efficient work...
We have not heard anything about the V3 for some time now. I suspect there isn't the interest. The majority who have contacted me about the software are radio hobbyist struggling to measure their antenna's SWR. A few have asked about TDR and characterizing crystals. About the only time I see anyone using S21, it's for filters. I demonstrated using the original NanoVNA to look at PDNs but I've never heard of anyone actually using it. I've never seen anyone post about trying to measure amplifier stability. I saw a recent post from someone calling the VNA an antenna analyzer. I think that would be the target group and they don't need 6 or even 4GHz. Full 2-port would be wasted on them.
I would like to see the V3 if they could achieve lower frequency and would gladly pay for it but I doubt there is enough of us to spark OWO's company interests.
I'll give some thought to the amplifier stability.
On Fri, Oct 22, 2021 at 12:12 AM, Freddy ON7VQ wrote:
> Is this multi-platform or Windows only?
> Tnx!
> Freddy, ON7VQ
The very first sentence of the REAME file is "Windows interface for the NanoVNA". I am guessing that there is some confusion about what Windows means. Maybe stating "Microsoft Windows 10" would have made it clear.
On Fri, Oct 22, 2021 at 02:17 AM, AlexSpb wrote:
> Hello, Francesco,
> The basics for this SW installation is the LabVIEW runtime engine, which
> is included within the first huge archive version 1. It should be
> installed first.
> All other SW versions are just small exe files which could be started only
> after the first version archive is installed under Windows system.
> That's all
On Sun, Jul 11, 2021 at 04:38 AM, Bobinuta Bobinel wrote:
Don't forget USB driver install, download from:
On Sat, Oct 23, 2021 at 12:19 AM, John Galbreath wrote:
> Don't forget USB driver install, download from:
> https://nanorfe.com/downloads/NanoVNA-QT/CypressDriverInstaller_1.exe
>From my manual section 10.1 Before You Begin:
"The software was tested using both the recommended Cypress as well as
Microsoft's included drivers. No differences in their performance were noted."
I continue to use drivers included with MS 10.
On Fri, Oct 22, 2021 at 03:21 PM, Joe Smith wrote:
> I demonstrated using the original NanoVNA to look at PDNs but I've never
> heard of anyone actually using it.
That's no wonder, probably the target community of Power Electronics design engineers is just out of reach from here. People who are specialized in SMPS design usually don't have any MWave test gear at work...
RF engineers and serious hobbyists have HP etc. equipment at their work so they just don't care, too...
On Sat, Oct 23, 2021 at 09:36 PM, AlexSpb wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 22, 2021 at 03:21 PM, Joe Smith wrote:
>> I demonstrated using the original NanoVNA to look at PDNs but I've never
>> heard of anyone actually using it.
> That's no wonder, probably the target community of Power Electronics
> design engineers is just out of reach from here. People who are
> specialized in SMPS design usually don't have any MWave test gear at
> work...
> RF engineers and serious hobbyists have HP etc. equipment at their work
> so they just don't care, too...
> --
> Alex
SMPS are not always used in products and I suspect most designers are concerned with frequencies below 50MHz. This is why we have products like the Bode100.
https://www.omicron-lab.com/products/vector-network-analysis/bode-100# ( https://www.omicron-lab.com/products/vector-network-analysis/bode-100 )
Still to do some of the basic measurements, the original NanVNA can be used. It also has the appeal of being able to work above 50MHz. I've also demonstrated using it to measure below 10mOhms.
I was hoping that OWOs company would consider some of these fringe cases with the V3 but once you move away from the antenna analyzer group, there are very few users. Depending on the specs, I suspect there are a few of us willing to open our wallets. Even if they released a V2Plus4 that had the low frequency and narrow band performance of the original NanoVNA, I would buy one.
As far as your thoughts on characterizing amplifiers, I am curious if you have any recommended tools you're personally using today?
I posted about the amplifier stability on EEVBLOG. Maybe we can get some additional feedback from the members there.
I had trouble with Microsoft drivers using Windows 7 - I could link, and sweep, but no data showed up on plots.
Changed to Cypress and everything worked great.
Just curious why W7 service pack 1 is required since SP1 is slightly slower than original Windows 7.
Hello I like to fund one ready made USB module to drive the latch relay, some
one to buy on line to fit with the sofware?
**Sent:** Saturday, October 23, 2021 at 6:17 PM
**From:** "Joe Smith via groups.io" <joeqsmith49=yahoo.com@groups.io>
**To:** NanoVNAV2@groups.io
**Subject:** Re: [nanovnav2] Preview of my latest software updates
I posted about the amplifier stability on EEVBLOG. Maybe we can get some
additional feedback from the members there.
* * *
**Hello, this board work with your software to driver the relay? Please some
Single channel USB Relay controller for connection to a USB port.
Simple operation using RS232 commands over a virtual COM port.
Relay is fully powered from the USB port.
The driver and more info can be found at kmtronic.com
A general purpose USB Relay controller for connection to a PC's USB port using
VCP (Virtual COM port). Control devices using your PC. USB Relay controller
allows a PC to control a single external device using simple RS232 commands.
• Fully powered from USB
• For 12V/24V DC 15A or 120V/220V AC at 10A max.
**• Can be used with LabVIEW, ProfiLab, DAQFactory, TestPoint, DASYLab, VEE
**Sent:** Saturday, October 23, 2021 at 6:17 PM
**From:** "Joe Smith via groups.io" <joeqsmith49=yahoo.com@groups.io>
**To:** NanoVNAV2@groups.io
**Subject:** Re: [nanovnav2] Preview of my latest software updates
I posted about the amplifier stability on EEVBLOG. Maybe we can get some
additional feedback from the members there.
* * *
On Sun, Oct 24, 2021 at 05:15 AM, John Galbreath wrote:
> I had trouble with Microsoft drivers using Windows 7 - I could link, and
> sweep, but no data showed up on plots.
> Changed to Cypress and everything worked great.
> Just curious why W7 service pack 1 is required since SP1 is slightly
> slower than original Windows 7.
I don't think the manual mentions what's required, only that I support 10 and it may run on older versions. For fun I just tried the V2Plus4 with XP and it seems to run just fine. I'm not too surprised as I was using XP with LabView 2011 running on a P4 for several years. It would be difficult to troubleshoot with the only thing to go on is your suggesting there's a problem. My guess is it was a user problem with some random button pushing but I still don't have my crystal ball back from repairs. Make a video showing every step starting with powering up the V2Plus4. Maybe then I can recreate the problem.
On 10/23/21 4:33 PM, Francesco wrote:
> *Hello, this board work with your software to driver the relay? Please
> some help.*
Most RF transfer switches are a latching relay type thing, where you
have two coils, one to switch into each position. I have also seen a
dual polarity (apply current in one direction to switch one way, in
opposite direction to switch the other), but that's a LOT less common.
If you have the HP approach with two SPDT switches, you can probably
switch them together, but they typically have the same dual coil
implementation (or, the NC contacts connect to the load, and the NO
contacts connect to the source, so with power off, it's "safe")
So you probably want a dual driver. You probably also want optical
isolation between the USB interface and the actual coil drivers (to
avoid coil transient from killing your USB on the computer, if "things
go wrong").
Most of the RF relays I've seen have 24-28V coils, but you need to
check. So you need a power supply too.
On Sun, Oct 24, 2021 at 07:02 AM, Francesco wrote:
> Hello I like to fund one ready made USB module to drive the latch relay,
> some one to buy on line to fit with the sofware?
I am not aware of anyone selling such a device.
Yes, would be fine if they reach lower frequencies with the V3, because I would like to measure also in the VLF and lower bands.
just thinking out loud here...
Do you need "continuous" measurements from below 100kHz to above GHz?
Do you have strong interfering signals (e.g. the problems people have with broadcast band interference)
Do you need all four parameters (S11, S21, S22, S12)?
There's a lot of ways to measure low frequencies (i.e. direct ADC/DAC) that might be better than trying to run a VNA down to 50kHz (even if the synthesizer goes that low).
For one thing, you're starting to look at the 1/f noise of the receivers being a problem - for the usual HF and up, you don't care so much about the 1/f noise - if the knee is at 1kHz or 100kHz, it makes no difference. If you're measuring at 70 kHz, it does make a difference. At lower frequencies (below, say, 30 MHz) one might be better off with suitable low noise operational amplifiers than MMIC RF amps for a lot of reasons.
For my own use, the 20kHz the original NanoVNA offers is good enough.
Not all transfer relays are mechanical. Depending on your requirements, you may be able to use a solid-state relay like this:
>From FW 2020/05 on the lower frequency limit is 10 kHz.
That's quite good, but I would prefer 3 kHz.
Below 20 kHz I already used a soundcard with a spectrum analyzer program, but this doesn't have a VNA functionality.
On 10/24/21 7:51 AM, Joe Smith via groups.io wrote:
> For my own use, the 20kHz the original NanoVNA offers is good enough.
> Not all transfer relays are mechanical. Depending on your
> requirements, you may be able to use a solid-state relay like this:
> https://www.minicircuits.com/pdfs/MSWT-4-20+.pdf
> _._,_._,_
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Those particular parts (and many like them) require a separate driver
(-5V, 0V) and while the isolation is good at 1 MHz, it's not so good
higher up. There's also a whole biasing thing you have to be careful
about (i.e. your circuit needs to be capacitor coupled, and you have to
arrange a ground return).
I'm not sure that an inexpensive surplus electromechanical switch
wouldn't be cheaper and easier. OTOH, if you've got some existing
designs for drivers, and you want a no moving parts solution, this would
Let's just say that this isn't a "get an eval board and hook it up" kind
of approach.
You can also find FET switches with integral drivers (from minicircuits)
that might be a better starting point. ZASW-2-50DRA+ (or its smt
equivalent) has a switch to ground on the "off" port which improves the
Like I stated,
"I wouldn't normally design a 100 ohm system using 50 ohm transmission lines and innerconnects and then compound it with stubs but I was going off your original comment of works meaning no loss of performance. But yes, now that we are no longer constrained by that, it opens the doors to pretty much anything."
I don't see any concerns driving the Mini-circuits parts. Obviously a bit more complex than connecting a couple of VNAs together with some Ts.
I have a clone. - your results may vary.
Sadly, It seems that the referenced Mini-Circuits part has gone obsolete.
See : https://www.minicircuits.com/WebStore/dashboard.html?model=MSWT-4-20%2B and it brings up a popup that says :
This model is not recommended for new designs. Available while supplies last. Please, review PCN for Last Time Buy offer.
Product Change Notice: PCN21-024 ( https://www.minicircuits.com/pcn/PCN21-024.pdf )
A quick search on their site for transfer switch shows 200 results and I haven't gone through then to see what a similar part might be. Anyone know?
On 10/25/21 6:49 AM, W1RS wrote:
> Sadly, It seems that the referenced Mini-Circuits part has gone obsolete.
> See :
> https://www.minicircuits.com/WebStore/dashboard.html?model=MSWT-4-20%2B
> and it brings up a popup that says :
> This model is not recommended for new designs. Available while
> supplies last. Please, review PCN for Last Time Buy offer.
> Product Change Notice: PCN21-024
> <https://www.minicircuits.com/pcn/PCN21-024.pdf>
> A quick search on their site for transfer switch shows 200 results and
> I haven't gone through then to see what a similar part might be.
> Anyone know?
SMT or connectorized?
For a variety of reasons, you might be better off using a pair of SPDT
with internal drivers (saving you the hassle of making a driver for -5V)
- you'll still need a -5V supply, but a little DC/DC converter module
does well. *filter well* the PSRR on these switches is terrible. And
on the ones where YOU make the driver, the isolation from the control
signal is also not so wonderful. Lots o'filtering would be good, and
since in this application, you don't need fast switching, that's
probably fairly easy.
If you are up to designing the drivers the KSW-2-46 and KSWHA-1-20 look
Or the M3SW-2-50DRA or DRB, which have internal drivers. 70+dB
isolation between output ports and, as well, to common.
Mostly it's looking at what do you want the high frequency limit to be,
and making sure you have *enough* isolation at the frequencies of
interest. At HF (<100MHz) they all have pretty good isolation, but as
you creep higher, the isolation starts to get worse, and while that
calibrates out to a certain extent, it is something you need to be aware of.
And, if you're contemplating making measurements on high gain
amplifiers, port to port isolation can lead to some interesting effects
with respect to stability, because now you have a path from output back
to input.
The other thing is that these devices are pretty ESD sensitive (100V
HBM, Class 0). - that might not be an issue once you get it in a
circuit, but it's something you need to think about in a piece of test
equipment where the connections are open to the world. (and yes, I've
blown some of these up)
If you're looking at connectorized the ZFSWHA1-20+ is a regular "thru"
switch that needs a negative control voltage.
The ZASWA2-50DR-FA (and it's brothers and sisters) has the driver built
in - it's basically the part above in a SMA package with a bit better
ESD characteristics (Class 1A, 250-500V HBM)
mini circuit says over 20 000 in stock
so maybe we still can use it ?!?
dg9bfc sigi
Am 25.10.2021 um 15:49 schrieb W1RS:
On Mon, Oct 25, 2021 at 04:49 AM, John Galbreath wrote:
> I have a clone. - your results may vary.
Hard to believe what you describe would be tied to your VNA being a clone or even running an unsupported version of firmware. If you are seeing the raw data being collected, it should be plotting it. You have been known to post some very wrong ideas about calibration vs normalization. I suspect that this is where your problem is. If you start the software, link to the device, start the sweeps and don't see the graphs being updated, and that is tied to the service pack then maybe there is something to it. Again, you would need to provide every detail to allow me to replicate it, if you wanted to try and solve it. For now, my guess is it's between the keyboard and chair.
raw data is not flowing in.
Lab View will not install on initial Windows 7 - it requires Service pack 1.
Was not sitting in chair when driver barfed.
On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 12:27 AM, John Galbreath wrote:
> raw data is not flowing in.
> Lab View will not install on initial Windows 7 - it requires Service pack
> 1.
> Was not sitting in chair when driver barfed.
LabView certainly will install and even run on the first release of Win 7 but it's not required to run the EXE.
>>I had trouble with Microsoft drivers using Windows 7 - I could link, and sweep, but no data showed up on plots.
So, this was Win 7 SP1. That's a bit more helpful. I wonder what "raw data is not flowing in." means vs "..link, and sweep, but no data showed up on plots".
Guessing there was some random button pushing going on. Sort of like trying to explain to Grandma how to use her new smart phone. It needs a dial app. Oh well. No video and little data, there's nothing I can do.
I installed the NANOvna 2 + software on different pc on the main pc give one
**error 1073807202 at VISA close in MDrive_close_com.vi- >NanoVNA_r10.vi **
On the other pc not problem on this error the rubish of window?
Some help? Please.
**Sent:** Wednesday, October 27, 2021 at 12:35 AM
**From:** "Joe Smith via groups.io" <joeqsmith49=yahoo.com@groups.io>
**To:** NanoVNAV2@groups.io
**Subject:** Re: [nanovnav2] Preview of my latest software updates
On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 12:27 AM, John Galbreath wrote:
> raw data is not flowing in.
> Lab View will not install on initial Windows 7 - it requires Service pack
> Was not sitting in chair when driver barfed.
LabView certainly will install and even run on the first release of Win 7 but
it's not required to run the EXE.
>>I had trouble with Microsoft drivers using Windows 7 - I could link, and
sweep, but no data showed up on plots.
So, this was Win 7 SP1. That's a bit more helpful. I wonder what "raw data
is not flowing in." means vs "..link, and sweep, but no data showed up on
Guessing there was some random button pushing going on. Sort of like trying
to explain to Grandma how to use her new smart phone. It needs a dial app.
Oh well. No video and little data, there's nothing I can do.
* * *
On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 06:56 PM, Francesco wrote:
> I installed the NANOvna 2 + software on different pc on the main pc give
> one *error 1073807202 at VISA close in MDrive_close_com.vi->NanoVNA_r10.vi*
> On the other pc not problem on this error the rubish of window?
> Some help? Please.
And when you searched Google for that error what did you find? If your searching skills are lacking, try the following:
Thank you! result all work perfect on the nano and software! One other think
is the relay usb interface, is set up but not change the relay
**Sent:** Wednesday, October 27, 2021 at 12:55 PM
**From:** "Joe Smith via groups.io" <joeqsmith49=yahoo.com@groups.io>
**To:** NanoVNAV2@groups.io
**Subject:** Re: [nanovnav2] Preview of my latest software updates
On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 06:56 PM, Francesco wrote:
> I installed the NANOvna 2 + software on different pc on the main pc give one
**error 1073807202 at VISA close in MDrive_close_com.vi- >NanoVNA_r10.vi **
> On the other pc not problem on this error the rubish of window?
> Some help? Please.
And when you searched Google for that error what did you find? If your
searching skills are lacking, try the following:
* * *
On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 12:27 AM, John Galbreath wrote:
*Lab View will not install on initial Windows 7 - it requires Service pack 1*
Smith reply:
*LabView certainly will install and even run on the first release of Win 7 but it's not required to run the EXE.*
see attached screen shot.
what is wrong ?
The **Joe Smith NanoVNA 2 Plus software** is one big piece of software, I take
time to read the manual and I learn a lot is one instrument and need take time
to use it, every day I discovery more think, I don 't find the way to set up
my trasfere relay usb interface ( **possibly don 't like the** **FDI USB
driver chipset )** thank you for the previous suggestion they help me to set
up hardware and software.
**Sent:** Tuesday, October 26, 2021 at 3:38 AM
**From:** "Joe Smith via groups.io" <joeqsmith49=yahoo.com@groups.io>
**To:** NanoVNAV2@groups.io
**Subject:** Re: [nanovnav2] Preview of my latest software updates
On Mon, Oct 25, 2021 at 04:49 AM, John Galbreath wrote:
> I have a clone. - your results may vary.
Hard to believe what you describe would be tied to your VNA being a clone or
even running an unsupported version of firmware. If you are seeing the raw
data being collected, it should be plotting it. You have been known to post
some very wrong ideas about calibration vs normalization. I suspect that
this is where your problem is. If you start the software, link to the
device, start the sweeps and don't see the graphs being updated, and that is
tied to the service pack then maybe there is something to it. Again, you
would need to provide every detail to allow me to replicate it, if you wanted
to try and solve it. For now, my guess is it's between the keyboard and
* * *
On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 11:57 PM, John Galbreath wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 12:27 AM, John Galbreath wrote:
> *Lab View will not install on initial Windows 7 - it requires Service pack
> 1*
> Smith reply:
> *LabView certainly will install and even run on the first release of Win 7
> but it's not required to run the EXE.*
> see attached screen shot.
> what is wrong ?
Your lack of understanding of LabView. As I have said, I support 10 but the EXE was built to run down to XP. If you want to run on something other than 10, it's up to you to download and install the specific files files you need for your OS. As the manual says, I am expecting users to be somewhat PC savvy. Of course, you may ask why I don't support 7. I have not used that OS for several years and would have no reason to support it. So to be clear, LabView and my software will run down to XP but it's up to you to set up your PC.
On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 09:09 PM, Francesco wrote:
> Thank you! result all work perfect on the nano and software! One other
> think is the relay usb interface, is set up but not change the relay
That doesn't surprise me. I would guess that you did not read the manual or if you did, did not understand the requirements. If that's not the problem, then I will assume your driver design is poor. If not that, then your construction practices are poor. If not that, maybe you failed to install the drivers, have drivers that are not supported by your OS... The list goes on. Again, I have no crystal ball.
Hello, I read the manual list for trasfere relay installation I don't find
information for it, ( I appreciate your sens of humor "I have no crystal ball"
Crystal ball go broken easily) the software recognize the USB com port on my
case the NanoVNA is on port 11, and the trasfere relay on port 13, on the
software they hare installed if I push the relay status work the yellow led go
on off, possible the relay board chipset not fit with the nanoVna software.
Please wrath chip set use on your trasfere relay?
My board is FTDI chipset, <http://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/VCP.htm> on
window stand alone work fine, stated description: " **A general purpose USB
Relay controller for connection to a PC 's USB port using VCP (Virtual COM
port). Control devices using your PC. USB Relay controller allows a PC to
control a single external device using simple RS232 commands. Relay is fully
powered from the USB bus. Free test software.**
** ****Features:**
• Fully assembled and tested.
• Fully powered from USB
• For 12V/24V DC 15A or 120V/220V AC at 10A max.
• Can be used with LabVIEW, ProfiLab, DAQFactory, TestPoint, DASYLab, VEE
**Communication Parameters** :
8 Data, 1 Stop, No Parity
Baud rate : 9600
OFF command: FF 01 00 (HEX) or 255 1 0 (DEC)
ON command: FF 01 01 (HEX) or 255 1 1 (DEC)
**I 'm not software expert if I fund other board not problem, I like to put
full working trasfere relay on the nanoVNA software, thank you for all advice
and suggestions given.**
**Best regards.**
**Sent:** Thursday, October 28, 2021 at 12:27 AM
**From:** "Joe Smith via groups.io" <joeqsmith49=yahoo.com@groups.io>
**To:** NanoVNAV2@groups.io
**Subject:** Re: [nanovnav2] Preview of my latest software updates
On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 09:09 PM, Francesco wrote:
> Thank you! result all work perfect on the nano and software! One other think
is the relay usb interface, is set up but not change the relay
That doesn't surprise me. I would guess that you did not read the manual or
if you did, did not understand the requirements. If that's not the problem,
then I will assume your driver design is poor. If not that, then your
construction practices are poor. If not that, maybe you failed to install the
drivers, have drivers that are not supported by your OS... The list goes on.
Again, I have no crystal ball.
* * *
On Thu, Oct 28, 2021 at 06:40 PM, Francesco wrote:
> Hello, I read the manual list for trasfere relay installation I don't find
> information for it, ( I appreciate your sens of humor "I have no crystal
> ball" Crystal ball go broken easily) the software recognize the USB com
> port on my case the NanoVNA is on port 11, and the trasfere relay on port
> 13, on the software they hare installed if I push the relay status work
> the yellow led go on off, possible the relay board chipset not fit with
> the nanoVna software.
> Please wrath chip set use on your trasfere relay?
That's not going to work without some modifications. The manual covers the chipset I use as well as how it is wired. I suspect that reading the manual isn't something you are willing or maybe not able to do with it being in English. If you did make these modifications, you would still need to get a transfer relay.
Got two trasfere relay on the **HP switching test set rated 4Ghz** I put on
manual with one switch toggle **temporary ON-OFF-ON** the work OK the only
idea is to use the software to automate the system.
I reading with geath interest the manual I don't find any think for the
installation of the trasfere relay, yes I live on UK but the English isn't my
mater tongue.
Very interesting some part with example of measuring test, I learn a lot **"
_even you stated the software is NOT for biginers "_** __ biginers need learn
and starting on some point, teaching is one exsecise of pacience and
Do you please __ tell me the page on the manual to get this information? I
really apreciate your pacience and cortesy to do so.
Best regards.
**Sent:** Thursday, October 28, 2021 at 1:27 PM
**From:** "Joe Smith via groups.io" <joeqsmith49=yahoo.com@groups.io>
**To:** NanoVNAV2@groups.io
**Subject:** Re: [nanovnav2] Preview of my latest software updates
On Thu, Oct 28, 2021 at 06:40 PM, Francesco wrote:
> Hello, I read the manual list for trasfere relay installation I don't find
information for it, ( I appreciate your sens of humor "I have no crystal ball"
Crystal ball go broken easily) the software recognize the USB com port on my
case the NanoVNA is on port 11, and the trasfere relay on port 13, on the
software they hare installed if I push the relay status work the yellow led go
on off, possible the relay board chipset not fit with the nanoVna software.
> Please wrath chip set use on your trasfere relay?
That's not going to work without some modifications. The manual covers the
chipset I use as well as how it is wired. I suspect that reading the manual
isn't something you are willing or maybe not able to do with it being in
English. If you did make these modifications, you would still need to get a
transfer relay.
* * *
On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 12:27 AM, John Galbreath wrote:
*see attached screen shot. what is wrong ?*
Smith reply:
*Your lack of understanding of LabView.
* Please add a link in the manual to the material required for understanding
On Thu, Oct 28, 2021 at 08:50 PM, Francesco wrote:
> I reading with geath interest the manual I don't find any think for the
> installation of the trasfere relay, yes I live on UK but the English isn't
> my mater tongue.
> Very interesting some part with example of measuring test, I learn a lot *"
> even you stated the software is NOT for biginers"* biginers need learn and
> starting on some point, teaching is one exsecise of pacience and
> andstandinding.
> Do you please tell me the page on the manual to get this information? I
> really apreciate your pacience and cortesy to do so.
> Best regards.
> Francesco.
You feel your time is worth more than mine? Read the manual.
On Fri, Oct 29, 2021 at 12:34 AM, John Galbreath wrote:
> Please add a link in the manual to the material required for understanding
I do not support the old OS's. If you want to learn more about LabView, I suggest you visit their site and start reading.
Hello, on the "crystal ball" I get some sren shot from the software.
**Sent:** Thursday, October 28, 2021 at 1:27 PM
**From:** "Joe Smith via groups.io" <joeqsmith49=yahoo.com@groups.io>
**To:** NanoVNAV2@groups.io
**Subject:** Re: [nanovnav2] Preview of my latest software updates
On Thu, Oct 28, 2021 at 06:40 PM, Francesco wrote:
> Hello, I read the manual list for trasfere relay installation I don't find
information for it, ( I appreciate your sens of humor Crystal ball go broken
easily) the software recognize the USB com port on my case the NanoVNA is on
port 11, and the trasfere relay on port 13, on the software they hare
installed if I push the relay status work the yellow led go on off, possible
the relay board chipset not fit with the nanoVna software.
> Please wrath chip set use on your trasfere relay?
That's not going to work without some modifications. The manual covers the
chipset I use as well as how it is wired. I suspect that reading the manual
isn't something you are willing or maybe not able to do with it being in
English. If you did make these modifications, you would still need to get a
transfer relay.
* * *
> Hello, on the "crystal ball" I get some sren shot from the software.
Exactly what I would expect. At least you're providing an example to others how not reading and randomly pushing buttons works.
Hey Joe,
let's keep the snark Down to a lower level
On Sat, Oct 30, 2021, 7:30 AM Joe Smith via groups.io <joeqsmith49=
yahoo.com@groups.io> wrote:
Hello, I study the manual until page 61, you language is technical hi
cultivate, I'm one 76 years old geriatric man tray to understanding and
learning some very interesting think, you hare ideally
**" Archimedes of Syracuse"**( **not** **Syracuse on US** ) **Syracuse on
Sicily,** and I one of is
I buy one other USB interface and I go to tray again, the attached screen shot
came from **LabViu** **NI MAX** when I see they are on function, the NANO
software on PORT11 and the T/R interface on PORT 3, I think on my deeply
ignorance should work. There is one difficulty for me I 'm NOT one software
engineer writing software is not part on my experience, write in english is
problem to, I tray hard.
**Sent:** Saturday, October 30, 2021 at 3:30 PM
**From:** "Joe Smith via groups.io" <joeqsmith49=yahoo.com@groups.io>
**To:** NanoVNAV2@groups.io
**Subject:** Re: [nanovnav2] Preview of my latest software updates
> Hello, on the "crystal ball" I get some sren shot from the software.
Exactly what I would expect. At least you're providing an example to others
how not reading and randomly pushing buttons works.
* * *
Joe... in haste. PLEASE DO NOT BE DISHEARTENED. There are folks out there
who GREATLY ADMIRE YOU. Me for one.
WE see the brutal and huge amount of effort, sweat/blood and tears you
have put into your S/W plus documentation...and the support thereof.
There will ALWAYS, whatever the walk of life, be people that you cannot
please... irrespective of whatever you would do.
Just take it from a 77 year old moron that your efforts are >>>>SEEN AND
Cannot put it any stronger.
I only use my unit to measure my antennas.... but I am well aware that your
Labor of Love S/W is what we call over here: T"he Bees Knees."
Take heart Joe... ignore however difficult.. the "folks" out there who can
neither read or write.
For Sure.... The good Lord must have had a reason for making 'em.so.
Put that smile back on your face and feel good about your
program/support/docs/patience and effort.
I for one could not stand in your shadow.
On Sat, 30 Oct 2021 at 18:47, Francesco <realfran@gmx.co.uk> wrote:
Hello, I got this relay board, stand alone work ok, but not comunicate with
the NanoVNA software.

**A general purpose USB Relay controller for connection to a PC 's USB port
using VCP (Virtual COM port). Control devices using your PC. USB Relay
controller allows a PC to control a single external device using simple RS232
commands. Relay is fully powered from the USB bus. Free test software.**
** ****Features:**
• Fully assembled and tested.
• Fully powered from USB
• For 12V/24V DC 15A or 120V/220V AC at 10A max.
• Can be used with LabVIEW, ProfiLab, DAQFactory, TestPoint, DASYLab, VEE
** ****Model:**
** ****Complete
\- One USB One relay controller
** ****Dimensions:**
100 mm / 58 mm / 24 mm
**** ** Drivers:**
** ****Drivers are
available to work with the following operating systems:**
All Windows Systems, Linux, Mac OS X, Mac OS 9, Mac OS 8, Windows CE.NET
(Version 4.2 and greater)
** ****Communication
8 Data, 1 Stop, No Parity
Baud rate : 9600
** ****Commands:**
OFF command: FF 01 00 (HEX) or 255 1 0 (DEC)
ON command: FF 01 01 (HEX) or 255 1 1 (DEC)
** ****Software:**
Download - [KMTronic_USB_Timer.zip](http://sigma-

**** ** More
**** ** Software
**Sent:** Saturday, October 30, 2021 at 6:46 PM
**From:** "Francesco" <realfran@gmx.co.uk>
**To:** NanoVNAV2@groups.io
**Subject:** Re: [nanovnav2] Preview of my latest software updates
Hello, I study the manual until page 61, you language is technical hi
cultivate, I'm one 76 years old geriatric man tray to understanding and
learning some very interesting think, you hare ideally
**" Archimedes of Syracuse"**( **not** **Syracuse on US** ) **Syracuse on
Sicily,** and I one of is
I buy one other USB interface and I go to tray again, the attached screen shot
came from **LabViu** **NI MAX** when I see they are on function, the NANO
software on PORT11 and the T/R interface on PORT 3, I think on my deeply
ignorance should work. There is one difficulty for me I 'm NOT one software
engineer writing software is not part on my experience, write in english is
problem to, I tray hard.
**Sent:** Saturday, October 30, 2021 at 3:30 PM
**From:** "Joe Smith via groups.io" <joeqsmith49=yahoo.com@groups.io>
**To:** NanoVNAV2@groups.io
**Subject:** Re: [nanovnav2] Preview of my latest software updates
> Hello, on the "crystal ball" I get some sren shot from the software.
Exactly what I would expect. At least you're providing an example to others
how not reading and randomly pushing buttons works.
* * *
Hello, I study the manual until page 61, you language is technical hi cultivate, I'm one 76 years old geriatric man tray to understanding and learning some very interesting think, you hare ideally
*" Archimedes of Syracuse"* ( *not* *Syracuse on US* ) *Syracuse on Sicily,* and I one of is followers.
I buy one other USB interface and I go to tray again, the attached screen shot came from *LabViu* *NI MAX* when I see they are on function, the NANO software on PORT11 and the T/R interface on PORT 3, I think on my deeply ignorance should work. There is one difficulty for me I'm NOT one software engineer writing software is not part on my experience, write in english is problem to, I tray hard.
The document has a table of contents. The new release is getting close to 200 pages (mostly pictures) and includes much of the basics on using the software. You can purchase as many USB relays as you like but as I have explained, there is nothing you can buy ready made that will work. You can continue to ignore that and try to buy your way out of the problem but don't expect different results. The only way you're going to overcome ignorance is by reading and learning which you are reluctant to do. Giving up at page 61 suggests your unwillingness to learn. It's nothing I or anyone else can solve.
Looks like my attitude is being called into question. So I won't make any more suggestions to try and guide you. Good luck.
Hello, there is on the forum someone to help me to sort out this problem of
USB interface please, I like the NanoVNA reading the manual I'm starting to
measure attenuators dummy load and antennas, but I like to use to build some
Noch filter, pass band filter, ecc.ecc. the Crystal measurement is very
interesting piece of software part to make some Chrystal filter.
I re-purpose one **HP 8711A KO2 swiching test set putting my NanoVNA inside,
put one step attenuator, power supply inside to to get on one box different
stuff, many time all this think fall on the flor (like Joe smith video)**
**Thank you all for your pacience.**
**Sent:** Saturday, October 30, 2021 at 7:32 PM
**From:** "Albert Kleyn" <ei7ii.ie@gmail.com>
**To:** NanoVNAV2@groups.io
**Subject:** Re: [nanovnav2] Preview of my latest software updates
Joe... in haste. PLEASE DO NOT BE DISHEARTENED. There are folks out there who
WE see the brutal and huge amount of effort, sweat/blood and tears you have
put into your S/W plus documentation...and the support thereof.
There will ALWAYS, whatever the walk of life, be people that you cannot
please... irrespective of whatever you would do.
Just take it from a 77 year old moron that your efforts are >>>>SEEN AND
Cannot put it any stronger.
I only use my unit to measure my antennas.... but I am well aware that your
Labor of Love S/W is what we call over here: T"he Bees Knees."
Take heart Joe... ignore however difficult.. the "folks" out there who can
neither read or write.
For Sure.... The good Lord must have had a reason for making 'em.so.
Put that smile back on your face and feel good about your
program/support/docs/patience and effort.
I for one could not stand in your shadow.
On Sat, 30 Oct 2021 at 18:47, Francesco
<[realfran@gmx.co.uk](mailto:realfran@gmx.co.uk)> wrote:
> Hello, I study the manual until page 61, you language is technical hi
cultivate, I'm one 76 years old geriatric man tray to understanding and
learning some very interesting think, you hare ideally
> **" Archimedes of Syracuse"**( **not** **Syracuse on US** ) **Syracuse on
Sicily,** and I one of is
> I buy one other USB interface and I go to tray again, the attached screen
shot came from **LabViu** **NI MAX** when I see they are on function, the NANO
software on PORT11 and the T/R interface on PORT 3, I think on my deeply
ignorance should work. There is one difficulty for me I 'm NOT one software
engineer writing software is not part on my experience, write in english is
problem to, I tray hard.
> **Sent:** Saturday, October 30, 2021 at 3:30 PM
> **From:** "Joe Smith via [groups.io](http://groups.io)"
> **To:** [NanoVNAV2@groups.io](mailto:NanoVNAV2@groups.io)
> **Subject:** Re: [nanovnav2] Preview of my latest software updates
>> Hello, on the "crystal ball" I get some sren shot from the software.
> Exactly what I would expect. At least you're providing an example to others
how not reading and randomly pushing buttons works.
* * *
I don't make on question your wiliness to help me, I reading and studying page
61 until today, I read page 100 for the trasfere relay but I not understanding
for my ignorance on the matter of USB serial system.
My intention is to make use of the trasfere relay, if someone got some simple
diagram to make it I doing trug hole (the small part is one problem for my sh-
aching hands).
**I don 't think have seed some word to offend you or other person, i seed all
way to be gratefully to you or other person on the forum for candy help me, if
I bordered you please accept my apology for it.**
**Thank you for the previous help anyway.**
**Sent:** Saturday, October 30, 2021 at 7:54 PM
**From:** "Joe Smith via groups.io" <joeqsmith49=yahoo.com@groups.io>
**To:** NanoVNAV2@groups.io
**Subject:** Re: [nanovnav2] Preview of my latest software updates
Hello, I study the manual until page 61, you language is technical hi
cultivate, I'm one 76 years old geriatric man tray to understanding and
learning some very interesting think, you hare ideally
**" Archimedes of Syracuse"**( **not** **Syracuse on US** ) **Syracuse on
Sicily,** and I one of is
I buy one other USB interface and I go to tray again, the attached screen shot
came from **LabViu** **NI MAX** when I see they are on function, the NANO
software on PORT11 and the T/R interface on PORT 3, I think on my deeply
ignorance should work. There is one difficulty for me I 'm NOT one software
engineer writing software is not part on my experience, write in english is
problem to, I tray hard.
The document has a table of contents. The new release is getting close to 200
pages (mostly pictures) and includes much of the basics on using the software.
You can purchase as many USB relays as you like but as I have explained, there
is nothing you can buy ready made that will work. You can continue to ignore
that and try to buy your way out of the problem but don't expect different
results. The only way you're going to overcome ignorance is by reading and
learning which you are reluctant to do. Giving up at page 61 suggests your
unwillingness to learn. It's nothing I or anyone else can solve.
Looks like my attitude is being called into question. So I won't make any
more suggestions to try and guide you. Good luck.
* * *
On Sun, Oct 31, 2021 at 03:20 AM, Francesco wrote:
> *I don't think have seed some word to offend you or other person, i seed
> all way to be gratefully to you or other person on the forum for candy
> help me, if I bordered you please accept my apology for it.*
> *Thank you for the previous help anyway.
> *
No need for any sort of apology. It's was my choice to engage knowing you were in way over your head. But with others uncomfortable with the tone of the conversation and your unwillingness to read, I see no reason to continue. Good luck.
Demonstrating the latest changes to my software based on AlexSpb requests.
On Sun, Oct 31, 2021 at 02:32 AM, Albert Kleyn wrote:
> Joe... in haste. PLEASE DO NOT BE DISHEARTENED. There are folks out there
> who GREATLY ADMIRE YOU. Me for one.
> WE see the brutal and huge amount of effort, sweat/blood and tears you
> have put into your S/W plus documentation...and the support thereof.
> There will ALWAYS, whatever the walk of life, be people that you cannot
> please... irrespective of whatever you would do.
> Just take it from a 77 year old moron that your efforts are >>>>SEEN AND
> Cannot put it any stronger.
> I only use my unit to measure my antennas.... but I am well aware that
> your Labor of Love S/W is what we call over here: T"he Bees Knees."
> Take heart Joe... ignore however difficult.. the "folks" out there who can
> neither read or write.
> For Sure.... The good Lord must have had a reason for making 'em.so.
> Put that smile back on your face and feel good about your
> program/support/docs/patience and effort.
> I for one could not stand in your shadow.
Thanks. I had read that one of the developers of the open source had stopped development over the feedback. I can certainly understand it if that was the case. However, my software is really for my own use and will most likely continue to change to fit my personal needs. If others can benefit from it, all the better but that's not my priority. There is certainly a downside to making it freely available but I knew that going into it.
I updated the software for the original NanoVNA today. Both programs and the new manual are now available (for free on GitHub). *READ THE README file BEFORE you try and install them!!!*
I was asked about the regional settings when using Touchstone files.
> Before I make any changes, I would be interested in hearing from those of
> you living in these areas if you want the Touchstone to reflect your
> regional settings, always use the decimal, or keep it as is and use the
> INI file? It's quick change for me, so no big deal but let's make sure
> that it's the right solution.
Hi Joe,
My preferences:
- keep it as it is and use the INI file.
- Keep the ability to save and load s1p files.
Would it be possible for the rectangular graph to set the Y-scale manually
(min & max)?
Guido on7ch
On Wed, Nov 3, 2021 at 12:16 PM Joe Smith via groups.io <joeqsmith49=
yahoo.com@groups.io> wrote:
Hello, I read the manual for the installation of the new version I don't find any mention of it.
For upgrade how is the way to doing? Please some help.
On Thu, Nov 4, 2021 at 07:24 PM, Francesco wrote:
> Hello, I read the manual for the installation of the new version I don't
> find any mention of it.
> For upgrade how is the way to doing? Please some help.
It was detailed in the README along with this previous post sent to you. What part don't you understand?
On Thu, Nov 4, 2021 at 11:44 AM, Guido ON7CH wrote:
> Hi Joe,
> My preferences:
> - keep it as it is and use the INI file.
> - Keep the ability to save and load s1p files.
> Would it be possible for the rectangular graph to set the Y-scale manually
> (min & max)?
> Regards
> Guido on7ch
Thanks for the feedback. Yes it would certainly be possible to make the vertical scale manual. A saw the other post in a new thread also asking for it. I purposely program the scale for the min max of what ever it is that I am plotting which includes the memory. I'm real lazy and want that software to adjust everything for me to save time when making the measurements.
> I checked some step attenuators a couple of days ago – and without auto
> scaling y-axis it will be more easyer to quickly verify correct
> switching/attenuation on a wide variety of settings.
Using your example, I would normally set the attenuator to some reference value and save that to memory. I then change the attenuator. Attached showing with the attenuator set at 0dB and saved to memory 1. It was then set to 10dB and saved to memory 2. It was finally set to 20dB. I could have set the attenuator to 0 and 40dB saved those to memory 1 and 2 and. Then as I change the attenuator, it show always fall between these two. Again, I run it this way out of pure laziness.
Another thing I often do is post process the data. So using staying with your attenuator example, I will record the data and plot it after the fact.
*I find it thank you for the help, I luck on the web if I find one circuit diagram to drive the T/R from the USB to serial.
Best regards.
On Sun, Oct 24, 2021 at 07:33 AM, Francesco wrote:
> Hello, this board work with your software to driver the relay? Please some
> help.
How many times would you like me to answer the same question?
LOL, stupid mail list. Ignore that last post.
The new software is now available.
Auto regional support for Touchstone files
Touchstone file import
Able to manually turn off the vertical autoscale on the main graph for all rectangular plots
Fix a major bug in the stability circles
On Sat, Oct 30, 2021 at 12:39 PM, Nels Nelsen wrote:
> let's keep the snark Down to a lower level
Let's not.
Joe puts in an enormous amount of work and after people fail to read the manual want him questions that are contained within. I thank Joe and laud his patience in dealing with people refusing to do what he says to do.
Thank you Joe, larry
Decided to run some tests on the V2+4 software. I have not done any testing with the software for the original NanoVNA. The changes were minimal but I may have missed something.
You can now now pull it down. To turn off the autoscale just right click on the scale you want to turn off, then select AutoScale Y. You can then select the max or min value and overwrite them with what ever you want. To enable the autoscale, just re-select the AutoScale Y. For transmission, you can turn off both the gain and the phase independently. When you change the function, the software will automatically revert to autoscale. This is transparent for me but gives those of you who want it, a way to disable it.
For more details about the Touchstone import and stability circles, checkout the EEVBLOG thread:
Larry. I could not agree more.
On Sat, 6 Nov 2021 at 03:40, Lawrance A. Schneider <llaassllaaass@gmail.com>
Hello friend, how are you.
a query, do you think it is possible to implement this software or a similar one in matlab or python to be able to access the measurement, calibration, data saving options of the nanovna v2 plus4?
Joe, thanks for the new software release. Y ou did a great job.
I tested Rev 2.06 with a NanoVNA V2_2.
In the Xmsn Rectangular diagram, now there is S11 & S22 written instead of Gain & Phase.
Rev 2.08 was tested with a NanoVNA-F.
Nice catch. I noticed a couple of other problems with both programs. If you notice any other problems, please post them.
The S11/S22 could be corrected by selecting the Stability and 2PSweep, then deselecting them.
Hi Guido,
Please where can I find this software, I have been searching, but no luck.
Thanks in advance.
Op 6-11-2021 om 15:59 schreef Guido ON7CH:
> Joe, thanks for the new software release. You did a great job.
> I tested Rev 2.06 with a NanoVNA V2_2.
> In the Xmsn Rectangular diagram, now there is S11 & S22 written
> instead of Gain & Phase.
> Rev 2.08 was tested with a NanoVNA-F.
> Guido
Dit e-mailbericht is gecontroleerd op virussen met Avast antivirussoftware.
> Hi, JoePlease check Your github repo recent uploads.It seems that a wrong
> or corrupted file had been uploaded at NanoVNA branch-- Alex
Please do not send direct emails. It seems that Guido was able to download and install 2.08. If you figure out what the problem is, please post it here to help others from making the same mistake.
I've corrected the known problems in both programs. TDR has been added to the post processing.
On 11/6/21 5:42 AM, jeanpier.ancori@ucsp.edu.pe wrote:
> Hello friend, how are you.
> a query, do you think it is possible to implement this software or a
> similar one in matlab or python to be able to access the measurement,
> calibration, data saving options of the nanovna v2 plus4?
> _._,_._,_
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Have you looked at NanoVNA-Saver, a python application that talks to a
lot of the different models. I don't know if it has a driver for the V2+4
The latest versions of the software are now available.
Add distance units to the TDR graph
Add threshold selection to TDR graph using cursors
Throttle time between calculations
Add missing index for stability circle parameters
Add a plot refresh to stability selection
Force states of gain and phase selection to defaults when selecting stability
In the works for next release:
Hello Joe, the software transforms one simple gadget on one reliable instrument, the Nano V2Plus inside the switching test set work (quasi perfect, my serial setup switch the transfer relay).
I continue to study the manual to learn more, thank you for your patience with me.
Best regards.
I want to enter the calibration data for the N-type Agilent N9910X-801.
The new data is entered into the calibration standards table with number-10.
After a new calibration and using this calibration data, the updates of the
Main screen are stopped.
In the tab Raw Data only CH1_Z gets updates. CH0_Z freezes.
The Point Index is still counting.
Calibration terms with a number under 10 seems to have no problems.
On Sat, Nov 13, 2021 at 5:58 PM Joe Smith via groups.io <joeqsmith49=
yahoo.com@groups.io> wrote:
If you want to try and solve it, as I have wrote many times, you need to provide enough detail for me to replicate the problem. I don't have enough time to guess at what you are doing. Post a screen shot of the Calibration terms you have entered and AFTER you calibrate, post a picture of the coefficients. Are you saving the settings, if so, upload the defaults file you have created. I wonder what you are actually seeing when you suggest CH0_Z freezes. Again, a screen shot would have helped.
I have not actually used more than the first entry in the standards with the V2Plus4 but I have used more than 10 with the other VNAs and they pull from the same code base. CH0_Z should never freeze and there is nothing magic about the tenth entry. Maybe post a photo of the data supplied with your calibration standards. I think with all of this information, we should see the problem rather quickly.
I understand your statement, you are right. I gave you not enough details.
Hereby my scenario of how the SW freezes.
The last session was closed with SaveSerup.
- start SW & nanoVNA V2Plus on WIN10is
- SW starts in Centre&Span, however the previous session was closed in
sweep Start-Stop
- In Calibration Standard is number_9
- change manual to sweep Start-Stop 1MHz to 300MHz
No issue until now.
- Button 2PortCal – Old
- Load file “cal N 1-300 201P HP test"
In screen Impd Smith & imp Rectangular no response anymore
CH0_Z freezes CH1_Z is OK.
Sometimes if I go to Calibration Standards and choose number 0 the scans
are back. CH0_Z & CH1_Z are ok
I hope this helps to reproduce this phenomenon.
No problem if you need more info
Thanks in advance
On Fri, Nov 19, 2021 at 2:35 AM Joe Smith via groups.io <joeqsmith49=
yahoo.com@groups.io> wrote:
Now I see what's going on. Looking at CH0_Z, it's not frozen but rather showing there is a math error with the calibration. CH0 is used for S11 which you show in Main Blocked. It would be tough to graph a bunch of non-numbers. Read the following first hit from Google:
So what's the cause? Let's look at Calibration Standards SMA first. Notice that EDF, ESF and ERF are all NaN. Using these to calculate S11 will of course produce NaN. So, now we are down to something you have entered into the Calibration Standards. Let's look at what you have for the Agilent HP standards. Again, I see the same problem. The problem is once again between the keyboard and chair.
While I provided many valid examples of Calibration Standards, you chose to ignore them. The math isn't too bad but if you don't understand it and just start plugging in numbers, the software isn't going to try and help you. While it's easy to just point out what you did wrong, I don't see that being any help to you.
I normally try to solve problems by breaking them down. Once you find the cause of the NaN, you may ask yourself why is the software doing this and suggest there's another problem or you may just move on never understanding what the root cause is. However, I expect the users of this software to dive into the math and report back with where the math breaks down and why. I'm interested to see which direction you go. Good luck.
PS, the math isn't that bad assuming you have some level of education. There are many papers available on-line that cover it. Knowing how the VNA works is a big step is understanding how to use it. Of course, I am not expecting the SWR group to get much further but in your case, you have acquired a metrology grade standard and I expect you are not doing that to show it off to your friends at the next club meeting. So, let me know how it works out.
Hello Guido I'm interested to this set up characterized kit information, one
Illiterate person like me need learning about this software and the NanoVNA,
with Joe guidance and encouragement will be one interesting experience.
This put me on my past experience on [Sidi Bel
many years ago on my training in the French Foren Ligion.
**Sent:** Friday, November 19, 2021 at 12:57 PM
**From:** "Guido ON7CH" <g.charita@gmail.com>
**To:** NanoVNAV2@groups.io
**Subject:** Re: [nanovnav2] Preview of my latest software updates
I understand your statement, you are right. I gave you not enough details.
Hereby my scenario of how the SW freezes.
The last session was closed with SaveSerup.
\- start SW & nanoVNA V2Plus on WIN10is
\- SW starts in Centre&Span, however the previous session was closed in sweep
\- In Calibration Standard is number_9
\- change manual to sweep Start-Stop 1MHz to 300MHz
No issue until now.
- Button 2PortCal - Old
- Load file "cal N 1-300 201P HP test"
In screen Impd Smith & imp Rectangular no response anymore
CH0_Z freezes CH1_Z is OK.
Sometimes if I go to Calibration Standards and choose number 0 the scans are
back. CH0_Z & CH1_Z are ok
I hope this helps to reproduce this phenomenon.
No problem if you need more info
Thanks in advance
On Fri, Nov 19, 2021 at 2:35 AM Joe Smith via [groups.io](http://groups.io)
<joeqsmith49=[yahoo.com@groups.io](mailto:yahoo.com@groups.io)> wrote:
> Guido,
> If you want to try and solve it, as I have wrote many times, you need to
provide enough detail for me to replicate the problem. I don't have enough
time to guess at what you are doing. Post a screen shot of the Calibration
terms you have entered and AFTER you calibrate, post a picture of the
coefficients. Are you saving the settings, if so, upload the defaults file
you have created. I wonder what you are actually seeing when you suggest
CH0_Z freezes. Again, a screen shot would have helped.
> I have not actually used more than the first entry in the standards with
the V2Plus4 but I have used more than 10 with the other VNAs and they pull
from the same code base. CH0_Z should never freeze and there is nothing magic
about the tenth entry. Maybe post a photo of the data supplied with your
calibration standards. I think with all of this information, we should see
the problem rather quickly.
* * *
Dear Joe:
I really like the look of your software GUI. I would like to work with you to help you develop the software further. I have included a VITA so you know I am not an amateur at this. Back in the day, my company wrote extensive analysis software for the first HP TDR in HP basic, so I have years of experience with specifying analysis features beyond the standard ones everyone is discussing.
Can you point me to the download of the software and does it include a an imbedded USB serial port controller. I think VNA saver has one, or at least I didn’t have to download one to use the VNA saver.
Dr. Edward P. Sayre, P. E.
President & CTO
North East Systems Associates, Inc.
9 Maple Lane | PO Box 807
Marshfield, MA 02050
[T]: 781-837-9088
[M]: 978-314-4940
[E]: esayre@nesa.com
Thanks for your explanation, all clear now.
For me this issue is solved.
On Fri, Nov 19, 2021 at 3:04 PM Joe Smith via groups.io <joeqsmith49=
yahoo.com@groups.io> wrote:
Sounds good. If you ever do decide to dig into the math and want to discuss why the software works as it does, feel free to write.
How do I download your software?
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On Sun, Nov 21, 2021 at 5:45 AM Ed Sayre <esayre@nesa.com> wrote:
Hello, on the software setup I noted the read *XferRlyError* light stays on, the transfer relay work well all functions, to some think on the serial port error? I make one simple (crude)circuit 2 transistors NPN 2N2222, I got a curiosity for this and if is possible to make it better.
On Sat, Nov 20, 2021 at 12:10 PM, Ed Sayre wrote:
> Dear Joe:
> I really like the look of your software GUI. I would like to work with
> you to help you develop the software further. I have included a VITA so
> you know I am not an amateur at this. Back in the day, my company wrote
> extensive analysis software for the first HP TDR in HP basic, so I have
> years of experience with specifying analysis features beyond the standard
> ones everyone is discussing.
> Can you point me to the download of the software and does it include a an
> imbedded USB serial port controller. I think VNA saver has one, or at
> least I didn’t have to download one to use the VNA saver.
> Ed
I have not considered working with anyone on my software. It's just a home project for the fun of it. If you would like to get involved in a larger project, there's a group developing an open source program for these low cost VNAs. I believe they are using Python.
If you are skilled in LabView and there is a feature you would like to see added to my software, you could write your own code to demonstrate it, document and post it here. I would be willing to have a look. You can use what ever version of LabView you like.
Your software is a hell of a home project! I was so impressed by your video and facility with high end VNAs. Do you have an Agilent or HP background?
I bought the NanoVNA because it gave me acceptable means to look at HF design problems. I am usually off in multi-Gigabit space and for that I use my 86100C O’scope TDR/FFT capability for frequency domain. It does not work satisfactorily in the 10 – 20MHz range.
BTW, my interest is not in software development but its use in design.
Dr. Edward P. Sayre, P.E.
President & CTO
North East Systems Associates, Inc.
9 Maple Lane | PO Box 807
Marshfield, MA 02050
[T]: 781-837-9088
[C]: 978-314-4940
On Tue, Nov 23, 2021 at 04:18 AM, Ed Sayre wrote:
> Your software is a hell of a home project! I was so impressed by your
> video and facility with high end VNAs. Do you have an Agilent or HP
> background?
> I bought the NanoVNA because it gave me acceptable means to look at HF
> design problems. I am usually off in multi-Gigabit space and for that I
> use my 86100C O’scope TDR/FFT capability for frequency domain. It does
> not work satisfactorily in the 10 – 20MHz range.
> BTW, my interest is not in software development but its use in design.
I don't consider myself as having much of a background in RF design or VNAs in general. I bought an old HP8754A several years ago that I recently replaced with a vintage Agilent PNA. I've made a few videos for these low cost VNAs to try and help the next generation of EEs. I make the software available free of charge and there's no request for donations and no ads. It's just my small way of giving back to the engineering community.
I've been very impressed with these low cost VNAs. Sure, they have a lot of limitations but for the sub $200, they make a great learning tool. I'm looking forward to seeing what OWOs company comes out with next.
I had wondered about your comment about working with me as your site gave me no indication you had any background in software. While I use software to automate some of my experiments, its not really my area of interest. Upon request, I've added some changes to my software and am open to discussing what features you would like to see added. Keep in mind that the open source group is much larger then my group of one. Not to mention I have other home projects going on. They may be able to support what ever changes you are looking for as well.
What version of LabView is needed to run the NanoVNA software?
Dr. Edward P. Sayre, P. E.
President & CTO
North East Systems Associates, Inc.
9 Maple Lane | PO Box 807
Marshfield, MA 02050
[T]: 781-837-9088
[M]: 978-314-4940
[E]: esayre@nesa.com
On Tue, Nov 23, 2021 at 10:45 AM, Ed Sayre wrote:
> What version of LabView is needed to run the NanoVNA software?
If you get to the point where you are thinking to try my software, start by reading the README and manual. There is also a long running thread on EEVBLOG that has a lot of details.
Your question is covered on:
pg 18, 9. "Requires LabView 2011 runtime engine and NIVISA."
pg 18,10 "Once these are installed, copy the executable files to your directory."
Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
Get Outlook for Android<https://aka.ms/AAb9ysg>
It's been a few weeks and I thought I would check in to see if you made any progress with getting my software setup and learning to use it.
Currently I am attempting to sort out how to add support for the unknown thru correction. If you have implemented this algorithm using a transfer relay, this may be a good place to start. I've started to look for a book that covers the topic in detail.
I have not set up the software. I am using the Nano as a single sided VNA. As I said in my earlier email, I have a great deal of Signal Integrity experience including VNA and TDR analysis and usage. I am fully engaged with a single sided HF project which is why I bought the NanoVNA Plus 4 in the first place..
I have worked with high frequency microwave relays for device test and have found that glass sealed magnetic leaf switch relays have the best S21 insertion loss as well as good S11 reflection performance. But the entire assembly has to be treated as a controlled impedance 50 ohm environment so the physical design and implementation plays a dominant role.
I have assumed that Lab View is a requirement for setting up your software. Since I do not have a current copy I am putting aside any work using your software for now. When I get to the testing phase next year first quarter, I may be back to you for guidance.
Dr. Edward P. Sayre, P. E,
President and CTO
North East Systems Associates, Inc.
9 Maple Lane
Marshfield, MA 02050
[T]: 781-837-9088
[C]: 978-314-4940
On Tue, Dec 14, 2021 at 05:27 AM, Ed Sayre wrote:
> I have not set up the software. I am using the Nano as a single sided
> VNA. As I said in my earlier email, I have a great deal of Signal
> Integrity experience including VNA and TDR analysis and usage. I am fully
> engaged with a single sided HF project which is why I bought the NanoVNA
> Plus 4 in the first place..
> I have worked with high frequency microwave relays for device test and
> have found that glass sealed magnetic leaf switch relays have the best S21
> insertion loss as well as good S11 reflection performance. But the entire
> assembly has to be treated as a controlled impedance 50 ohm environment so
> the physical design and implementation plays a dominant role.
> I have assumed that Lab View is a requirement for setting up your
> software. Since I do not have a current copy I am putting aside any work
> using your software for now. When I get to the testing phase next year
> first quarter, I may be back to you for guidance.
> Ed
I assumed from your initial comment " I would like to work with you to help you develop the software further." you would have at least read the README. The software is provided as executable and doesn't require LabView. As the sections I quoted state, you do need the runtime and NI-VISA which are both included with the initial install. Chapter 10 covers installation. 10.3 is on troubleshooting and shown below if you are having difficulty locating it:
*Most of the problems seem to stem from user’s inability to follow the basic instruction. Some of the more common problems are:*
* *Installing the EXEs and then randomly guess at which runtime is required. If they manage to find the correct one, they are unable to get the software to communicate with the device because they have not installed the correct VISA.*
* *Using the wrong software for the device.*
* *Downloading the installer and assuming the included 1.0 software is the latest available.*
* *Attempting to use different regional settings without changing the INI file. The NanoVNA fails to respond when the comma separator is selected.*
* *Trying to use an unsupported hardware / firmware combination. If you like to fiddle around reprogramming your VNA, the software is not well suited for you.*
*Do yourself a favor and read the readme file and manual. Of course, if you are reading this, I*
*doubt you ran into one of above problems.
The regional settings should now be handled automatically. By far the biggest problems stem from not reading the supplied materials. With your background, it wasn't something I was expecting but certainly common. If you would like to propose changes/features to my software, I suggest you start by reading the manual and learning to use it first.
Good luck with your project.
good morning sir, do you know how i could connect my nanovna v2 plus 4 to python or matlab or labview?
On 2/2/22 2:55 PM, jeanpier.ancori@ucsp.edu.pe wrote:
> good morning sir, do you know how i could connect my nanovna v2 plus 4
> to python or matlab or labview?
> _._,_._,_
I don't know for sure (I don't have a V2), but NanoVNA-Saver is entirely
in Python. It has a NanoVNA_V2.py module which seems to support the
binary protocol, and exposes a useful set of functions.
Thanks friend
Python file of the Nano VNA Saver for saving and exporting the measurements
and automatically executing a data port-processing, facilitating the data
extraction and calibration process, were you able to execute the python
algorithm in windows?
El jue, 3 feb 2022 a las 9:37, Jim Lux (<jim@luxfamily.com>) escribió:
On 2/7/22 2:15 PM, Jeanpier Brandol Ancori Sanchez wrote:
> Thanks friend
> Python file of the Nano VNA Saver for saving and exporting the
> measurements and automatically executing a data port-processing,
> facilitating the data extraction and calibration process, were you
> able to execute the python algorithm in windows?
Others have run NanoVNA Saver in Windows.
I've run it under Linux (on a RPi) and on a Mac (MacOS-X Catalina). I
see no reason why it wouldn't work with Windows.
But, as noted, not a V2.
I just tried the windows 10 version of NanoVNA Saver, it is 3.8. But the
python version is 3.10, version 3.10 does not connect directly with the
NanoVNA but 3.8 does work, did you use version 3.8 in python or do you know
of its existence?
El lun, 7 feb 2022 a las 17:47, Jim Lux (<jim@luxfamily.com>) escribió:
On 2/7/22 3:33 PM, Jeanpier Brandol Ancori Sanchez wrote:
> I just tried the windows 10 version of NanoVNA Saver, it is 3.8. But
> the python version is 3.10, version 3.10 does not connect directly
> with the NanoVNA but 3.8 does work, did you use version 3.8 in python
> or do you know of its existence?
I'm running with python 3.8.6 here (pacakged by conda-forge). I would
suspect some sort of weirdness with the pyserial module. I have
pyserial 3.4
In my Spyder environment, it's python 3.8.1, same pyserial 3.4
On the RPi, it's python 3.7.3, also pyserial 3.4
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