Hello everyone,
I'd like to be sure before buying, any of you could be so kind to proper explain me the specs differences between nanovna v2 plus4 and its sibling model nanovna v2 plus5?
Thank you guys.
As of 2022 there are many badly performing clones on the market. V2/3GHz NanoVNA uses parts like ADF4350 and AD8342 which are costly and clones have been cutting costs by using salvaged or reject parts.
See official store and look for V2 Plus4/V2 Plus4 Pro versions only to avoid getting a bad clone. We have stopped selling V2.2 versions since October 2020, so all V2 hardware that are not Plus or Plus4 are not made by us and we can not guarantee performance.
Hello everyone,
I'd like to be sure before buying, any of you could be so kind to proper explain me the specs differences between nanovna v2 plus4 and its sibling model nanovna v2 plus5?
Thank you guys.
New in V2 Plus5 (renamed to V2 Plus4 Pro):
- Adjustable bandwidth; possibility of measuring very narrowband devices.
- Maximum sweep speed increased to 600 points/s; speed increases below 140MHz.
- Slightly improved noise compared to V2 Plus4.
V2 Plus4 already has the lowest noise out of all NanoVNAs, so V2 Plus4 Pro is only a small improvement there. See: https://nanorfe.com/nanovna-v2.html#clones
You change the the FW for the v2Plus4?
**Sent:** Friday, February 11, 2022 at 5:10 AM
**From:** "OwO" <OwOwOwOwO123@outlook.com>
**To:** "NanoVNAV2@groups.io" <NanoVNAV2@groups.io>
**Subject:** Re: [nanovnav2] Nanovna V2 plus5
New in V2 Plus5:
\- Adjustable bandwidth; possibility of measuring very narrowband devices.
\- Maximum sweep speed increased to 600 points/s; speed increases below
\- Slightly improved noise compared to V2 Plus4.
V2 Plus4 already has the lowest noise out of all NanoVNAs, so V2 Plus5 is only
a small improvement there. See: <https://nanorfe.com/nanovna-v2.html#clones>
* * *
I'm considering a purchase as well and am wondering how much difference these additional 200 points in the sweep would add. I'd be using this mostly for general ham band antennas. Not too much in the GB range.
I’m curious if the hardware is actually the same and this isn’t something easily accomplished with a simple firmware upgrade. Won’t take much to order one from Amazon, open it up to see and then return it once we know.
Seems a bit sketchy that it appears identical.
Not sure the minor improvements justify an additional purchase when one already owns the V2+4. Will be keeping an eye out for substantial performance improvements and/or feature additions.
Yeah, and I think that sentiment is pretty ubiquitous because they now changed the product name to V2plus4Pro 🙄
I an SAA-V2 I use for ham radio. It works great. I use it at the antenna, then in the shack. After an antenna build/install and TX line is run into the shack, I run it via laptop using 500 points. That 500 is probably overkill. My background is all around transmitters. HF to 8 Ghz, backed up with expensive equipment purchased for use at federal facilities. 1st class FCC at age 19. Retired from FAA in 2017. If you use a manual antenna match, the nano VNA works well to tune without sending any RF that may interfere.
I was just reviewing the Specifications table again (https://nanorfe.com/nanovna-v2.html#specifications) and wanted to clarify something.
I would be using this mostly for HF antennas, 3.5MHz~50MHz. If I am reading the specifications table correctly, I would only be seeing 200 points on the screen of the V2 Plus4 for the HF range, but with the V2 Plus4 Pro I would see 600 points even in the HF range? That seems to be a significant difference. Is my understanding correct?
No, this is incorrect. It is the measurement speed 200 vs 600 points per
second. Both will give sufficient real-time measurement experience.
Op 15-2-2022 om 00:41 schreef Bill:
this is not quite truly
On Tue, 15 Feb 2022, 09:16 Reinier Gerritsen, <r.gerritsen@idcircuits.com>
However, if you use the 2plus4 with a pc, you will be able to measure over 2000 points.
On Feb 15, 2022, at 4:52 AM, zeljko adzic <agamotori@gmail.com> wrote:
this is not quite truly
On Tue, 15 Feb 2022, 09:16 Reinier Gerritsen, <r.gerritsen@idcircuits.com<mailto:r.gerritsen@idcircuits.com>> wrote:
No, this is incorrect. It is the measurement speed 200 vs 600 points per
second. Both will give sufficient real-time measurement experience.
Op 15-2-2022 om 00:41 schreef Bill:
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