Francesco 2022/05/04 10:03
Hello, the the NanoVNA QT- is one adapted software GUI from one other DIY VNA
project **
The NanoVNA V2/plus not is one full 2 port VNA, the only calibration with this
software is the SOL and the SOLT funcion, the other funcion not work.
For a 2-port 1-path VNA,both the reflected and transmitted signal (S11 and
S21) can be measured, however, the DUT must be physically reversed to measure
the reverse parameters (S22 and S12).
Best regards.
**Sent:** Tuesday, May 03, 2022 at 5:54 PM
**From:** "Jay Work" <>
**Subject:** Re: [nanovnav2] NanoVNA-QT - Crashes upon applying calibration
Thank you for your reply.
So how can we do 2 port calibration?
SOLT shows only 1 port
SOLT (modified) has the option for 2 port full calibration.
Even the Device GUI, there is no 2 port option.
Any other solution? Please let me know.
Kind regards
On Tue, 3 May 2022, 9:54 pm Francesco,
<[](> wrote:
> Hello on the Nano QT- only the SOL and the SOLT work for the calibration the
other don't work with the NanoVNA.
> See attaches picture.
> **Sent:** Monday, May 02, 2022 at 8:15 AM
> **From:** "Jay Work"
> **To:** [](
> **Subject:** Re: [nanovnav2] NanoVNA-QT - Crashes upon applying
> This is happening with SOLT (modified). Only in this option I could perform
2 port calibration.
> The moment I click Apply button, the GUI closes abruptly.
> Any way out? Please help!
> Thanks in advance💐😊
> On Sun, 1 May 2022, 10:37 pm moto.g11223344 via
<moto.g11223344=[](> wrote:
>> Dear Friends,
> I saw a similar thread, but no solution yet.
> I am using Windows 10, 64-bit. I tried with Win-7 as well. In both cases
applying calibration crashes the windows application.
> Tried with running as administration too, even then it crashes abruptly.
> Anyone, please help. I am using NanoVNA 2_2
> Regards
> MotoG
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