Hi folks,
I need help to know if my newly bought (few months ago) VNA V2 Plus 4 from Tindie is good unit or not. When any antenna connected it do not draw the SWR graph. I am sure it is a good unit and as a new user I am doing something wrong.
Initially I just turned on the device and checked if the menus are working and device respond to touch screen and found OK. For a month and a half was busy and did not have time to play with the device. From last 4 to 6 weeks, I gone through the docs available in the Wiki written by Martin Savacoi (9A2JK) and the one found online written particularly for this unit by Bill Ruggirello (NC4BR). I still think I am doing something wrong that after the calibration done as described below, I am still doing something wrong that when an antenna is connected it do not display SWR graph.
Here what I did for the calibration.
-Turn on the unit.
-Display > Channel: selected Ch0 Reflect
-Frequency set = 100Mhz ~ 900Mhz.
-Display > Trace > 0 is ON.
1, 2, 3 are OFF and grayed out.
-Display > Format : SWR
-Display > Scale > Scale/Div = .25 X1
-Calibrate > Calibrate :
Connected first the "OPEN" standard on Ch0, then pressed Open. Had a check mark and show on the left hand side "O"
Then connected "SHORT" standard on Ch0, pressed SHORT. Had a check mark and show on the left hand side "S"
Then connected "LOAD" standard on Ch0 , pressed LOAD. Had a check mark and show on the left hand side "L"
Then connected nothing on Ch0 , pressed THRU. Had a check mark and show on the left hand side "T"
I saved the calibration in slot 0 (Zero).
Set the range on memory 4 for 144 MHz to 148MHz (and other ranges in other slots).
I connected my Diamond HT antenna "SRH230" and the VNA do not show any graphs.
Attached are the pictures I have taken. Please open the pictures as I have placed some handwritten notes on them. What I am doing wrong? Anyone can help?
Thank you,
Sohail, VE3ITU.