W0LEV 2022/03/24 21:17
QUOTE: "A sweeper/SA which measures only magnitude?"
Or spectrum analyzer plus tracking generator.
Both are termed a "Scalar Network Analyzer" (as Jim wrote, magnitude only,
no sign, angle, or complex portion).
Dave - WØLEV
On Wed, Mar 23, 2022 at 1:36 PM Jim Lux <jim@luxfamily.com> wrote:
> On 3/23/22 6:20 AM, N2MS wrote:
> > PhilSalas, AD5X, gave a comprehensive review of the NanaVNA Plus4 in
> > the April issue of QST. Ther is a statement that "The NanoVNA V2 Plus4
> > is a true two-port vector network analyzer covering 50 kHz to 4000
> > Mhz". Doesn't a "true" two port analyzer have the ability to measure
> > he reverse S22 and S12 parameters as well as the forward S11 and S21
> > parameters. Does the NanaVNA Plus4 have this ability or does one have
> > to use an external transfer relay in conjunction with a third party
> > software?
> Yes and no.
> It does in fact measure two port parameters.
> No, the test set doesn't swap the ports to get all 4 S-parameters.
> I'm not sure what he was referring to as "true" two port analyzer - what
> would a non-true analyzer be? A sweeper/SA which measures only magnitude?
*Dave - WØLEV*
*Just Let Darwin Work*