nothing like having a new V2 PLUS4, right? Well, if I wasn't a total newbie, maybe yes.
I got this yesterday, turned it on and it looked great. Then I started playing with it. I looked at a BPF on the demo board.
Then I tried to calibrate it and am getting some strange results.
I can recall the locations that I saved after calibrating. So, right or wrong there is saved data there
When I recall either of 2 locations (0 or 5) set at 433 MHz I get a clear screen as opposed to the spaghetti screen I get for location 6 which is 6.5 MHz center freq.
For this one I must do a RESET to get a functional screen, which seems perfect. But that clears the cal data, right?
I cannot find what RESET ALL does. Any clues. I'm guessing it resets the saved data.
Calibration for both of these were done the same way at the center freq of each.
The question is, WHY am I getting the spaghetti screen that I must reset to clear?