Jim Lux 2021/08/14 11:36
On 8/14/21 9:52 AM, gary miller via groups.io wrote:
> Given S11 (the voltage reflection coefficient,) one can calculate the
> load impedance, Zl.
> Zl = Z0 * (1 + S11) / (1 - S11)
> All quantities are complex (have real and imaginary components). Z0 is
> (50 +j0).
> Excel has the ability to perform complex arithmetic.
yes, Excel does do complex math, but it's pretty clunky, because it's
passing strings around and formatting the results is a pain.
You're probably better off doing it in Python, Octave, or Matlab, which
also do complex arithmetic. There's a *little* learning curve for that
but not huge - as in tiny for doing single calculations. If you want to
read in a file and plot, yeah, if you're facile in Excel, you could
whack it out in quickly. But learning how to read a file in any of the
others, and generate a plot, is a few hours *the first time*.
> On Saturday, August 14, 2021, 02:22:23 AM PDT, DiSlord
> <dislordlive@gmail.com> wrote:
> What software do you use on your computer to take measurements? All
> soft i know (NanoVNA saver, NanoVNA App) export s11 and s21 as real
> and imag part.
> Latest firmware versions allow displaying Q-factor measurements on the
> screen