Jim Lux 2020/10/14 06:29
On 10/14/20 5:39 AM, Siegfried Jackstien wrote:
> Hello Jim
> There is some port 1 to port 2 leaking (called s21 noise) and getting
> 100 db isolation between the ports is the problem.
OK.. that's not noise, which would be random, that's a coherent leaking
I would think it would cancel out in the calibration, but I'd have to
think about that. Port 2 is seeing a combination of the signal from the
DUT and the leakage path, so very low signals from the DUT could wind up
being less than the leakage, and I'm not sure the cal used in the Nano
would fix it.
If you put the v2 in
> a metal case (or for testing place on a metal sheet) then there seems to
> be some "reflection" inside that case (or in other words s21 noise goes
> up a bit) . We can not change the pcb layout, so there is a point were
> we can get no better results, but there are maybe a few db to be gained
> at the higher end.
Yes - but it's going to be serious cut and try. Pieces of absorber on
sticks and move it around to see what happens.
It *might* be easier to figure out to remove the leakage mathematically.
The leakage signal should be constant (varying with frequency of
course), so you should be able to subtract it out from S21 (that would
be the naive approach, and is probably not the best way)
> The new v2plus4 has more distance between the ports and so different
> layout to get the noise down
> Greetz Sigi DG9BFC
> Am 14.10.2020 um 00:28 schrieb Jim Lux:
>> On 10/13/20 4:33 PM, Siegfried Jackstien wrote:
>>> lowering s21 noise at 2-4 gig ... so low microwave area
>>> dg9bfc sigi
>> I was looking at the wrong schematic.. The VNA 2 has slightly
>> different architecture
>> Coming in port 2, there's a resistive pad for which I calculate 14 dB
>> loss (120 ohm series, 75 shunt, 50 ohm system), a MXD8641 which has
>> 0.4 dB Insertion loss, then another MXD8641 with 0.4 dB, finally into
>> the AD8342, which has a noise figure around 12.2 dB.
>> So that's 27 dB stacked up.. The mixer input noise floor is -147 dBm.
>> With a detection bandwidth of 1 kHz (don't know what the firmware
>> does) that's -117 dBm noise floor (assuming the baseband amplifier
>> isn't contributing any noise).
>> The ADF4350 ( which I've used) puts out about 0 dBm (maybe a bit more,
>> maybe a bit less, depending on how you program the attenuator), then
>> through a 3.8 dB Pi-pad, a switch (0.4 dB) and the bridge (6dB?), and
>> another switch (0.4dB), so let's call the stimulus coming out of Port
>> 1 about -10 dBm.
>> That should give you better than 100 dB SNR for a S21 measurement.