There seems to be a colossal amount of activity trying to get the original nano and its derivatives to have improved performance at the top end by endlessly tinkering with the firmware versions and settings. It is all above my, and I suspect most others’s heads and I would not have the time for it all anyway.
Why not just get a nano v2 which works well up to 3gkz and up to 3.5 ghz with some loss of performance. And it costs little, if any more than the basic nano.
There are far more ordinary nanos about than v2. Why? I have two versions of both (when the 4” screen n connector v2 arrives) but cannot use them much yet as I am rarely at home at present.
I am also waiting for my Tinysa to arrive, so I can throw out three HP141 boatanchors, a boatanchor signal generator (the Tinysa seems to be an acceptable replacement) and several liftable other spectrum analysers. Anyone want them? (Northwest England).
Steve L. G7PSZ