I recently bought a SAA-2N 4" screen in the metal case with N connectors. Used stand alone it seems to be working OK. For example, it calibrates up and I can measure return loss of professional 50 ohm loads down to -30dB or more well above 3GHz.
Then, I bought a nice HP 3GHz counter and thought I would use the VNA as a signal source to test it. Not wanting to blow the counter input stage, I checked the output level of the VNA.
I found the max O/P level @500MHz around -11dBm and @3G it was -25dBm. Just these two levels, nothing in between right across the range.
Using menu commands to alter output level has no effect, the O/P level does not change - at all!
I'm using an HP436A power meter with HP8481 head. This cals up nicely at 50MHz.
Has anyone else measured their VNA output power?
Is the lack of output level control a firmware issue?
Is the O/P level I am measuring typical or do I have a faulty unit, or a faulty power sensor head?
I would have thought -25dBm pretty low, seriously affecting measurement dynamic range.
Any help/comment/advice welcome.
Thanks, Paul G3NJV