James Conaway 2020/12/29 09:44
I use Open Office and it displays the manual perfectly. Open Office is
free...I know Microsoft hates it. I only use Microsoft when nothing else
will work (only for software that will only run on windows).
On 12/29/2020 6:19 AM, Stephen Laurence wrote:
> I have a particular grudge against docx. It seems to add little to routine text documents, but needs adding or a recent version of MSoffice (kerching to Microsoft) to use it.
> Before I retired, I used to have continuous battles with management who sent out important documents and information in docx format to the staff whose computers had old Office installations which could not read them.
> Early users of PowerPoint will now doubt remember the issues of the host institution not having your latest version of PowerPoint and your presentation was trash, so you had to present to a blank screen (I always made acetate backups).
> Doc files can be read by almost everything on every platform.
> Steve L
> Always release something in the lowest, simplest format option which achieves the objective.