Lars Harms 2020/06/29 11:47
Hello everyone,
with my setup the calibration does not work at all. On using the assistant,
the software crashes.
When using the manual method, there are no valid results. Load, short and
open deliver the same results and the software does not use them.
Actually i have no idea, what is happening there.
Best regards
Kurt Poulsen <> schrieb am Mo., 29. Juni 2020, 11:27:
> Hi Gabriel
> I am a bit confused about you comment. I then calibration kit setting
> there is Load, Open, Short and Thru. If I leave the Thru as Ideal then the
> Thru calibration work which implies I have a thru calibration with no S21
> Loss and No S21 delay and can measure what is inserted with as a
> male/female gender in the S21 path.
> But if I load a s1p file for the Thru reflecting a delay and some
> insertion loss or just a delay then the Mag(S21 is -300dBm and Arg(S21) is
> 0 degree. That happens instantly I click on Apply after a SOLT calibration.
> What do you mean by a S21 correction ?
> Kind regards
> Kurt