Jim Lux 2021/07/27 17:56
On 7/27/21 5:42 AM, Brian Flynn GM8BJF via groups.io wrote:
> Hi Kurt,
> I am having an similar issue with my NanoVNA SAA V2_2. Connecting a 1
> dB step attenuator between the ports the attenuation values are
> displayed correctly as I increase the attenuation to around 15 dB
> where an error around 1 to 2 dB arises. The diplayed attenuation
> actually reduces on stepping to 16dB and is then a constnat 2 dB low
> all the way down to 70dB. Was the cause of this behaviour ever
> discovered and is there a way to remedy the problem. I am running
> version 20200617 of the software. This is the version that supports
> the 4inch screen with the ST7796S driver chip. I have changed to the
> larger screen size.
have you tried a fixed attenuator of, say, 30 dB? (to isolate whether
it's the step attenuator or not).
The other test would be to look at S11 of the attenuator with the other
port shorted or open. You should see twice what the attenuator is set to.
A fixed 2dB error is kind of interesting - that sort of implies a
leakage path, but one that is proportional to the attenuator setting - a
fixed leakage between Port 0 and Port 1 of the VNA (aside from being
calibrated out on the thru and other cals) would get worse as the
attenuation in the DUT increases.
Or, of course, an arithmetic error - tough to see how that might arise,