Siegfried Jackstien 2020/08/14 16:56
the bigger displays most of the time have an sdr card slot ... what if
that slot would hold a card where you can:
store sweeps AND store calibration data ... and when switched on with a
button pressed soft looks for "vnav2.frm" (or similar) on the sd card
and update firmware that way (besides using vna qt soft)
with an "external" memory added (like that sd card) it would be simple
to store calibration data there and when unit is switched on it reloads
that data ... even a big big table with lots of calibration points could
be saved there (so no recalibration needed if you change sweep range or
centre frequency) ... just do a very long sweep for each setup (no
cable, short cable, mid cable, long cable) with lots and lots of
calibration points (yes that may take a while!!) ... but at the end
saves you a lot of time
when switch on fw asks user what cable is used ... and then uses the
calibration from that table ... only if the user wants to use "manual"
calibration it does the open short load thingy ... but if not the soft
should use caibration data out of that table (that is stored before on
the sd card) ... i hope you understand the idea behind that :-) ... do a
fine stepped long sweep for each setup you regularly use ... and store
that calibration data on a big table ... and reload the needed
corrections without the need to do a calibration run each time you wanna
use the unit
just an idea for a "v3" ... grin (besides using big screen, n connectors
... and increase tunig range to 6 gig plus continuous cw generator)
greetz sigi
Am 14.08.2020 um 16:31 schrieb CT2FZI:
> Hugo,
> As you should be aware, and as I mentioned before, this is not an issue, its a feature by design since the beginning. This subject was extensively discussed already.
> Also, if one considers the bigger (read more expensive VNA) also have same feature.
> If anything else, it will remind you that you are using older calibration data.
> If one uses nanovna-saver, all these issues go away and the V2 will exponentially increase its potential.