Larry Martin 2020/12/27 09:30
Hi Gianfranco,
NanoVNA-Saver by Rune B. Broberg has been updated several times. The current versions are
anoVNASaver3.7 and ...3.8.
Both versions operate nearly the same, however v0.3.8 offers a couple of fixes. Regardless,
either should work for you.
Rune's applications are written for cross-platform compatibliity and run on MAC, Linux and
indows. (I currently use Win10 Pro x64).
The '...Saver" utility seems like it has a built-in COM driver that allows the user to connect via
USB. It also has the ability to store and recall any number of configurations. The number of
configurations, however, be managed by the user (which is both good and bad). If a user is
not management oriented, then the file library content can easily get out of hand.
Connecting to 'Saver' can be a little tricky but once you understand the few steps, connection
seems fairly stable. Here's my step-by-step procedure:
...without the NanoVNA connected...
1 - Launch your version of Saver. (Your screen should briefly display the text-based 'load screen,
copyright info, a few cautionary lines, hyperlinks to online text help and the location of the .ini
file. Note: I haven't edited the NanoVNASavethe.ini file BUT it's quite possible to make a few
adjustments later. For now, DON'T adjust this file. Just be aware of its location.
2 - The graphic window pops open with the default unpopulated shell screen. Normally,
all control settings should not be populated with data.
3 - Power up you NanoVNA and attach but DO NOT connect the USB to the PC.
REMARK: The VNA should display the default graphic screen as though you are
going to use it as a stand-alone device.
4 - Connect the VNA to a USB port on you computer
REMARK: the VNA's screen should go blank
5 - On the NanoVNA Saver 0.x... screen, on the lower left corner under 'Serial port control',
the Serial port dialog box should be empty. Click your mouse in the serial port box, then
the Rescan button. The AVAILABLE COM... port should appear. Example: COM8 (S-A-A-2).
REMARK: this tells you that the SAVER utility has detected something on the COM port.
6 - Click on the "Connect to device" button.
The "Connect" button should change to "Disconnect" AND the NanoVNA screen should
display the Version Number and "USB MODE". Also, theNanoVNA Saver screen shouild
now be active. NOW THE FUN BEGINS....
Without actually making any measurements, this is a good time to mess around with screen
controls.... it's a learning process!!
Be sure you can successfully get to this point with your NanoVNA. It's easy to overlook a
a step in the process and you'll walk away scratching your head about what went wrong.
Also note... the NanoVNA is now getting power via the computer's USB port, so you have
time to play around.
After you've become with some of the navigation, markers, frequency settings, etc., one of
the FIRST objectives is to Calibrate.. a setup by tapping on the 'Calibration...' button. Don't
worry about actual calibration details BUT get familiar with the process.
Note the "Files..." pushbutton... this is a tool that allow you to retrieve any number of pre-set
When you get time, venture around the many other settings include Time Domain Reflectometry,
Display Setup... and etc.,
Hopefully, this gets you started on the right foot with your NanoVNA regardless of the manufacturer.
Would be nice to create a sharable multi-lingual applications library for the community.....
Finally, check out the many tutorals on YOUTUBE.... some are a bit strange and many others
are quite good.