I ordered a NanoVNA2 with N connectors and 4" screen for $77 from a company at Ali Express on Nov 1st. It shipped 12/26. It showed delivered on 1/14 but on 1/18 had not arrived so I went to Ali Express support at midnight 1/18 and told them it had not arrived and they said the vendor would contact me within 5 days (much like Amazon). 10 hours later I had a full refund at Paypal, not bad! I then ordered a unit with the same description at Amazon Prime (2 day delivery). It should arrive today or tomorrow. That unit cost $128. I have heard some of the cheap knockoffs are poorly made and do not approach the proper specs. Do you think I am getting a better unit at the 50% higher price? Or did I just pay for speed and convenience? I suppose you will need to know what I am getting before you can say for sure. This is my first post. I am looking forward to learning from the group. I am retired. My career was as an electrical engineer doing automation/measurement/controls (so no RF). I did do some microstrip line PC boards to implement a pseudorandom spectrum source for a 4 gigahertz computerized measurement system with MECL III logic in 1973 and found impedance matching and reflected power was important at those frequencies ( who knew? LOL). I am a HAM now (N8VY) and spending some time learning about RF. My best source is a book "Experiment Methods in RF Design" by Wes Hayward (W7ZOI), Et al which is a great way to learn about RF circuits. I have a Rigol DSA815TG spectrum analyzer and an MFJ269 antenna analyzer but the VNA is going to give me phase and at the antenna as well. My oscilloscope is old tech an hugh (LeCroy LC574AM) it is a 1 GHz 4 chnl color scope but it requires a derrick crane to move it (no way portable). Anyway, looking forward to being part of this group. 73 Doug N8VY