David J Taylor 2022/11/13 14:34
On 13/11/2022 00:23, Bernie wrote:
> Hello Group:
> I have been reading all the posts and comments about the NANO VNA and the clone
> problems. I did try the NANO VNA V2 PLUS4 but the 4 inch screen
> did my old eyes in and that is why I'm leaning toward the SV-4401A with the 7
> inch screen and the "N" connectors. Does anyone have first hand knowledge
> they would like to share about this product. The You Tube video does discuss
> operation but only as an instruction. I would like comments from a actual
> users prospective. As example, is it a V2 PLUS4 in a new box or is it an older
> design in a new box ?
> You can reach me here or on the email shown on QRZ for Bernie/W4EDX. Thank you
> again.
I bought one of these, but sent it back. The (UK) supplier didn't even refund
my full payment, claiming missing parts and a broken scree - as if I would have
sent it back in that condition!
- various things didn't work, like something as basic as setting the clock.
- the firmware/software appeared to be a year or more behind that for other
devices. Many missing functions.
- it's very big and bulky.
- it actually has SMA connectors (which I would prefer) but it had adapters
inside from SMA to the external N. So for my use it meant SMA-N-N-SMA. What a
I was disappointed as the large screen also appealed to me, but I'm £100 short
now, so I can't find a lot to say in its favour. If it worked I might have
kept it.
SatSignal Software - Quality software for you
Web: https://www.satsignal.eu
Email: david-taylor@blueyonder.co.uk
Twitter: @gm8arv