Today, I wanted to look at this mystery Avantek branded LNA that I have sitting around. It's specified for 5-1000 MHz and is supposed to be nominally 15 dB gain over this frequency range. However, the NanoVNA V2 is acting like there is a big step in S21 gain at about 125 MHz (see screenshot of NanoVNA saver in attachments). I also included the Touchstone file (second attachment) exported from the software. I have a high quality Narda 6 dB pad on Port 1, and I have entered this into the sweep settings of the software.
It is interesting to note that this step in S21 gain apparently does not exist. There is no sudden step in gain in this area when the same amplifier is fed a CW signal from an RF signal generator and the output is observed on my 8566B.
Any idea what might be going on?