Jim Lux 2024/04/02 06:42
The drive changes are more about harmonic content, I suspect - and optimizing
the drive to the mixer LO ports.
> On Apr 1, 2024, at 9:59 PM, Rob Rowlands NZ6J <rowlands47@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Hans,
> I have this NanoVNA too. It’s disappointing that the power is fixed. Im
measuring. -9dBm at 12MHz, regardless of the power levels 0-3 under “ADF 4350
TX Power”.
> The manual I’m using just says it’s for special cases, without elaboration.
> Best regards,
> Rob Rowlands
> 415 849 5667
>> On Apr 1, 2024, at 9:29 AM, j.a.e.rosenberg@hotmail.com wrote:
>> I just got this device and it works great. I just cannot set the output
> I am getting -7.5dBm (at 12MHz) regardless of the output power setting.
> I get -11.5dBm at 2GHz, also regardless of the output power setting.
> Does anyone have a solution?
> Best regards,
>> Hans Rosenberg
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