Beware of cheap underperforming clones

As of 2022 there are many badly performing clones on the market. V2/3GHz NanoVNA uses parts like ADF4350 and AD8342 which are costly and clones have been cutting costs by using salvaged or reject parts.

See official store and look for V2 Plus4/V2 Plus4 Pro versions only to avoid getting a bad clone. We have stopped selling V2.2 versions since October 2020, so all V2 hardware that are not Plus or Plus4 are not made by us and we can not guarantee performance.

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New firmware backlight display issue ?

F1RVC 2021/02/19 08:08

[Edited Message Follows]

Hi all, very pleased to see new firmware for NanoVna V2 Plus 4.
The revision is nanovna-v2-20210214-v2plus4.bin.
When  upgrading , the version displayed on My vna is:  git-20210215-b884707.

This revision brings a fault on the backlight of the screen flashing slightly randomly but constantly. It is very unpleasant.
I checked  by coming back with a previous firmware, and the problem goes away, so the issue  comes from the new firmware .
Can you check on your own NanoVna V2 Plus 4 and share your results.
Thank you.


F1RVC 2021/02/19 08:08

Hi all, very pleased to see new firmware for NanoVna V2 Plus 4.
The revision is nanovna-v2-20210214-v2plus4.bin.
When  upgrading , the version displayed on My vna is:  git-20210215-b884707.

This evrsion brings a fault on the backlight of the screen flashing slightly randomly but constantly. It is very unpleasant.
I checked  by coming back with a previous firmware, and the problem goes away, so the issue  comes from the new firmware .
Can you check on your own NanoVna V2 Plus 4 and share your results.
Thank you.


Fabio Morsani 2021/02/19 17:50

Can we find somewhere the features added to each new release?

Il giorno ven 19 feb 2021 alle ore 17:08 F1RVC <> ha

F1RVC 2021/02/19 18:10

Maybe here:

Le ven. 19 févr. 2021 à 17:51, Fabio Morsani <> a
écrit :

DiSlord 2021/02/19 10:39

On last releases changed LCD framerate for solve flicker on some LCD
this not relate to baskground lighting

In ili9341.cpp
This my changes:
>  // Frame Rate
>  ILI9341_FRAME_RATE_CONTROL_1, 2, *0x80* , 0x10,
change to
>   ILI9341_FRAME_RATE_CONTROL_1, 2, *0x50* , 0x10,

After owo change
>  ILI9341_POWER_CONTROL_1, 2, 0x17, 0x15,
>//  ILI9341_POWER_CONTROL_1, 2, 0x17, 0x15,

You can try revert my or owo change and check result

F1RVC 2021/02/19 12:38

Hi, issue fixed in the same firmware.

Fabio Morsani 2021/02/19 21:54

What differences in this new release?

Il giorno ven 19 feb 2021 alle 21:38 F1RVC <> ha

F1RVC 2021/02/19 22:03

I gave you the link to read the list. Some bugs fixed .
But there is a new one, my screen is flickering now with this new
It seems that some screen settings have been changed wrongly from the
previous version and I am waiting for a new version of this firmware to
check if it fits in order.....


Le ven. 19 févr. 2021 à 21:54, Fabio Morsani <> a
écrit :

Fabio Morsani 2021/02/19 22:42

Thwre I find infos about all releases up to 20201013,
where to look at for 20210214?
[image: immagine.png]

Il giorno ven 19 feb 2021 alle ore 18:11 F1RVC <> ha

F1RVC 2021/02/19 22:59

Le ven. 19 févr. 2021 à 22:43, Fabio Morsani <> a
écrit :

Tom Paratore 2021/02/20 07:28

I am seeing the same issue. it appears as thought backlight frequency has changed?

F1RVC 2021/02/20 19:24

Yes , of course I think we will be many to be concerned by this new issue
due to somes mods with the last firmware.
Unfortunately I do not have the tools to build another firmware , but i
seems 2 mods have been done in this new firmware for display issues for
one or two users (I did not have issue before) , and one of these mods
make a new issue for those that did not have any display issue before
until today.
To do an investigation I need a firmware with only one of 2 mods
concerning display to deduc wich of them is the new issue...
I cannot test So I do not know which is the mod doing this issue....


Le sam. 20 févr. 2021 à 16:28, Tom Paratore <> a écrit :

DiSlord 2021/02/20 13:15

Here 2 firmwares (just for test LCD):
One - last from git

Second - revert
> ILI9341_POWER_CONTROL_1, 2, 0x17, 0x15,

F1RVC 2021/02/20 22:27

Thank you ,
I will check tomorrow morning which of these two files makes the flicker
Does it exist a tutorial to install all tools I need if I will take the
time to test some mods on mine in the future?

Le sam. 20 févr. 2021 à 22:15, DiSlord <> a écrit :

DiSlord 2021/02/20 13:30

Tools for compile and flash firmware?
See Readme on git

F1RVC 2021/02/20 23:08

Took the time to check the revert PC file.and no flicker.
Revert PC is ok when Nano is hot, I will confirm tomorrow with at cold


Le sam. 20 févr. 2021 à 22:27, F1RVC via <f1rvc.patrice=> a écrit :

OwO 2021/02/21 12:05

Also try these 2 firmware binaries and see which ones have the flicker:

F1RVC 2021/02/21 12:39

Hello Owo,
nopc1 version is always flickering with a stable frequency (the last
official firmware is flickering with random frequency)....
pc1 version , no flickering.


Le dim. 21 févr. 2021 à 05:05, OwO <> a écrit :

Siegfried Jackstien 2021/02/21 14:59

hi dislord

hmmm ... we had 511 points ... now its back to 301 ?!?

why?? ... ok ok i have seen avg up to 80 ... but is such a high avg
really needed??

i stepped back to 511 no smooth ... max avg is x25 ... but i prefer the
higher point number (511 instead 301) and can easy live with x25 avg

even lower avg numbers are ok in the plus4 (plus4 is cleaner as all
other v2 devices)

dg9bfc sigi

Am 20.02.2021 um 21:15 schrieb DiSlord:

F1RVC 2021/02/21 16:41

Siefgreid, take care! we are talking here about NanoVna V2 Plus4 flicker
display issue in this post .
Yes i know I should have been more precise in the title of the post.
No nanoVna V2 do 511 points in reality, it is a tweak with interpolation.
Due to this tweak, the choice made by the author of this device is to keep
201 max points for the embeded NanoVnaV2Plus4 display.


Le dim. 21 févr. 2021 à 15:59, Siegfried Jackstien <> a écrit :

DiSlord 2021/02/21 08:09

> hi dislord
> hmmm ... we had 511 points ... now its back to 301 ?!?

This not my version of firmware, i compile code from last official V2 git (only use my Makefile vs 301 points)

301 point - not use interpolation and can stable work (on all V2, vs some memory use optimisation, on V2Plus4 not need memory optimisation)
301 point hang in some case on old firmwares - come from bad CRC calculation on calibtarion load (i fix it on last PR on official git).

511 points - yes use x2 less calibration data, and this add little problem (for V2 and V2Plus, it have not linear range, V2Plus4 have more linear measure, and it can use this)

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