David Bradley 2021/09/05 18:56
Hi Brian ,I did what you said and purchased with no registration ,it worked completed purchase ,now I just hope a battery will be supplied as I never saw any battery options choices ,though I did see certain carriers would not send batteries ,but thanks ,much appreciated ,Dave
> On 5 Sep 2021, at 15:00, Brian Amos <Brian@amoscomputing.com> wrote:
> Dave,
> I don’t think I had to create an account to sign up for the email that it was available. It probably won’t let you sign up for the email as it appears that there are some available right now.
> https://www.tindie.com/products/hcxqsgroup/4-nanovna-v2-plus4/
> I do know that you can’t buy just the vna by itself, it’s only available with the calibration kit. Right now, I was able to add it to my cart and start the checkout process without creating an account on tindie.
> If you’re having issues with tindie’s website, perhaps try a different web browser.
> Brian
>>> On Sep 5, 2021, at 4:27 AM, David Bradley <bozzbradley@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Brian thanks for reply,I wonder if you experienced any singing on registering problems ,even tied my call sign and a string of numbers which I thought would be unique ,but no that username is already taken ,struth ,so I await Tindies reply,Dave
>>>> On 5 Sep 2021, at 04:01, Brian Amos <Brian@amoscomputing.com> wrote:
>>> I purchased a v2plus4 from tindie a couple of months ago and have had no problems. It’s hard to get them due to the chip shortages, but every couple of months it seems like some are available. It is my understanding that a v3 is in the works and that may limit the number of v2 that are made by the creator.
>>> Brian
>>> KF7OVD
>>>>> On Sep 4, 2021, at 4:27 PM, David Bradley <bozzbradley@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Are they official sellers of devices far too many clones about no offence intended but I already got 2 clones don't want any more,Dave
>>>>>> On 4 Sep 2021, at 22:41, aleks07111971@yandex.ru wrote:
>>>>> Русский
>>>>> Английский
>>>>> Iz kakoy vy strany?
>>>>> U moyego znakomogo v Rossii yest' to, chto vam nuzhno!:)
>>>>> YA ne znayu skol'ko budet stoit' dostavka v vashu stranu!
>>>>> Nano VNA V2PLUS4
>>>>> What country are you from?
>>>>> A friend of mine in Russia has what you need! :)
>>>>> I don’t know how much shipping to your country will cost!
>>>>> Nano VNA V2PLUS4