Reinier Gerritsen 2020/08/10 18:50
Hi Vincenzo,
Your calibration looks wrong. S11 cannot be >1 (curve outside the Smitch
chart) for a passive antenna. As far as I can see, you don't have
anything connected except for maybe an RF adapter or a very short piece
of coax.
If you are not experienced with network analyzer, you'll have a hard
time to make sure your measurement shows the real situation. A VNA will
always show some results, but it is very easy to make errors.
At the low MHz frequencies this is all much, much easier to do than at
2.4 GHz. You'll have a steep learning curve ahead if you have to start
from zero. Rule number one: make sure you have your instrument
calibrated at the reference plane that you want.
Part of the problem is that the non-ideal parameters of the calibration
kit are unkown, treating them as perfect open, load and short will give
significant errors at 2.4 GHz. Maybe in this forum there are some
answers to these question, I still have 3754 unread emails...
Happy VNA-ing!
Op 8-8-2020 om 20:20 schreef Vincenzo Mone:
> Luis.
> I have tried to follow a video but using for my purpose.
> Attached is the result.
> Does it say something to you?
> Mucho obrigado
> 73’s de Enzo IK8OZV
> EasyLog 5 BetaTester
> EasyLog PDA BetaTester
> WinBollet BetaTester
> D.C.I. CheckPoint Regione Campania
> Skype: ik8ozv8520
> *********************************
> ****** GSM +39 328 7110193 ******
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> *********************************
>> -----Messaggio originale-----
>> Da: <> Per conto di CT2FZI
>> Inviato: sabato 8 agosto 2020 19:44
>> A:
>> Oggetto: Re: [NanoVNAV2] NanoVNA2
>> The videos from YouTube are a great option for you to understand.
>> It does not matter what nanoVNA model they are using, the principle is the
>> same, including the user interface it's common to all the models...
>> Read the user manual. The port of interest is the one on the left for your use
>> case.