Hello, please I'm not very found on VNA and I got one obsolete *HP S parameter test set:* can I connect the *nanoVNA* with the HP parameter test set?
Please some help with the connection.
Thank you.
As of 2022 there are many badly performing clones on the market. V2/3GHz NanoVNA uses parts like ADF4350 and AD8342 which are costly and clones have been cutting costs by using salvaged or reject parts.
See official store and look for V2 Plus4/V2 Plus4 Pro versions only to avoid getting a bad clone. We have stopped selling V2.2 versions since October 2020, so all V2 hardware that are not Plus or Plus4 are not made by us and we can not guarantee performance.
Hello, please I'm not very found on VNA and I got one obsolete *HP S parameter test set:* can I connect the *nanoVNA* with the HP parameter test set?
Please some help with the connection.
Thank you.
On 10/2/21 2:05 AM, Francesco wrote:
> Hello, please I'm not very found on VNA and I got one obsolete *HP S
> parameter test set:* can I connect the *nanoVNA* with the HP parameter
> test set?
> Please some help with the connection.
> Thank you.
> _._,_._,_
Maybe, maybe not. It depends on which model number of your test set -
there's going to be some work to interface the control logic as well.
Many of the test sets assume the stimulus and 3 receiver ports on the
analyzer are separated, which isn't the case with the nanoVNA. -
although one could probably modify the nanoVNA to do it.
With the end goal being what? Make it look more impressive?
If the goal is to use the transfer relay, I understand you can just buy a second NanoVNA and a couple of Ts and everything with work fine.
Hello, yes some think like this
 I don't go to use the 4"inch screen I
got difficulty with small think, I put put the NanoVNA inside (there is a lot
of space on the box) and there is no chance of the complete set up
fall down on the floor from the
I appreciate your sense of humor and I like your software is one great bit of
Some suggestion from you and other expert on the VNA will be appreciate. The
set up will be you software and the Nano inside the S-parameter test set.
The connectors cost me more of the nanoVNA.
Best regards.
**Sent:** Saturday, October 02, 2021 at 6:54 PM
**From:** "Joe Smith via groups.io" <joeqsmith49=yahoo.com@groups.io>
**To:** NanoVNAV2@groups.io
**Subject:** Re: [nanovnav2] NanoVNA connetion with HP S parameter test set
With the end goal being what? Make it look more impressive?
If the goal is to use the transfer relay, I understand you can just buy a
second NanoVNA and a couple of Ts and everything with work fine.
* * *
Yes, the goal is this, more impressive I like to put the NanoVNA inside the HP S parameter test set to avoid some accident falling all set up on the flor, I have this problem at a different time one stable case is better I don't use the Nano with is the original screen is to small I got a problem on my sigth.
I hope to install your software at this time I wach more tutorial videos to learn this interesting instrument.
Thank you for your encouragement to continuing to learn with your tutorial videos.
I think your idea is comparable to make a Rolls-Royce car with a Fiat 600 motor. Too much work for a controversial result. Buying the Nanovna V2 with bigger display in metallic case will be a better idea or even buying the appropriate HP display unit to your test set to complete the test set.
Hello my friend, I understand your filing but I got only the body of Rolls-
Royce (the S parameter test set) I don't have the HP VNA, trow on the rubbish
the S-parameter test set? my idea is re-purpose it, buy one good quality
coaxial transfer relay cost 6 time more of the NanoVNA.
Other problem with the Nano is too small and flay around on the desk I use it
with one PC software.
I ask if someone got one idea to help to make a connection if is possible.
Bad way the fiat 600 motor is very hard to put on front engine
Best regards.
**Sent:** Sunday, October 03, 2021 at 11:30 AM
**From:** "OK1VAW" <ok1vaw@volny.cz>
**To:** NanoVNAV2@groups.io
**Subject:** Re: [nanovnav2] NanoVNA connetion with HP S parameter test set
I think your idea is comparable to make a Rolls-Royce car with a Fiat 600
motor. Too much work for a controversial result. Buying the Nanovna V2 with
bigger display in metallic case will be a better idea or even buying the
appropriate HP display unit to your test set to complete the test set.
* * *
Hello Francesco, I use the transfer relay too, but the only and easy way
is to switch it externaly with a simple switch. I wrote about it an
article (attached) too. The Nanovna is not a fully twoport analyzer, so
you have to switch it in the way as of the old HP8410.
Let me know, if you like to get more info about it.
Vojtech, OK1VAW.
Dne 03.10.2021 v 13:25 Francesco napsal(a):
I suspect your test set is very similar to my HP8748A. You may be able to salvage the transfer relay and step attenuator. The bias Ts and APC7 connectors are built into the bridge and would not be useful. You may be able to use the N panel mount connectors for the two ports. A manually controlled step attenuator may have been more useful depending on your hardware/software design skills . Really there doesn't seem like a lot you will be able to use and you will take up a fair bit of space.
My software has some support for a transfer relay but there is no support for driving an attenuator.
On 10/2/21 9:39 AM, Francesco wrote:
> Hello Jim thank you for this word I send the HP manual with diagram
> and photos from the unity, from the electrical diagram luck possible
> with it.
> Thank you.
> Francesco
So the key page here is page 38 of the pdf (3-10, internally) - You've
got the R, A, B ports, and the transfer switch, the couplers, etc.
If you just want a "nice box" for your NanoVNA - then you can remove
everything and use the panel jacks, improvising something on the rear
panel for USB.
if you wanted to actually do two way measurements, there's a couple of
alternatives - one is to put a USB controller for the transfer relays in
the box, remove the couplers, and just use the relays to swap directions
on the NanoVNA.
A more sophisticated option would be to go and remove some parts from
the NanoVNA - the input bridge on Ch0 (and if a NanoVNA2, the switches)
- Ch1 would feed from B, Ch0 would feed from A, and you'd feed the
reference R to the mixer that takes the output of the input bridge. and
so forth.
Then, you'd write some firmware (or external software) to drive the
relay(s) and do the two way cal, and display. I don't know that you
want to fool with the GPIB. See page 107 (8-4), but the relay driver
circuit might be useful, if it's convenient - I think you might be able
to repurpose the front panel FWD/REV switch input on the A6 board
(figure 8-6)
I can't figure out from this (yet) where the step attenuator is, but
that would also be useful to control.
Hello, I work out for your suggestions to repurpose the s parameter test set,
you and Jim put me on the right track I go to savage some parts and put one
USB adapter drive with you software.
I put the order for one V2 4Ghz NanoVNA on the time before arrive on UK, can I
use the NanoVNA H for learn the use of your software? I tray to download with
the ZIP file extractor not install the program some missing file. (I,m not
good for software) there is way simple to install, some tutorial?
Thank you for all sugestion.
**Sent:** Sunday, October 03, 2021 at 4:19 PM
**From:** "Joe Smith via groups.io" <joeqsmith49=yahoo.com@groups.io>
**To:** NanoVNAV2@groups.io
**Subject:** Re: [nanovnav2] NanoVNA connetion with HP S parameter test set
I suspect your test set is very similar to my HP8748A. You may be able to
salvage the transfer relay and step attenuator. The bias Ts and APC7
connectors are built into the bridge and would not be useful. You may be able
to use the N panel mount connectors for the two ports. A manually controlled
step attenuator may have been more useful depending on your hardware/software
design skills . Really there doesn't seem like a lot you will be able to use
and you will take up a fair bit of space.
My software has some support for a transfer relay but there is no support for
driving an attenuator.
* * *
Hello today I working on the switching test set 8711A KO2 i tray to put the
two port from the NanoVna to the port 1 and port 2 input, seam to me doing the
exhace (inverting the port 1 to port 2) simple operation put on one power
supply inside I need found one suitable board USB for give the drive for the
two 15 volts latch coaxial relay. The S parameter test set is for sale.
Best regards.
P.S. I waiting for the Nano 2/4
**Sent:** Sunday, October 03, 2021 at 4:31 PM
**From:** "Jim Lux" <jim@luxfamily.com>
**To:** NanoVNAV2@groups.io
**Subject:** Re: [nanovnav2] NanoVNA connetion with HP S parameter test set
On 10/2/21 9:39 AM, Francesco wrote:
> Hello Jim thank you for this word I send the HP manual with diagram
> and photos from the unity, from the electrical diagram luck possible
> with it.
> Thank you.
> Francesco
So the key page here is page 38 of the pdf (3-10, internally) - You've
got the R, A, B ports, and the transfer switch, the couplers, etc.
If you just want a "nice box" for your NanoVNA - then you can remove
everything and use the panel jacks, improvising something on the rear
panel for USB.
if you wanted to actually do two way measurements, there's a couple of
alternatives - one is to put a USB controller for the transfer relays in
the box, remove the couplers, and just use the relays to swap directions
on the NanoVNA.
A more sophisticated option would be to go and remove some parts from
the NanoVNA - the input bridge on Ch0 (and if a NanoVNA2, the switches)
\- Ch1 would feed from B, Ch0 would feed from A, and you'd feed the
reference R to the mixer that takes the output of the input bridge. and
so forth.
Then, you'd write some firmware (or external software) to drive the
relay(s) and do the two way cal, and display. I don't know that you
want to fool with the GPIB. See page 107 (8-4), but the relay driver
circuit might be useful, if it's convenient - I think you might be able
to repurpose the front panel FWD/REV switch input on the A6 board
(figure 8-6)
I can't figure out from this (yet) where the step attenuator is, but
that would also be useful to control.
> *Sent:* Saturday, October 02, 2021 at 4:50 PM
> *From:* "Jim Lux" <jim@luxfamily.com>
> *To:* NanoVNAV2@groups.io
> *Subject:* Re: [nanovnav2] NanoVNA connetion with HP S parameter test set
> On 10/2/21 2:05 AM, Francesco wrote:
> > Hello, please I'm not very found on VNA and I got one obsolete *HP S
> > parameter test set:* can I connect the *nanoVNA* with the HP parameter
> > test set?
> > Please some help with the connection.
> > Thank you.
> >
* * *
Hello, I waiting for the NanoVNA2/4 to arrive from China, on the main time is possible to use your software with the original NanoVNA -H? The second question is: with your software is possible to control all parameters on the NanoVNA 2/4? I found one HP Switching test set that is simple to mods for invert the port, I lucky to find one ready-made USB PCB module for use with your software.
Thank you for your help.
On Tue, Oct 12, 2021 at 08:58 PM, Francesco wrote:
> Hello, I waiting for the NanoVNA2/4 to arrive from China, on the main time
> is possible to use your software with the original NanoVNA -H? The second
> question is: with your software is possible to control all parameters on
> the NanoVNA 2/4? I found one HP Switching test set that is simple to mods
> for invert the port, I lucky to find one ready-made USB PCB module for use
> with your software.
> Thank you for your help.
The best place to learn about my software would be to watch the videos, read the README and manual. Then read the forums... I suggest you forget about it unless there is some feature it has that you require.
I have no idea what an -H is or the 2/4 or if it would work with your particular VNA. It's a very common question but I have only tested it on the VNAs used in the demonstrations. I am not sure about ALL of the features being supported but would guess it does not. I don't believe the firmware supports all the hardware features.
I look these as a great tool for the beginner to learn the basics. The two that I have used for the demos have been able to throw up some pretty good data for the price.
For the transfer relay, I understand you can just get two VNAs and a couple of T's and have a working, full 2-port system.
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