F1RVC 2021/01/18 21:15
Hi, when you put the battery inside the NanoVna V2plus4 for the first time
you have to plug the USB cord on power supply or computer USB port to
enable the batterie detection, this process It is writed inside the user
Le lun. 18 janv. 2021 à 20:58, Ken Sejkora <kjsejkora@comcast.net> a écrit :
> Hi Sigi,
> I downloaded the Dislord firmware from the direct download link you
> provided back on 03-Jan-2021 and loaded it into my SAA-2N. Very nice
> having this available. However, when I click the link, it just downloaded
> that specific firmware version. Can you provide a link to a URL where
> Dislord's latest firmware versions are available?
> Thanks, Ken - WB0OCV
> Sent from Mail <https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for
> Windows 10
> *From: *Siegfried Jackstien <siegfried.jackstien@freenet.de>
> *Sent: *Sunday, January 3, 2021 05:44 AM
> *To: *NanoVNAV2@groups.io
> *Subject: *Re: [nanovnav2] NanoVNA V2Plus4: No power-up with battery
> supply
> try this on your plus4
> dg9bfc sigi
> Am 04.12.2020 um 04:13 schrieb Tenko46T:
> Hello, Sigi.
> Your proposal went through. Gabu-chan is really an angel.
> Of course, it works well now. The V2 Plus4 is my favorite because of its
> beautiful titanium silver finish and the durability of USB Type B.
> (But for some reason the Nano-VNA App doesn't take screen capture ...)
> In any case, I want to back up the main flash, so I will disassemble it
> again and look for SWD pins.
> We have to be careful about static electricity because the air is dry in
> this season.
> --